Life of a Plant
by Risa Jordaw
Life of a Plant
by Risa Jordaw
A plant will grow from a tiny seed, Some water and sun is all you need.
First the roots grown underground, They1)suck up2)mineralsfrom all around.
Then come3)stems, some tall, some4)stout, And next the branches5)spread about.
Leaves grow in all shapes and sizes, Watch this new life as it rises.
Flowers6)bloomfrom7)budson stems, They are as pretty as precious gems.
Some plants give us juicy fruit, Some have vegetables at the root.
New seeds travel to and fro, By wind and water, on the go.
And the cycle keeps on going, Soon new stems and leaves are showing.
1) suck up 吸收,吸取
2) mineral [,mɪnərl] n. 无机物,矿物
3) stem [stem] n.(植物的)茎,梗
4) stout [staʊt] adj. 结实的,粗壮的
5) spread about 分散,散布开去
6) bloom [bluːm] v. 开花
7) bud [bʌd] n. 蓓蕾,花蕾