文◎Zoey 译◎Zoey
Sounded! Euphonium: Cheer Up, It Is a Promise
文◎Zoey 译◎Zoey
Kumiko, the protagonist of popular comic Sounded! Euphonium, joined the wind instrument club. Although the club has been declining, but the arrival of new consultants rekindle①rekindle英 [riː'kɪnd(ə)l]美 [,ri'kɪndl] vi. 重新点燃vt. 重新点燃;再点火everyone's passion. And then, they carry the dream and struggle together. In the second quarter, the day of the race fi nally arrived. With the ties of friendship and love from their families, Jiumiko and her friends is growing up, and pursuing their dreams, "Dreaming does not make sense, take a step, walk through the rainbow bridge made of staff, it will feels like you have a pair of wing, and you are able to reach the dazzling world."
人气番《吹响!上低音号》主人公久美子加入了吹奏部,虽然吹奏部已经没落,但新顾问的到来重燃了大家的激情。自此,怀揣着高远目标的伙伴们开启了挥洒着奋斗的青春。第二季中,期待的比赛终于到来。带着友情与亲情的羁绊,久美子和同伴们就这样成长着,追寻自己的梦想。“仅仅做梦没有意义,迈出一步 ,走过五线谱的虹桥 ,身体如长出羽翼般轻盈 ,似乎能触及到耀眼的世界。”