The Taste of Time


空中之家 2017年4期

The Taste of Time

From grain to liquor, a bowl of rich and savory yellow rice wine witnesses the change of time.

Text by Wang Yuanchang Photos by Wang Yuanchang & Huitu Translation by Sonia


The making of traditional Shaoxing yellow rice wine is complete with over 20 steps. The whole process lasts for a season and only ends in March or April when it comes to sealing and storing the vats.

Soaking: Wine was classifled into three grades based on ingredients back in the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC – 8 AD) and glutinous rice wine was considered the best. Shaoxing yellow rice wine has been made from glutinous rice since ancient times. The key is to select fresh and high-quality white glutinous rice. The criteria of high-quality glutinous rice includes a white color, full grain, nice smell, no foreign substance, and the new harvest of the year. Preparation work is completed after the rice is sieved, washed, and soaked in water for around 40 hours.

Steaming: Drained rice is steamed to 90% done. Ideally the rice is steamed till it is hard on the outside and soft inside, no raw core, loose but not sticky, and evenly done. After turning off the heat, the lid should not be removed until the rice is almost cool. The rice is scooped out of the steamer and spread on bamboo mat to cool gradually before being placed in the vats.

Vatting: Brewing yeast is added to the vats containing glutinous rice in proportion and even stirring is required.

Initial Fermentation (“raking”): Timely raking is essential to control the formation of all elements in the fermentation process. Raking indicates adding malt and the water from Jian Lake, stirring to cool off, adjusting the temperature and supplying oxygen. This is a pivotal technique in the whole brewing craftsmanship and has to be performed by seasoned brewers as it is the most crucial stage to the flnal results of brewing.

Post-fermentation: After the initial fermentation, the wort in the vat is poured into sterilized pottery jars. The jars are sealed with lotus leaves and kept at room temperature until fermentation completes by next spring. The whole fermentation process is as long as 90 days, the longest among all sorts of yellow rice wine.

Pressing and clariflcation: Fermented wort is poured into clean cloth bags and placed on a wooden winepress. Wine liquid flows out after pressing. The liquid will be kept at a low temperature for two to three days to make the wine clear.

Boiling (sterilization by heating): Wine liquid from pressing is steamed until the temperature is increased to 85 degrees Celsius. Heating stops then.

Sealing and storing: The flltered wine liquid is poured into clean jars, covered by lotus leaves and sealed with clay. The jars are kept in cool and airy places for natural ageing.






前发酵(俗称开耙): 为了掌握和控制发酵过程中各种成分适时适量的形成,必须适时开耙,即加麦曲、鉴湖水等,进行搅拌冷却、调节温度、补充氧气,这是整个酿酒工艺中较难掌握的一项关键性技术,对酒的最终质量至关重要,必须由酿酒经验丰富的老师傅把关。





