郭瑞华罗 琌张腾昊,2刘满强陈小云†胡 锋
(1 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院土壤生态实验室,南京 210095)
(2 河北省环保产品质量监督检验院,石家庄 050000)
郭瑞华1罗 琌1张腾昊1,2刘满强1陈小云1†胡 锋1
(1 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院土壤生态实验室,南京 210095)
(2 河北省环保产品质量监督检验院,石家庄 050000)
植物茎叶和根系植食者虽然在空间上隔离,但二者的相互作用被认为是联系地上和地下部生态系统的基础。土壤氮素有效性通过植物影响植食者已得到大量研究的证实,但有关地上和地下部植食者互作对土壤氮素影响的研究却鲜有报道。以水稻褐飞虱和潜根线虫分别作为地上和地下的植食者,采用两因素交互试验设计,两个褐飞虱水平(未接种褐飞虱、接种褐飞虱),两个潜根线虫水平(未接种潜根线虫、接种潜根线虫),探讨二者的交互作用对水稻氮吸收和土壤活性氮(微生物生物量氮、可溶性有机氮以及铵态氮和硝态氮)的影响。结果表明,褐飞虱和潜根线虫相互抑制,二者的共存加剧了对水稻茎叶和根系生长的危害。褐飞虱未影响水稻茎叶和根系含氮量,而潜根线虫显著降低了水稻根系含氮量(p<0.05)。褐飞虱和潜根线虫对土壤活性氮的影响表现出强烈的交互作用,在未接潜根线虫的处理中,褐飞虱显著提高了微生物生物量氮含量(p< 0.05),显著降低了硝态氮含量(p< 0.05);潜根线虫显著影响了微生物生物量氮含量和土壤活性氮总量。总之,褐飞虱和潜根线虫的相互抑制关系对土壤活性氮的影响格局较为复杂,相比褐飞虱,潜根线虫趋向于提高土壤活性氮水平,这可能影响与氮转化有关的土壤生态功能。
水稻是我国重要的粮食作物,褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens Stål)和潜根线虫(Hirschmanniella oryzae)分别是水稻地上和地下的重要害虫。虽然褐飞虱与潜根线虫在自然条件下共存,并且均可能对水稻生长及土壤养分产生影响,但目前关于二者交互作用的研究尚未见报道。土壤活性氮(微生物生物量氮、可溶性有机氮以及铵态氮和硝态氮)是土壤生态系统中氮循环最活跃的部分,在土壤氮素转化和生态系统氮循环中具有重要的作用。因此,研究水稻害虫相互作用对水稻氮吸收及土壤氮的影响对于深入了解地上地下部植食者对土壤生态系统结构和功能的影响具有重要意义。
1 材料与方法
1.1 实验材料
盆栽所用土壤采自江西进贤红壤研究所内的双季稻田耕层(0~18 cm),土壤母质为第四纪红黏土,属于潴育型水稻土。鲜土过5 mm筛,剔除其中大中型土壤动物及根茬等,在121℃下灭菌;然后按1%比例接入原土配制的土壤菌悬液(水土比5∶1,孔径0.023 mm筛网滤去线虫),调节至60%田间含水量,室温黑暗培养60 d以恢复和稳定土壤微生物群落[12],获得除去线虫的原位土壤。培养后土壤的理化性质为:有机碳9.7 g kg-1,全氮1.7 g kg-1,有效磷38.3 mg kg-1,速效钾52.0 mg kg-1。
供试水稻品种为TN1(台中1号Taichung Native 1),褐飞虱(N. lugens)在室内以TN1水稻苗饲养数代备用,潜根线虫(H. oryzae)由江西进贤潴育型水稻土中挑选并经历多个世代富集而来[12]。
1.2 盆栽实验
实验用盆钵装入相当于1.0 kg干土的上述除去线虫的培养土壤,待水稻在营养液内育苗30 d后,挑选长势一致的水稻苗,每盆钵移栽8株,定期浇水保持盆钵内水面高度为1cm左右,盆钵在玻璃温室内随机排列并用60目纱网(80 cm×25 cm× 25 cm)罩住防虫。水稻移栽后15 d、25 d时,分别接潜根线虫(每盆钵500条,基于田间调查密度)和褐飞虱(每株10头,即每盆接80头4龄若虫[13]),对照不接虫。接褐飞虱10 d,植株显示出危害症状,则进行破坏性采样。
1.3 采样及分析方法
采样时将所有褐飞虱用吸虫器吸取至50 ml塑料离心管中。沿土表剪去水稻植株地上部分,并迅速分离根系与土壤,褐飞虱、茎叶、根系及土壤样品分别保存。
将采集的褐飞虱样品在60℃下烘48h后称量生物量并计数;对于与根系分离后的鲜土样,用浅盘法分离潜根线虫,并在体视显微镜(Motic SMZ-168,中国)下计数[14];将水稻茎叶和根系清洗干净分别称量鲜重后,放置于烘箱中105℃杀青2 h,60℃下烘72 h,然后取出称重。水稻茎叶和根系全氮用浓H2SO4-H2O2法消化并用半微量凯氏定氮法测定[15];土壤微生物生物量氮用氯仿熏蒸-K2SO4浸提法,滤液中氮含量测定用半微量凯氏定氮法,熏蒸土样与未熏蒸土样的有机氮差值除以转换系数(KN= 0.45)[16]即为微生物生物量氮;可溶性有机氮用超纯水浸提(土∶水=1∶5),过孔径0.45 μm的醋酸纤维素滤膜后,通过连续流动分析仪(Skalar,荷兰)测定;矿质氮用2 mol L-1KCl浸提(土∶水=1∶5)后,通过连续流动分析仪(Skalar,荷兰)测定。
1.4 数据分析
采用SPSS 20.0进行数据分析,分析前检验数据的正态分布及方差齐性,并在必要时利用对数转换。以多因素方差分析评估褐飞虱和潜根线虫对水稻和土壤变量的主效应和交互效应,以独立样本T检验分析有无褐飞虱的差异,均值的比较检验采用最小显著极差法(LSD)(p<0.05)。
2 结 果
2.1 褐飞虱和潜根线虫的变化
2.2 褐飞虱和潜根线虫互作下水稻生长的变化
图1 褐飞虱生物量和潜根线虫数量的变化Fig. 1 Biomass of N. lugensand population of H. oryzae
表1 褐飞虱和潜根线虫互作对水稻性状和土壤活性氮影响的方差分析结果(F值)Table 1 ANOVA(F-values)of the effects of N. lugens and H. oryzae on rice performance and soil labile nitrogen
