Walking into the world of Li Yu①


外文研究 2017年1期



Walking into the world of Li Yu①



Li Yu’s Life

Li Yu was born on the 7thof July, 937 AD according to the traditional Chinese calendar. That day is the day when, according to Chinese legends, lovers meet. Three months after his birth, his grandfather, Li Bian, became the emperor of Southern Tang. Southern Tang in the hand of Li Bian grew strong gradually. But when Li Bian died and Li Yu’s father Li Jing succeeded as emperor in the year 943, things changed. Li Jing was not interested in running the country, or he lacked the ability to manage the state affairs. He had talents in literature and arts, not in state craftsmanship. During his reign from 943 to 961, Southern Tang lost lands and became smaller in territory and weak in economy and politics.

As the sixth son, Li Yu had no hope to become emperor, but four of his elder brothers died early, and his eldest brother, the potential emperor Hong Ji, poisoned his third uncle in the power struggle for the throne, and in consequence incurred the displeasure of his father. Hong Ji soon died of remorse and disappointment. So when Li Jing died in the year 961, Li Yu became the emperor of Southern Tang.

In the year 954, at the age of 17, Li Yu married E Huang, daughter of the Prime Minister of Southern Tang, aged 18 then. According to historical records, E Huang was extremely beautiful and talented. She could paint pictures, compose music, play Pipa, a Chinese musical instrument, and write poems. The couple spent 10 years life of happiness till the death of E Huang in 964.

It is said that E Huang’s younger sister Jia Min came to visit them while E Huang was ill, and Li Yu fell in love with Jia Min. E Huang was saddened by learning their secret love and the sudden and unexpected death of their second son accelerated her illness. She died brokenhearted at the age of 28.

Li Yu wished to marry Jia Min, but the death of his mother in 965 prevented him from doing so. According to the customs, he had to give up all kinds of amusement and celebration for three years in observation of his mother’s death. So only four years later after the death of E Huang did Li Yu marry her younger sister, and he gave her a very big ceremony to celebrate the occasion. He was 32 and she 18, the same age when E Huang got married.

Scholars call E Huang the Elder Empress and her sister the Younger Empress, and agree that Li Yu’s love for the younger never surpassed the elder. The 10 years Li Yu spent with E Huang were the brightest time in his life while the 10 years he spent with Jia Min were clouded by the constant care and worry brought about by the military as well as political threats of the Song dynasty.

Li Yu committed a series of mistakes in the policy towards Song dynasty, supporting the officials in favour of appeasement, killing the most ferocious general who proposed military confrontation against Song invasion. He became a pious Buddhist and built many Buddhist monasteries which weakened the labor and military power. He had been an escapist from the very beginning of his life, and he continued to indulge himself in the pleasure-seeking life with his second wife as he had been spending with his first, when the Song Emperor was scheming to conquer his land by force.

In October 974, the Song army besieged Nanjing, the capital city of Southern Tang. Due to the different climates and other reasons, including the fearless resistance of the army, the capital city stood till November 975, when the city fell and Li Yu was taken prisoner. History books record that he had planned to die by burning when the city fell, but was dissuaded by his officials to save the lives of city people. General Cao Bin, the head of Song army, treated him with courtesy, kindly cautioning him to take more money and treasure with him, which he ignored.

Li Yu arrived in Kaifeng, the capital city of Northern Song, in January 976, and was allowed to stay in a courtyard to the north of the city. The place was later named “the village of deposed Southern Tang Emperor”, with a small and dense wood around. In October 976, the first Song Emperor died, and his younger brother succeeded. Scholars suspect that the first Emperor was poisoned to death by his younger brother, in the so called “axe moving in the candle light”, a historical mystery like the disappearance of the two princes in the Tower of London around the years of 1483 to 1485.

Comparing with the first Emperor of Song, the second Emperor read more avidly and had been called a ruler with knowledge. When Li Yu asked for financial assistance, the second Emperor readily granted. But the second Emperor frequently called Li Yu’s wife to stay in court for days, and when she came back, she was always in tears, blaming Li Yu for suffering so miserable and unbearable life. Li Yu knew what happened to his wife, but he could do nothing.

From emperor to prisoner, and from luxury to misery, such a change of life was bearable to nobody. In the last two and half years of his life, Li Yu came to taste the bitterness of life both physically and spiritually. He wrote several nostalgiacipoems to express his longing for the past glory and his regret for his failure as an emperor. On his 41stbirthday he held a party and ordered his former palace girls to sing and dance to the tunes of his newly composedcipoems. The second Emperor, learning of the news, especially the contents of thecipoems, was convinced that Li Yu wished to restore his lost land and glory. He sent his younger brother with poisoned liquor to Li Yu’s lodging, in the name of celebrating his birthday. Li Yu drank thankfully and died in pain. His second wife died of grief soon and was buried together with him.

