

农业工程学报 2017年4期




(1. 山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,淄博 255000; 2.常州东风农机集团有限公司,常州 213000; 3. 山东建筑大学理学院,济南 250000)



0 引 言

卧辊式摘穗装置多用于站秆摘穗的机型上,要求两辊的轴线平行或夹角很小且具有约35 mm的高度差[1-2],使被摘下的果穗可以及时进入升运器或相应的收集装置,保证摘下的果穗能迅速脱离摘穗辊而避免掉粒损失。但是由于加工工艺以及装配工艺等原因[3-5],两摘穗辊的高度差得不到保证。高度差过小,被摘下的果穗,会滞留在摘穗辊上,并与旋转的摘穗辊长时间的接触而导致籽粒损失的增加;高度差过大,若两摘辊的中心距不变则会使水平方向投影的间隙减小,尤其会造成摘穗辊前端导锥的引导作用失效,使玉米植株喂入困难,易被推倒或折断,导致漏摘或果穗含杂率增大[6-9]。


1 卧辊式玉米摘穗装置结构及工作原理



.倾斜调节耳 2.挂耳 3.电磁调速电机 4.高位辊位置 5.低位辊位置 6. 铰接耳



2 摘穗装置结构参数

2.1 摘穗辊直径与间隙



3.41(1–)≥≥3.41(2–) (2)

中国大部分地区种植的玉米植株,其结穗处的秸秆直径一般为18~24 mm[12],玉米果穗大端的直径为45~60 mm[13],摘穗辊间隙=(0.3~0.4)2[14],则设计摘穗辊间隙可调范围为4~12 mm,对摘穗辊的要求是能够抓取最小直径的茎秆而最小果穗不被抓取,则摘穗辊直径大小为

因此本试验摘穗辊直径选取中间范围70 mm,在合理范围之内。摘穗辊间隙根据试验时秸秆的具体情况确定其大小为6 mm[15-16]。

2.2 两辊高度差


为了便于两辊高度差调节和试验参数的确定,本文采用代替两辊高度差。玉米收获机两摘穗辊的高度差一般在35 mm左右[17]。因此,高度差选择5个水平分别为36、40、44、48、52 mm,对应的圆整后为24°、27°、30°、33°、36°。与两辊高度差的关系如图4所示。

1.低位辊 2.高位辊

1. Low snapping roller 2. High snapping roller


Note:is angle between central line of snapping rollers and horizontal, (°);is height difference of central line of snapping rollers, mm;is gap of snapping rollers, mm.


Fig.4 Relationship betweenand height difference

2.3 摘穗辊结构

摘穗辊选用多螺旋摘穗辊,光辊外表面带有螺旋筋条的凸棱。凸棱最大高度为12 mm,拉茎筋条呈三角形高12 mm,强制拉茎段长度为120 mm,每条摘穗辊共6根拉茎筋条。

3 玉米摘穗试验

3.1 试验材料

玉米品种为登海605,试验用玉米植株取自山东省淄博市张店区付家镇付家村。正常收获期获得,随机选取30株成熟玉米植株进行测量,结穗处茎秆直径平均值为18.9 mm,籽粒的平均含水率为26.3%。

3.2 评价指标



3.3 试验结果与分析

为了研究两辊高度差对玉米籽粒损失的影响规律,试验因素采取单因素试验,两摘穗辊间隙固定在6 mm,喂入速度固定在1.2 m/s,摘穗辊转速固定在800 r/min,对行喂入,每组试验重复3次[20-23],每次随机选取3株玉米,取均值。试验结果如表1所示。

表1 θ对籽粒损失的影响试验结果


Note: “1”, “2” and “3” represent experimental numbers. The same below.

如表1所示,在24°~30°变化时,玉米籽粒损失呈现明显的下降趋势,但各个试验水平的籽粒损失率均小于国家行业标准《NY/T 1355-2007 玉米收获机作业质量》[24]的规定,在30°时籽粒损失率最小,3次试验的平均籽粒损失为0.242%~0.483%。在33°和36°时,籽粒损失率较小,且相差不大。


表2 籽粒损失率方差分析


Note: “*” represents the factor has significant effect on test result at 0.05 level.