图2 褐飞虱与潜根线虫对水稻茎叶和根系生物量的影响Fig. 2 Effects of N. lugens and H. oryzae on rice shoot and root biomass
2.3 褐飞虱和潜根线虫互作下植株含氮量的变化
2.4 褐飞虱和潜根线虫互作下土壤活性氮的变化
图3 褐飞虱与潜根线虫对水稻茎叶和根系含氮量的影响Fig. 3 Effects of N. lugens and H. oryzae on nitrogen content in shoot and root of the rice plant
图4 褐飞虱和潜根线虫对土壤微生物生物量氮、可溶性有机氮、铵态氮和硝态氮的影响Fig. 4 Effects of N. lugens and H. oryzae on microbial biomass nitrogen,dissolved organic nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen
图5 褐飞虱和潜根线虫对土壤活性氮的影响Fig. 5 Effects of N. lugens and H. oryzae on soil labile nitrogen
3 讨 论
3.1 地上和地下植食者互作对水稻生物量和氮分配的影响
3.2 褐飞虱和潜根线虫互作对土壤活性氮的影响
4 结 论
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Effects of Interactions of Above- and Below-ground Herbivores on Nitrogen Distribution in Rice Plant and Labile Nitrogen in Soil
GUO Ruihua1LUO Ling1ZHANG Tenghao1,2LIU Manqiang1CHEN Xiaoyun1†HU Feng1
(1 Soil Ecology Laboratory,College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China)
(2 Hebei Province Instituteof Supervision and Inspection Product Quality,Shijiazhuang 050000,China)
【Objective】Interactions between aboveground and belowground herbivores sharing the same host plantare regarded as the basic linkage between aboveground and belowground ecosystems,though they are separated in space. Much work has been done demonstrating that soil nitrogen availability affects the herbivores via plant by regulating chemical composition,such as nitrogen content of the plant. However,little has been reported on effects of the interactions between the two groups of herbivores on soil nitrogen. In this paper,a microcosm experiment was designed to investigate effects of the interactions between the herbivores on nitrogen distribution in the plant and labile nitrogen(microbial biomass nitrogen,dissolved organic nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen)in the soil. 【Method】In this study,Nilaparvata lugens and Hirschmanniella oryzae were selected as representative of the two groups,aboveground and belowground herbivores,respectively,and a pot experiment was designed to have two rates of Nilaparvata lugens,(zero or eight individuals per plant),and two rates of Hirschmanniella oryzae(zero or 500 individuals per pot),totaling four treatments and four replicates for each treatment. The soil used in the pot was first sterilized under 121℃ to kill all the native nematodes,and then was inoculated with the soil bacterial suspension prepared out of the original soil that had been deprived of soil nematodes,and put into a dark incubator for 60 days of incubation under indoor temperature to restore and stabilize microbial communities