Li Yu’s Ci Poems

Researchers believe that Li Yu left about 40cipoems, classifying them into three groups: poems recording the splendor and luxurious royal life in his court, poems showing his love for his wife, and poems expressing his agony and pain at surrendering his land and position to the Song Emperor.

For the first group we give two examples.








Silk Washing Stream





Drunk, maidens often inhale the smell of flowers sweet,

From hall to hall flute’s heard to play and drum to beat.










Spring in Jade Pavilion






Whendrunk, I beat on rails as vibrates my heartstring.

Don’t light on my returning way a candle red,

As I would like see the hoofs reflect moonlight they tread.









A Casket of Pearls

Donninghermorningdress, she drips some drops of sandalwood stain on her lips,

Which, cherry red, suddenly open flung, reveal her tiny clove-like tongue.

She sings a song in her voice clear.

Careless about her gauze sleeves soiled with crimson stain,

She fills her cup with fragrant wine again.

Drunken and indolent, she leans across her bed,

And chewing bits of bastings red,

She spits them with a smile upon her master dear.











The morning moon is sinking,

Few clouds are floating,

I lean on my pillow with no word.

Even in my dream I am thinking of the green grass so fair,

But no wild geese afar are heard.

No more orioles’ song,

Late blooms whirl round,

Solitude reigns the whole night long.

Don’t sweep away the fallen petals on the ground,

And leave them there till the dancer comes back from the ball.






Her cloudlike hair, with jade hairpin,

Is in dress so fair, of gauze so thin.

Lightly she knits her brows dark green.

In autumn breeze and autumn rain,

Lonely banana trees tremble outside the window screen.

Oh how to pass a long, long night again.








Bright flowers bathed in thin mist and dim moonlight,

It is best time to steal out to see my love tonight.

With stocking feet on fragrant steps I tread,

Holding in hand my shoes sown with gold thread.

We meet south of the painted hall,

And trembling in his arms I fall.

It is hard for me to come over here,

So you may love your fill, my dear.








An angel is kept secluded in the fairy hill,

And she naps in painted hall so quiet and so still.

Beside the pillow spreads her cloudlike hair pell-mell,

Her broidered dress exhales an exotic sweet smell.

I come in stealth and click the pearly door,

Awaking her behind the screen from lovely dreams.

Gazing at her smiling face I adore,

And I see her eyes sending out amorous beams.


SometimesLiYu’sciexpressinglovehasbeenaccusedofbeingdissoluteandvulgar.Tohisdefense,WangGuowei(1877—1927),agreatmasterinChineseliteratureandtutortoPuYi,thelastemperorofChina,inhisComments on Ci in the Human Worldwrote:


(王国维 2010: 80)

“Once she was a dancing-house girl, and now she is a wandering man’s wife. The wandering man went, but did not return. It is hard alone to keep an empty bed.”Such lines could be termed the ultimate in the dissolute and vulgar. Yet because they are true to life no one looks on them as such. The greatciwriters of the Five Dynasties and Northern Song were just the same. It is not that they composed no dissoluteci, but the reader is stirred by the intimate, moving quality of what they are saying. It is not that they composed no vulgarcieither, but one is stirred by their essential strength and boundlessness. From this we can see the problem is not one of dissolute or vulgarcibut rather a problem of insincerity of expression. “It is not that I do not think of you, but your home is far away.” The Master said, “He had not actually thought about her. If he had, what would distance have had to do with it?”Such a comment expresses Confucius’ disgust for insincerity. (王国维 2010: 81)

The following is some of Li Yu’scipoems of lament.

Li Yu’s days in Kaifeng as prisoner of Song Emperor were difficult and miserable, though he was not yet 40 years old and his second wife barely 25. He missed his lost land, his luxurious court, his wealth, and his freedom. Critics agree that this group ofcipoems expressing his sorry, misery, and lament are among his best.








Dance of the Cavalry






ThinnerIgrow, my hair turns grey.

I can’t forget the hurried parting day when by the music band the farewell songs were played.

And I shed tears before my palace maids!








When will there be no more autumn moon and spring flowers,

For me who had so many memorable hours.

The east wind blew again in my lodge last night,

And I can’t bear the cruel memory of bowers and palaces steeped in moonlight.

Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be of old time,

But the rosy face cannot be the same.

If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,

Just see the over brimming river flowing east.







Silently and alone I go up to the west tower and see the hook like moon.

The plane trees lonesome and drear,

Locked in the deep courtyard autumn clear.

Cut, it won’t break;

Ruled, it will make a mess to wake.

An unspeakable taste in the heart,

Such is the grief to part.







Spring’s rosy colour fades from forest flowers,

Too soon, too soon.

How can they bear cold morning showers and winds at noon?

Your rouged tears like crimson rain,

Will keep me drink in woe.

When shall we meet again?

The stream of life with endless grief will overflow.








The curtain cannot keep out the patter of rain,

And springtime is on the wane.

In the deep night my quilt is not cold-proof.

Forgetting I am under hospitable roof,

In dream I seek awhile for pleasure vain.

