

农业机械学报 2017年2期

张春岭 吴 荣 陈黎卿

(1.安徽农业大学工学院, 合肥 230036; 2.华中农业大学工学院, 武汉 430070)


张春岭1,2吴 荣1陈黎卿1

(1.安徽农业大学工学院, 合肥 230036; 2.华中农业大学工学院, 武汉 430070)


精量玉米播种机; 电控; 排种系统





1 电控排种系统作业原理


图1 电控排种系统作业原理框图Fig.1 Schematic of electronic control seeding system

2 电动机调速系统数学模型

2.1 播种作业速度与排种器转速的关系



式中 Δt——相邻2粒种子落地时间差,sn——排种盘转速,r/min






2.2 电动机调速系统传递函数






选用80系列无刷直流电动机,其主要参数为:Tm=0.9 s,Td=8.1 ms,Ce=11.7 V/(r/min),代入式(5)后可得


3 控制器控制策略

3.1 基于Ziegler-Nichols阶跃响应法的PID参数整定


图2 电动机调速系统传递函数根轨迹图形Fig.2 Root locus graph of motor speed system transfer function

由图2可得开环增益Zm=21.057 dB,穿越频率Wm=84.96 Hz。根据PID整定公式得




图4 控制系统Simulink模型Fig.4 Simulink model of control system

图3 由Ziegler-Nichols阶跃响应法整定PID参数的仿真结果Fig.3 Simulation results of PID parameters by Zieglor-Nichols step response method


3.2 遗传算法的PID参数优化整定






经过100代进化后,代价函数J-1的优化过程如图5所示。优化后可得各参数如下:J-1=5.046 2,KP=1.289 4,KI=0.769 2,KD=0.002。将优化后的PID参数代入Simulink模型中进行仿真,得到由遗传算法整定的PID参数的仿真曲线如图6所示。由仿真结果可得,将遗传算法整定的PID参数应用于电控排种器控制,系统无超调,通过软件中的坐标标识可得调节时间为0.25 s。

图5 代价函数J-1的优化过程Fig.5 Cost function J-1 optimization process

图6 遗传算法整定的PID参数仿真结果Fig.6 Simulation results of PID parameters based onLJ optimal algorithm

4 控制系统设计

4.1 硬件设计

控制系统主要由硬件和软件组成,其中硬件主要由电源模块、信号采集模块、控制模块、电动机驱动模块、排种执行模块和人机交互模块组成。其中电源模块在田间试验时采用逆变器将拖拉机自带电源的12 V转换为48 V供控制系统使用;电动机驱动模块中,由于电动机转速过高,设计时根据排种器作业转速限制选用速比为40的减速器;为便于排种器、电动机、减速器和编码器的安装,设计时对排种轴进行了改进,安装方式如图7所示;信号采集模块中,应用雷达测速仪的多普勒效应,通过采集发射与接收的频率差来检测播种作业速度,其安装方式如图8所示。硬件配置表和控制系统电路图分别如表1和图9所示。

图7 排种执行模块Fig.7 Metering executable module

图8 雷达测速仪安装方式Fig.8 Installation mode of radar speed device


图9 控制系统电路图Fig.9 Circuit diagram of control system

4.2 软件设计

控制系统软件设计选用Keil μ Vision 5作为开发环境,应用C语言进行编程,系统控制流程图如图10所示。

图10 控制系统流程图Fig.10 Flow chart of control system

图11 田间试验Fig.11 Field experiment

5 试验与结果分析

5.1 控制精度性能试验

试验材料选用中单909玉米杂交种,试验在安徽农业大学工学院试验田进行,整机实物图和田间试验如图11所示。试验地块长20 m,每次试验采集平稳作业后的60个数据,重复3次,结果取平均值。以不同作业工况下的排种器理论转速和实时转速为检测对象,比较两者之间的差值大小,作为控制精度。试验结果如图12所示。

图12 不同作业工况下机具部分运动参数变化曲线Fig.12 Variation curves of machine’s some motion parameters in different driving cycles

图12中的PWM值表示在0~900范围内调节细分数从而实现调节占空比由0~1的变化。以排种器理论转速和实时转速为分析对象,分析结果见表2。由图13和表2可以看出,在播种作业开始和停止阶段,排种器理论转速和实时转速偏差较大;当播种作业于稳定阶段时,平均误差的最大值为8.02%,最小值为2.32%,控制精度高;各播种作业工况中,以中高速行驶(8 km/h

表2 不同作业工况下排种器理论转速和实际转速误差Tab.2 Analysis of theoretical speed and actual speed of metering device in different driving cycles

图13 电控播种和传统播种在不同作业工况下的合格指数平均值对比Fig.13 Comparison of average qualified index under different working conditions by electronic control and traditional sowing

5.2 排种性能试验

试验参照GB/T 6973—2005《单粒(精密)播种机试验方法》,选择合格指数、重播指数、漏播指数和粒距变异系数为排种性能指标。试验统计结果如表3所示。



表3 不同作业工况和不同递种起始角下的排种性能统计结果Tab.3 Statistic results of seed performance under different working conditions and different start delivery angles

图14 电控播种和传统播种在不同作业工况下的漏播指数平均值对比Fig.14 Comparison of average miss index under different working conditions by electronic control and traditional sowing

6 结论


图15 不同递种起始角与不同播种作业工况下的排种合格指数Fig.15 Sowing qualified index under different working conditions and different start delivery angles

图16 不同递种起始角与不同作业工况下的粒距变异系数Fig.16 Maize distance variation coefficient under different working conditions and different start delivery angles


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Design and Test of Electronic Control Seeding System for Maize

ZHANG Chunling1,2WU Rong1CHEN Liqing1


When the traditional maize seeder works in the field, the power of seed metering device comes from ground steel. Aiming at the problem that the field conditions are so complicated that the ground steel will skid easily, then the miss index will be increased, an electronic maize sowing control system was designed. The police traffic radar collected the sowing operation speed when the sowing was started, then the control system will calculate the seed metering device rotational speed combined with the theoretical particle distance. The rotary encoder collected the seed metering device rotational speed, then the controller would process speed based on control strategy and obtained the last speed. The optimal process of control strategy can improve the accuracy. The results of the field test showed that when the electronic control seed metering device was working in the field, the average qualified index was 92.40%, which was increased by 3.63 percentage points compared with the traditional sowing. The average miss index was 4.82% and it was reduced by 2.04 percentage points compared with the traditional sowing. The variability of seed-spaces was less than 4.20% and the sowing effects were much more than the national standard. When the speed of sowing was more than 10km/h, the effects was worse than other cases, therefore some improvement on the structure to improve the accuracy. The design of the electronic control maize seed metering device provided some definite reference for study of sowing control system.

precision maize planter; electronic control; seeding system











20220503 双粒花生精量穴播排种器设计与试验