in the soil. Rice seedlings were transplanted into the pots after 30 days of seedling nursing in nutrient solution. Hirschmanniella oryzae and Nilaparvata lugens was inoculated separately on the fifteenth and twenty fifth day after rice seedlings were transplanted. Ten days after the inoculation of Nilaparvata lugens,samples of the plants and soil were collected. Plant samples were separated into shoot and root for measurement of biomass and nitrogen content,separately. Soil samples were analyzed,separately,for microbial biomass nitrogen,dissolved organic nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen.【Result】Results showed that Nilaparvata lugens and Hirschmanniella oryzae negatively affected each other. Nilaparvata lugens tended to decrease shoot biomass,but did not affect much root biomass,while Hirschmanniella oryzae significantly reduced shoot and root biomass(p< 0.05). Nilaparvata lugens showed no significant effect on shoot and root nitrogen content,while Hirschmanniella oryzae significantly reduced root nitrogen content(p< 0.05),though they did not affect much shoot nitrogen content. Significantly interactive effects of aboveground and belowground herbivores on soil labile nitrogen were observed. In the absence of Hirschmanniella oryzae,Nilaparvata lugens significantly increased the content of microbial biomass nitrogen(p< 0.05)and decreased nitrate content significantly(p< 0.05),but did not have much effect on dissolved organic nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen,whereas in the presence of Hirschmanniella oryzae,they did not affect the content of soil labile nitrogen significantly. On the other hand,Hirschmanniella oryzae significantly and positively affected the content of microbial biomass nitrogen and total soil labile nitrogen(p<0.05). 【Conclusion】To sum up,the effects of the interactive suppressions between the aboveground and belowground herbivores on nitrogen content in shoot and root of the rice plants and on soil labile nitrogen are rather complicated. Moreover,compared with Nilaparvata lugens,Hirschmanniella oryzae tends to increase total soil labile nitrogen,which may in turn improve N-transformation-related ecological functions of the soil.
Nilaparvata lugens;Hirschmanniella oryzae;Nitrogen allocation;Microbial biomass nitrogen;Dissolved organic nitrogen;Inorganic nitrogen
* 国家自然科学基金项目(31170487)和江苏高校优势学科建设工程(PAPD)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 31170487)and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PADA)
† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,E-mail:xychen@njau.edu.cn