

文化软实力研究 2017年5期


1.太极 /tàijí/

Taiji(The Supreme Ultimate)

“太极”有三种不同的含义:其一,指世界的本原。但古人对“太极”的世界本原之义又有不同理解:或以“太极”为混沌未分的“气”或“元气”;或以之为世界的普遍法则,即“道”或“理”;或以之为“无”。其二,占筮术语。指奇(—)偶(- -)两画尚未推演确定或蓍草混一未分的状态,是卦象的根源。其三,指空间的最高极限。

Taiji(the supreme ultimate) has three different meanings. First,it refers to the origin of the world. The ancient Chinese saw it either asqi(vital force)oryuanqi(primordial vital force) that permeates the chaotic world,or as a universal principle,i.e.Daoorli(理),or aswu(无). Second,it is used as a term of divination,referring to the initial state before divinatory numbers,the odd number one (written as —) and the even number two (written as - -),are applied or before the yarrow stems are divided. Divination is conducted on the basis oftaiji. Third,it stands for the highest point or boundary of space.




Changes evolve fromtaiji,which gives rise to two primal forces ofyinandyang. They in turn give birth to heaven and earth. (AnAlternativeExplanationofTheBookofChanges)



Taijiis the overriding law of all things,as well as heaven and earth. (ClassifiedConversationsofMasterZhuXi)

2.五行 /wǔxínɡ/



There are three meanings to the term. 1) The five fundamental things or elements that make up all things.TheBookofHistorywas the first to define the five elements:metal,wood,water,fire,and earth. Each of these has its own properties and they interact in a generative or destructive relationship. 2) On a more abstract level,the term refers to the basic framework to understand the world. All things can be included in the realm ofwuxing(五行) and their properties are explained or understood accordingly. 3) It refers to five kinds of moral behavior. Xunzi once criticized Zisi and Mencius for “creatingwuxingon the basis of old theories.” Ancient bamboo slips unearthed from a grave at Guodian dating back to the State of Chu as well as inscribed silk texts from the Mawangdui Tomb of the Western Han Dynasty,all describe thiswuxingas benevolence,righteousness,li(礼),wisdom,and the character of a sage.




In heaven there are the sun,moon,and stars,while on earth there are the five elements:metal,wood,water,fire,and earth. (Zuo’sCommentaryonTheSpringandAutumnAnnals)



Theqiof heaven and that of earth merge into one;it evolves intoyinandyang,the four seasons,and the five elements of metal,wood,water,fire,and earth.(Dong Zhongshu:LuxuriantGemsofTheSpringandAutumnAnnals)

3.太学 /tàixué/

Imperial Academy

由朝廷创办的设于京师的最高学府和最高教育行政机构。西周时期即有“太学”之名,但真正创设是在汉武帝时期(公元前124 年)。太学的教授称“博士”,由精通儒家经典、有丰富教学经验、德才兼备的著名学者担任;学生称“博士弟子”“太学生”等,最多时达万人。其后至明清,中央政府一般在京师设立太学,或设与太学相同职能的教育机构,名称不一,具体制度也有变化。作为官立的中央最高学府,它和地方教育机构、私人教育组织一起构成了中国古代完备的教育体系。它对于传播儒家经典和以儒家为主的主流价值观起到重要作用。

The imperial academy was the highest educational institution and educational administrative department in feudal China. The term first appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty,but the first imperial academy was not officially established until 124 BC during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Teachers of the imperial academy were called “grand academicians” (literarily “scholars of broad learning”). They were well versed in Confucian classics,had rich teaching experience,and possessed both moral integrity and professional competence. Their students were called “students of the imperial academy” or “students of the grand academicians.” At its peak the imperial academy had 10,000 students. The central governments of all subsequent dynasties,including the Ming and Qing,had an imperial academy or a similar institution of education,usually located in the capital. It had different names and systems in different dynasties. The imperial academy,the top institution of learning run by the central government,along with local institutions of education and private schools,formed a complete education system in ancient China. They were significant in disseminating the Confucian classics and ancient China’s mainstream values with Confucianism as its main school of thought.




May I propose Your Majesty establish an imperial academy where teachers well versed in the Confucian classics can train students from all over the country. (TheHistoryoftheHanDynasty)

4.体性 /tǐxìnɡ/

Style and Temperament


This is an important term about literary style that stresses the unity and integration of the styles of writings with the temperaments of their authors. The term originated from Liu Xie’sTheLiteraryMindandtheCarvingofDragons. One chapter of the book discusses how the styles of writings are related to the temperaments of the writers,and argues that the writings truly reflect the temperaments of their authors. This has encouraged later generations to analyze different styles of literary works based on the authors’ temperaments and became a basic line of thought on ancient Chinese literary style.




