摘 要:该研究以嫦娥一号卫星1∶250万全月球影像图为基础,综合绕月探测工程的其他科学成果和国际月球探测的已有科学成果,编制嫦娥三号预选着陆区——月球虹湾及其周缘区域数字地质图和大地构造纲要图。主要研究内容包括:利用多源数据,开展月球岩石类型的识别,获得月球典型域主要岩石类型的分布;开展月球撞击坑的统计和分析,获得月球典型区域重大地质事件的相对年龄;开展月球构造类型的识别和分类,获得月球典型区域构造类型的属性数据,并进一步编制月球大地构造纲要图;开展月球物质成分、地层时代的划分,综合构造类型属性数据,建立月球地质图空间数据库,辅以地质图上需要表现的月球地理属性要素,编制月球典型区域的数字地质图;开展月球陨石专题研究和月球东海地区地质演化专题研究,结合月球地质图的研究,修正和建立月球起源与演化的概念性模型。所选择的典型区域面积大于任务书要求的100 km2,实际达到130 km2;典型区域覆盖月海、月陆等主要地质单元,地质内容的丰富性符合任务书要求。月球地质图编图实际达到的比例尺为1∶250万,超过任务书要求的1∶500万的指标;构造纲要编图实际达到的比例尺1:250万,超过任务书要求的1∶1 000万的指标。月球地质图中承载的地质内容包括地层时代、物质成分和构造类型,符合任务书要求;形成的地质图空间数据库结构合理、科学内涵丰富。在月球陨石中发现极富KREEP的新岩石类型,提出月球岩浆洋固化年龄为39.2亿年,论证了月球东海盆地的倾斜撞击成因,对月球演化历史提供了新的认识。
关键词:月球 数字地质编图 构造纲要图 嫦娥一号
Abstract: The project takes the global image (scale 1∶2.5 M) as the base, conduct lunar digital geologic mapping of Sinus Iridum area, which has been chosen as the candidate landing site of Chang'E-3. The data used in this study are CCD images, interference imaging spectral data and DEM from China's Lunar Exploration Project (Chang'E-1), and Clementine UV-VIS spectrometer data and LOLA laser altimeter data, LROC broad-view image data. A series of relevant researches include analysis of impact craters and cratering materials, cratering of the interesting area and relative dating of important geological events, division of stratigraphic and tectonic unit, elements distribution on the moon, rocktype classification of this area, integrated analysis of chronology and regional evolution. The project constructs the database of surfacial material, stratigraphic, lunar tectonic and gets the geological map of Sinus Iridum area. This project also conduct geological mapping of Mare Orientale, the multiple ring crater. Basing on the analysis of rejected material distribution, we confirm this is an angle collision event, not normal to the surface. Except geologic mapping, this project performs lots of detailed work about SaU 169, the most KREEP-rich lunar meteorite. The Pb–Pb ages of zircon were analyzed with CAMECA ism 1280. Our analyses show a bimodal pattern with a major peak at (3921±3)Ma and a small peak at (4016±6)Ma, which provides new constraints on the last residue of the Lunar Magma Ocean. The mapping area is 130 km2, bigger than the 100 km2 in the project proposal requires. The geologic map and geotectonic outline map scale are 1∶2.5 M and 1∶5 M. Both are better than the project proposal requires. After three years'hard work, the research contents and goals required in the task schedule have been completely finished.
Key Words: Moon; Digital geologic map; Geotectonic outline map; ChangE-1