(1安徽省立医院,合肥 230001;2安徽中医药大学第一附属医院)
(1安徽省立医院,合肥 230001;2安徽中医药大学第一附属医院)
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料 实验动物:24只小鼠均以常规条件饲养于安徽医科大学动物实验中心SPF级动物房。纯系BALB/c小鼠和C57BL/6小鼠由华中科技大学同济医学院实验动物中心提供,许可证号:SCXK(鄂)2004-0007。CX3CR1-基因敲除的C57BL/6小鼠由美国Jackon实验室提供。
1.2 颈背部气管移植 将24只小鼠分为三组,每组各4对。同系移植对照组受体和供体均为BABL/c小鼠;异系移植对照组供体为BABL/c小鼠,受体为C57BL/6小鼠;基因敲除移植组供体为BABL/c小鼠,受体为CX3CR1基因敲除小鼠。三组均行颈背部气管移植。手术前将供鼠脱颈处死,放入装有 75%乙醇的烧杯中 15 min,杯口密封。取出 8 个软骨环长度的气管,放入盛有生理盐水的培养皿中,用 1 mL注射器轻轻冲洗管腔2~3次。受鼠麻醉后,剃去受鼠颈背部毛发,碘酒消毒皮肤,然后在颈背部两侧用消过毒的眼科剪剪出两个 2~3 mm裂口(将皮剪破即可,不要剪过深),并沿前爪方向在皮下捅出一条皮下遂道(注意保持皮肤的完整性)。将从供鼠取下的气管段用消过毒的弯镊放入皮下遂道底部,缝合裂口(手术过程在超净台内进行)。手术后,将受鼠放入清洁级动物房饲养,每 2 天观察受鼠的精神状态和手术部位感染及毛发恢复情况,并适当添加繁殖饲料,更换水。
1.3 相关指标观察
1.3.1 移植气管阻塞程度 各组均于移植4周取出各移植气管,石蜡包埋,切片,HE染色,光镜下观察气管腔纤维化闭塞情况,计算各移植气管阻塞分数。移植气管段阻塞分数=管腔阻塞面积/管腔总面积,完全阻塞则阻塞分数为1.0,完全不阻塞则阻塞分数为0.0。各组移植气管阻塞程度为该组各个移植气管段阻塞分数之和。
1.3.2 血清高迁移率族蛋白1(HMGB1)水平 移植4周抽取各组静脉血,分离血清,采用ELISA法检测HMGB1,操作按试剂盒说明书进行。
2 结果
2.1 各组移植气管阻塞情况比较 同系移植对照组8个移植气管段均无管腔阻塞,阻塞分数为0;异系移植对照组8个移植气管段均出现管腔阻塞,移植气管管腔内充满黏液,镜下见管腔内有大量增殖的成纤维细胞,阻塞分数为8.0;基因敲除移植组8个移植气管段中1个出现管腔受挤压、扭曲,1个阻塞不明显,其余6个均未出现较明显的管腔纤维化阻塞,移植气管管腔内充满黏液,镜下见管腔内有大量增生的成纤维细胞,阻塞分数为0.96。
2.2 各组血清HMGB1水平比较 移植后4周基因敲除移植组血清HMGB1水平分别为(29.8±1.6)、(83.6±1.4)、(19.8±0.9)ng/mL。基因敲除移植组血清HMGB1水平低于异系移植对照组(P<0.05),但与同系移植对照组比较P>0.05。
3 讨论
器官移植排斥反应的本质是受体免疫系统针对来自供体的移植物的攻击反应及免疫应答[12]。气管移植后发生的OB是免疫和/非免疫因素所造成的细小支气管炎症反应性损伤及异常修复过程,多数学者认为免疫排斥反应是其首要原因[1]。气管移植排斥的主要靶器官是气道上皮,即受者针对移植物气管上皮发生相应的应答反应。 OB发生后气道上皮胶原沉积和广泛的纤维组织增生,最终阻塞气管[13~15]。
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ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of chemokine receptor CX3CR1 gene knockout on rejection of allogeneic mice after tracheal transplantation.MethodsTwenty-four mice were divided into three groups: homologous control group, allogenic control group, and gene knockout transplantation group with 4 pairs in each. In the homologous control group, all donor mice and recipient mice were BALB/c mice. In the allogenic control group, donor mice were BALB/c mice, and recipient mice were C57BL/6 male mice. In the gene knockout transplantation group, donor mice were BALB/c mice, and recipient mice were CX3CR1 knockout mice (C57BL/6 background). Trancheal transplantation operation was performed in all groups, and each recipient mouse was transplanted with 2 tracheas. At week 4 after transplantation, the tracheal grafts were removed and the pathological change was detected with HE staining. Meanwhile, the serum high-mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) levels in the recipients of each group were detected with ELISA.ResultsHE staining showed that there was no fibrosis in the tracheal grafts from the homologous control group, and the blocking score was 0. All tracheal grafts from the allogenic control group had fibrosis, and the blocking score was 8.0. In the gene knockout transplantation group, 1 tracheal graft had fibrosis, and the blocking score was only 0.96. At week 4 after transplantation, the HMGB1 levels in the homologous control group, allogenic control group, and gene knockout transplantation group were (29.8±1.6), (83.6±1.4), and (19.8±0.9) ng/mL, and the HMGB1 level was lower in the gene knockout transplantation group than in the allogenic control group (P<0.05), but no significantly difference was found between the homologous control group and the gene knockout transplantation group (P>0.05).ConclusionReceptor CX3CR1 knockout can significantly reduce the rejection after tracheal transplantation.
CX3CR1; gene knockout; trachea transplantation; rejection; mice
关向前(1983-),男,硕士,主要研究方向:移植免疫学和细胞免疫学。E-mail: gxq466216@163.com