When emotions stir,they take the form of language. When ideas emerge,they are expressed in writings. Thus the obscure becomes manifest and the internal feelings pour into the open. However,talent may be mediocre or outstanding,temperament masculine or feminine,learning deep or shallow,upbringing refined or vulgar. All this results from differences in nature and nurture. Hence the unusual cloud-like variations in the realm of writing and the mysterious wave-like undulations in the garden of literature. (Liu Xie:TheLiteraryMindandtheCarvingofDragons)



So it is natural that those with an open and easy-going temperament create poems with tonal rhythms that are direct,smooth,and easy to understand;those with a slow temperament write in relaxed tonal rhythms;those with a broad mind,magnificent and uninhibited;those with a heroic character,powerful and gallant;those with a depressed personality,sad and miserable;those with a weird temperament,out of the ordinary. Temperament decides the tonal rhythms of an author’s writings. People have their own emotions and personalities. How can all the poems be judged by the same standard for tonal rhythms? (Li Zhi:MyUnderstandingofPoeticGenre)

5.体用 /tǐyònɡ/



Ti(体) andyong(用) can be understood in three different ways:1) a physicalthing and its functions or roles;2) the ontological existence of a thing and itsexpression and application;and 3) the fundamental code of conduct,and itsobservance. In anyti-yongrelationship,tiprovides the basis on whichyongdepends.




Tian(天) means heaven in the physical sense,whileqian(乾) means its functions and significance. (Kong Yingda:CorrectMeaningofTheBookofChanges)



What is most subtle isli(理),while what is most conspicuous isxiang(象).Lias the ontological existence andxiangas its manifestation are of the same origin;there is no difference between them. (Cheng Yi:ChengYi’sCommentaryonTheBookofChanges)

6.天下 /tiānxià/

Tianxia(All Under Heaven)


This term referred mainly to all the land under the name of the Son of Heaven and the right to rule on such land. The ancient Chinese held that the rule of senior officials was over their enfeoffed land,and that of dukes and princes was over feudal states. The rule of the Son of Heaven was over all the land. Literally,tianxia(天下) means “all under heaven.” It actually refers to all the territory embracing the enfeoffed land and feudal states under the rule or in the name of the Son of Heaven,as well as all the subjects and the right to rule. The term has later evolved to refer to the whole nation or the whole world.




All land under heaven falls within the domain of the Son of Heaven;all those on this land are his subjects. (TheBookofSongs)



With little popular support,even his relatives will betray and desert him;but with massive popular support,everyone under heaven will pledge allegiance to him. (Mencius)



The rise and fall of a nation is the concern of every citizen. (Liang Qichao:CollectionsofIceDrinkingStudy)

7.王 /wánɡ/



King was originally the title for the“Son of Heaven,” namely,the country’s supreme ruler in the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties. From the Spring and Autumn Period onward,the power of the Zhou court gradually weakened and the kingdom disintegrated. By the time of the Warring States Period,any monarch could call himself a king. Up to the Qin and Han dynasties,king became the highest title granted by the emperor to a male member of the imperial family. In the political philosophical discourse of Confucianism,especially in the works of Confucius and Mencius,a king represents heaven’s will and therefore ought to have supreme,unchallengeable power;at the same time,he is imbued with a high moral attribute and political ideals. According to Confucianism,to be a king is to unify or govern the country with benevolence and righteousness,or to win over people by morally justified means. Likewise,the pursuit of the kingly way means using benevolent and righteous means to govern the country.




He to whom the people swear allegiance can rule as a king;he perishes when the people desert him. (Xunzi)

8.王道 /wánɡdào/

Kingly Way (Benevolent Governance)


Confucianism advocates the political principle of governing the country through benevolence and winning people’s support through virtue as opposed tobadao(霸道)—the despotic way. Enlightened kings and emperors of ancient times governed the country primarily through benevolence and virtue. In the Warring States Period,Mencius advocated this idea as a political concept:Only by governing the state with benevolence and righteousness,and by handling state-to-state relations on the basis of virtue,can a ruler win popular support and subsequently unify the country. The kingly way or benevolent governance epitomizes the Chinese people’s respect for “civilization” and their opposition to the use of force and tyranny.




By upholding justice without any partiality or bias,the kingly way is inclusive and boundless. (TheBookofHistory)

9.文明 /wénmínɡ/



This term refers to a thriving,prosperous,and perceptibly refined society in which people behave in a cultured fashion.Wen(文) refers to the arts and humanities,including social norms,music education,moral cultivation,and a social order that is hierarchical yet harmonious.Ming(明) means bright,prosperous,and highly civilized. The Chinese nation has always preferredwentowu(武,force). This is the loftiest ideal pursued by the Chinese nation since ancient times. It was also the criterion by which to judge whether the governance of a nation was well conducted.




In a civilized society weapons are destroyed and war ceases. (Jiao Gong:AnnotationsonTheBookofChanges)

10.文气 /wénqì/



Wenqi(文气) is the personality an author demonstrates in his works,and is a fusion of his innate temperament and the vitality seen in his works. Originally,qi(气)referred to the basic element in the initial birth and formation of all things,as well as heaven and earth. In literary criticism,it refers to an author’s distinctive individuality and its manifestation in his writings. Humans are believed to develop different characters and traits endowed by theqiof heaven and earth. Reflected in literary creation,such different characters and traits naturally find expression in distinctive styles and varying degrees of vigor as well as rhythm and cadence.



(文章由作家的“气”为主导,气有清气、浊气两种形态[ 决定人的气质优劣与材质高下],不是强行可以获得的。)

Literary writing is governed byqi. Either clear or murky,qidetermines the temperament of a writer,refined or vulgar,and his talent,high or low.Qicannot be acquired. (Cao Pi:OnLiteraryClassics)



If a writer has a strong inner flow ofqi,the length of his sentences will be well-balanced,and his choice of tone and cadence will just be right. (Han Yu:ALetterofResponsetoLiYi)



