

新东方英语·中学版 2017年3期


Each step echoes with astounding1) clarity2). The world opens as I stride3) forward. I have no wings, but I fly nonetheless, soaring over the weathered4) roads. My smile is nothing compared to the brightness that washes over me. The world turns to light. Happiness is everywhere, radiating in massive waves from my soul, set on fire. The struggle leaves my pounding chest, my burning calves5), and my heaving lungs as I barrel forward. I am joy, energy, and life. I am a runner. I love to run, and this is what defines me as one of the most misunderstood athletes there is.

The body's natural instinct is to run to find food. A study of fossils by National Geographic in 2004 "identified a range of physical traits that suggest human ancestors evolved as distance runners. The adaptations helped them chase down prey and compete more effectively with the speedier carnivores6) on the open plains of Africa." Chasing prey is no longer necessary in the developed world, but running now provides us with a different kind of nourishment: food for the soul. The peace and solace in nature, the rhythmic pounding of our feet, and the awareness of ourselves in the moment fills us up and recharges our tanks to meet the demands of the world.

I've heard too many times that yes, running has benefits, but they come at the expense of your knees. I have been warned (and feared myself) that the knees are weakened and essentially ruined by the sport. However, recent studies prove the opposite. Boston University researcher David Felson found that people with knee arthritis didn't have much of a running history, and people who ran didn't have an increased risk of osteoarthritis7).

With benefits like a well-fed soul and a healthy body, running seems unsurpassable by any other activity. Why is it, then, that so many people "hate to run" or "just can't do it" or think that runners are crazy people? The answer, I think, is that running isn't easy. In a society where convenience and simplicity are held in high regard, it's no wonder that so many shy away from an activity that takes time and effort to perfect and enjoy. When I started to run the one-mile loop in my neighborhood, I barely knew what I was doing. It was so tough, I don't even know why I continued.

One day, though, I realized that I loved to run. The act has a sort of song to it, a rhythm made by my feet, my breath, and my very existence. It gave me the courage to explore new places and try new things. It made me the person I am today. Whether the sun is scorching my skin or hidden by rainclouds, I hear the music. Whether the leaves are soft green, vibrant red, or crumpled on the ground, I hear the music. Through wind, snow, and ice, the music still plays. Anyone can be a runner, and anyone can strive to hear the song. As for those stubborn few who will forever scorn running? Let the runners hear their song in peace.

And whatever you do, don't tell us that our knees will pay the price.








1. astounding [??sta?nd??] adj. 令人震惊的

2. clarity [?kl?r?ti] n. (指轮廓、声音等) 清晰

3. stride [stra?d] vi. 大步走,阔步行进,迈步

4. weathered [?we??(r)d] adj. 经过风吹雨打的;饱经风霜的

5. calf [kɑ?f] n. 小腿

6. carnivore [?kɑ?n?v??(r)] n. 食肉动物

7. osteoarthritis [??sti??ɑ??θra?t?s] n. 骨关节炎


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