Athens—a City Full of Legends
Athens—a City Full of Legends
希腊(Greece),全称为希腊共和国(The Hellenic Republic),地处欧洲东南角。希腊的历史可追溯到古希腊文明,因此通常被视为“西方文明的摇篮”。雅典是希腊的首都和最大的城市,是欧洲第八大城市,也是欧洲甚至整个世界最古老的城市之一,其历史可以追溯到3000多年前,至今仍保留了很多历史遗迹和大量的艺术作品。雅典也是现代奥运会的起源地,曾先后在1896年和2004年举办过奥运会。如果你对希腊神话感兴趣,如果你对世界历史着迷,雅典就是一个值得游历的地方。观赏各种历史遗迹,流连于大街小巷,感受爱琴海的海风,一定让你仿佛置身于神话之中!
by WJ
The Acropolis and Parthenon雅典卫城和帕提侬神庙
When people think of Greece, they think of the Acropolis. The ancient Greeks believed it to be blessed and secure them from the rest of the world. The Parthenon is located in the Acropolis. It was built to honor the Greek goddess Athena.
Syntagma Square 宪法广场
This large, open square is the heart of Athens and is usually used for holiday events. It has the Parliament Building along one side of the square, with a ceremonial changing of the guard every hour.
Temple of Poseidon波塞冬海神庙
The Temple of Poseidon is a popular spot, beloved by tourists and locals. It is a great place to view a Greek sunset.
National Archaeological Museum国家考古博物馆
Founded in the 19th century, Athens' National Archaeological Museum is the largest archaeological museum in Greece and one of the greatest ancient art museums in the world.
Acropolis[ə'krɒpəlıs] n. 雅典的卫城
Parthenon['pɑːθınɒn] n. 帕提侬神庙
Greece[griːs] n. 希腊
ancient['eın∫ənt] adj. 远古的
Greek[griːk] n. 希腊人(复数:Greeks)
secure[sı'kjʊə] v. 保护
locate['ləʊkeıt] v. 使……坐落于,位于
honor['ɒnə] v. 敬奉,给以荣誉
event[ı'vent] n. 事件,活动(复数:events)
Parliament Building['pɑːləmənt 'bıldıŋ] 国会大厦ceremonial [,serı'məʊnjəl] adj. 正式的,仪式的
guard[gɑːd] n. 守卫,护卫队
Poseidon[pɒ'saıdən] n. 海神波塞冬
local['ləʊkəl] n. 当地居民(复数:locals)
view[vjuː] v. 观察,观看
sunset['sʌnset] n. 日落
archaeological[,ɑːkıə'lɒdʒıkəl] adj. 考古学的,考古学上的
Panathenaic Stadium泛雅典运动场
The Panathenaic Stadium is ancient Athens' largest building. The Stadium you can see today was rebuilt for the Olympic Games of 1896.
Mt.Lycabettus 利卡维多斯山
Mt. Lycabettus is the highest spot in Athens. You can see the whole of Athens from it. The hill is topped with a small church and a restaurant.
Plaka 普拉卡
Plaka is the area of winding streets around the Acropolis. It is Athens' oldest residential quarter. It is famous for its small shops, restaurants, and local architecture.
Panathenaic Stadium[,pænæθə'neık 'steıdıəm]泛雅典运动场
winding['waındıŋ] adj. 蜿蜒的,弯曲的
residential quarter[,rezı'den∫əl 'kwɔːtə] 居住区,居住小区
architecture['ɑːkıtekt∫ə] n. 建筑
1. think of意为“想到、想起”,后面通常接代词、名词或动词-ing形式,例如:
I can't think of his name.
2. be used for意为“被用作……”,后面接名词或动词-ing形式,例如:
A knife can be used for cutting bread.
3. be famous for意为“因为……而出名”,后接出名的原因,例如:
Beijing is famous for its old buildings.
1. 雅典卫城(The Acropolis),位于雅典市中心的卫城山丘上,面积约有4平方千米,修建于公元前5世纪,是希腊最杰出的古建筑群。最初,卫城是用作防范外敌入侵的要塞,山顶四周筑有围墙。现存的主要建筑有山门、帕提侬神庙、伊瑞克提翁神庙等。这些古建筑堪称人类遗产和建筑精品,在建筑学史上具有重要地位。
2. 波塞冬海神庙(Temple of Poseidon),位于雅典南部,修建时间与帕提侬神庙相近。波塞冬海神庙是一处眺望爱琴海的浪漫地点,尤其是傍晚时分,红色的太阳落在蓝色爱琴海上的画面十分美丽。
3.国家考古博物馆(National Archaeological Museum)是雅典20多个博物馆之中最大、收藏最丰富的博物馆,是雅典重要的参观景点,收藏了希腊各地出土的各个时期价值极高的文物。现在,博物馆有大厅、陈列室等50多个房间,收藏文物近2万件。绝大多数的文物反映了希腊神话中的内容,可谓集古希腊文物之大全。
4.泛雅典运动场(Pana the naic Stadium)是一座位于希腊雅典的马蹄型体育场,亦是世界上唯一一座全部利用大理石兴建的大型体育场。它在古希腊时期主要用来举办纪念雅典娜女神的泛雅典运动会,直到1896年为了举行第一届现代奥林匹克运动会而进行重建。