3.4 试验现象分析






4 结构优化及验证

针对玉米摘穗试验中出现的“二次损伤”和“弹跳”等造成籽粒损失等问题,课题组设计了在低位辊上加装弧形隔板的解决方案,果穗被摘下后从弧形隔板滑到护板上,避免二次损伤,降低籽粒的损失。优化后的结构及尺寸如图8所示,其中弧形隔板与低位辊凸棱的间隙为2~5 mm[28-30],实物图如图9所示。


表3 带隔板后θ对籽粒损失率影响的试验结果



5 结 论




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Effect of height difference of horizontal corn snapping rollers device on grain loss

Chen Meizhou1, Sun Xuefeng2, Cheng Xiupei1, Jia Xiaodong3, Li Qiyun1※

(1,,255000,; 2,213000,; 3.,,250000,)

In recent years, corn acreage has became the first place instead of wheat and rice in China.However, corn mechanical harvesting level is low, which has seriously affected the development of corn mechanization. Corn snapping device is a main component of corn harvesting machine, and plays an important role on the quality of harvester. Compared to other kinds of corn ear picking device, horizontal snapping rollers device is easy to cause serious corn grain loss rate and high impurity rate, which has been the choke points of corn harvester development for a long time. Heightdifference of snapping rollers is a significant factor that affects the ability of horizontal snapping rollers device to pick corn ears. If the height difference is too small, corn ears will stick on snapping rollers after picking, and the prolonged exposure increases corn grain loss seriously. When the height difference is too large, the center distance of snapping rollers remains constant that leads to small horizontal projection gap, and triangulardomain shaped by the front cone of the snapping rollers still makes it difficult to feed for corn plant, finally corn plant will bent and broken off, which leads to serious grain impurity rate. Based on the issue of serious gnawing harm and loss of corn ears, experimental research was conducted to analyze the effect of height difference on grain loss. In order to improve the precision for adjustment on the height difference and determine the parameters, the angle between the line of centers of two snapping rollers and the horizontal surface (the angle) was employed to represent the height difference. The horizontal snapping rollers device was built, and the grain loss rate was taken as the index to estimate the effect on height difference. Through the single factor experiment, the impact of the anglewas analyzed. The harvesting process was captured with the high-speed photography, which was helpful to analyze comprehensively in the late period. Through the single factor experiment and the analysis of variance, it was found that the grain loss rate reduced quickly from 24°-30° and changes were small and inconspicuous at 33° and 36°. The average grain loss was the least (0.354%) when the angle was 30°. High-speed cameras were used to collect image datum and analyze the datum. And two phenomena were discerned. It revealed that some corn ears stayed on the snapping rollers after picking, and there was also a “bouncing” phenomenon. Those phenomena caused secondary damage of corn ears and high impurity. In addition, when the anglewas too large, it was more difficult for corn stalk feeding, which made the corn stalk bending seriously and even to break, and even if the corn stalk was fed, it was easy to cause blocking on the snapping region. So if the large angle is employed, the gap between snapping rollers needs to be adjusted or the snapping rollers can be designed not to parallel with large backend and small front-end to ensure corn plant smoothly. For these phenomena, a curved bulkhead was installed above the low snapping roller. The contrast test showed that the solution reduced the chance of secondary damage to the corn ears. The single factor experiment showed that the grain loss rate reduced at each angle variously and grain loss rate was the least(0.164%) when the angle was 30º. The contrast test showed that the solution reduced the chance of secondary damage on the corn ears. It also prevented the snapping rollers from impacting on the corn ears, thereby reducing loss of corn grain. This study provides a reference for optimization and improvement on horizontal snapping rolls device.

agricultural machinery; analysis of variance; experiments; horizontal snapping rollers device; height difference; secondary damage; grain loss







山东省重点研发计划项目(2015GGX101003);公益性行业(农业)科研专项(200903059-0402);山东省科技发展计划项目(2010GNC10965);山东省自然科学基金专项(ZR2009DL012);山东省自然科学基金项目(2010 ZRE04018);农业科技成果转化资金项目(2014)

陈美舟,女,山东济宁人,博士生,主要从事农业机械的设计与研究。淄博 山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,255000。

李其昀,男,山东淄博人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业机械的设计与研究。淄博 山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,255000。

陈美舟,孙雪峰,程修沛,贾晓东,李其昀. 卧辊式摘穗机构摘穗辊高度差对玉米籽粒损失的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):63-68. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.009

Chen Meizhou, Sun Xuefeng, Cheng Xiupei, Jia Xiaodong, Li Qiyun. Effect of height difference of horizontal corn snapping rollers device on grain loss[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 63-68. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.009