Don’t lean alone on balustrades and yearn for boundless land which fades.

It is easy to separate but hard to meet again.

With flowers fallen on the waves spring has gone away,

So has the paradise of yesterday.




WangGuowei,inhisComments on Ci in the Human World,hasgivenLiYuthehighestappraisalasfollows.


(王国维 2010: 24)

The artistry of Wen Tingyun’scilies in the lines, that of Wei Zhuang lies in the bone, while that of Li Yu lies in the spirit.


(王国维 2010: 26)

By the timecireached the period in which Li Yu lived its range of vision had begun to widen. As the emotions expressed gradually tended toward the more profound, socimoved out of the world of singers and actors into that of scholars and officials. Zhou Ji has ranked Li Yu below Wen Tingyun and Wei Zhuang, which is a kind of confounding black and white. “The sorrow in a man’s life is truly as much as water’s long flow eastward.” (The stream of life with endless grief will overflow.) And “Flowing water, fallen blossoms, spring has gone. I was in Heaven above, now in hell below.” (With flowers fallen on the waves spring has gone away, so has the paradise of yesterday.) Could such imageries be found in eitherJinQuanorHuanHua?


(王国维 2010: 26)

Ciwriters can be described as those who have not lost their childlike heart. Therefore, having been born deep within the palace and raised among women accounts for Li Yu’s failure as a ruler but success as aciwriter.


(王国维 2010: 28)

Objective poets must observe the world as much as possible. The more profound their observation, the richer and more varied will be their material. The authors ofAllMenAreBrothersandADreamofRedMansion(TheStoryofaStone) are just such examples. Subjective poets, on the other hand, do not need to observe the world to any great extent. The more superficial their observation the more genuine will be the expression of their own natural feelings. Li Yu was just such a poet.


(王国维 2010: 28)

Nietzsche said, “Of all that is written I love only that which one writes with his blood” (Nietzsche 2006: 27). Li Yu’scican truly be said to have been written with blood. Thecito the tune ofPavilionofYanshanby the last Northern Song Emperor Huizong is somewhat similar. However, the latter gave utterance only to the sorrow of his own experience while the former expressed the sense of responsibility for the evils of mankind, a sense reminiscent of the Buddha and Jesus Christ. Thus their poetry could not be considered of equal stature.

CommentsonCiintheHumanWorldhas become one of the most important books on literary theory in modern China. Wang Guowei is aciwriter himself, writing over 100ciand nearly the same number of other poems, so his comments on Li Yu have been widely accepted and frequently quoted as the best summary of Li Yu’s literary achievements in the genre ofciwriting.

Nietzsche, F. 2006.ThusSpokeZarathustra[M]. A. D. Caro. Trans. New York: Cambridge University Press.

陈鸿翔. 2010. 王国维传 [M]. 南京: 江苏文艺出版社.

东篱子. 2016. 人间词话全鉴 [M]. 北京: 中国纺织出版社.

李 煜. 2009. 李煜词集 [M]. 上海: 上海古籍出版社.

马 令, 陆 游. 2010. 南京稀见文献丛刊·南唐书(两种) [M]. 南京: 南京出版社.

彭玉平. 2014. 人间词话疏注 [M]. 北京: 中华书局.

王国维. 1960. 人间词话 [M]. 徐调孚, 注释. 王幼安, 校订. 北京: 人民文学出版社.

王国维. 2005. 《人间词》《人间词话》手稿 [M]. 杭州: 浙江古籍出版社.

王国维. 2010. 人间词话 [M]. 李友安, 英译. 南京: 译林出版社.

许渊冲译. 2006. 李煜词选 [M]. 石家庄: 河北人民出版社.

杨敏如. 2003. 南唐二主词新释辑评 [M]. 北京: 中国书店.

叶嘉莹. 2014. 人间词话七讲 [M]. 北京: 北京大学出版社.

(责任编辑 姜 玲)

通信地址: 475001 河南省开封市 河南大学外语学院

Li Yu is a failure as emperor, but as aciwriter he is considered to be the indisputable emperor to take the crown. A brief life of Li Yu is first presented to account for his failure as emperor and success as aciwriter. Then some of hiscipoems are analyzed according to the categories of court life, love and lamentation over past splendor. In the end, his achievements inciwriting are summarized by citing Wang Guowei’s words from hisCommentsonCiintheHumanWorld.

Li Yu;cipoems; Wang Guowei; Qu Yuan; Song dynasty





①This is the speech given by the author to the audience in the Faculty of Education, University of Auckland, New Zealand and Confucius Institute, University of New South Wales, Australia in August, 2016. For translation of Wang Guoweis Comments on Ci in the Human World, I referred to Li Youans English translation and for the translation of Li Yus ci, I referred to Xu Yuanchongs English translation, both with minor modifications of my own to fit into the context of discussion.


归 去 兮
咏 河 大
故 乡
画堂春 喜迎十九大