

意林(绘英语) 2017年4期

文◎Norris J. Chumley 译 ◎阿诺 绘◎也圆


A Father's Pre-empty Nest Post-partum Mess

文◎Norris J. Chumley 译 ◎阿诺 绘◎也圆

Women aren't the only ones who feel the loss when the "baby" grows up, goes to college and moves out of the house. Fathers do too. Although it's a little hard to admit—I am already feeling the empty-nest①syndrome. This isn't something my fellow father friends ever discussed or warned me about. I've never read about it from a man's perspective②either.





It's official—the university has been chosen. The time is upon us. Only a few months left. I can't believe it but I'm having separation anxiety! Yes me, over six feet tall big strapping③dad that I am, I have become an emotional mess of a man.

I understand when he wants to go out and party with friends, instead of a quiet relaxing evening with the folks. I think it's great that he wants to be more and more independent. Yeah, it's OK that he'd rather spend a Saturday afternoon with a girl instead of hiking with me. I'm over all that. No problems, it's just Part of Living a Full Life.

We can now travel, unscheduled④! So say all my other empty-nest fathers. I've taken it all in stride and pride—thinking that we've done an acceptable job so far, after all he's still alive, making pretty great grades, and gotten into a very fineuniversity indeed, thank God. That moment to come, though, has come. It's nothing I have ever experienced to this dramatic degree ever before.

We'd spent the weekend in early orientation sessions. There we were killing time before the flight home, just me and my man listening to the radio on a distant street watching college students go by, when a certain song came on. "Homeward⑤bound I wish I was... Homeward bound... Home, where my thought's escaping... Home, where my music's playing... Silently for Me..." I began to cry uncontrollably. That Paul Simon song was one I hadn't heard in years, and man oh man did it hit me. He'd be gone soon. Such homesickness⑥... Me, not him so much. I'm not the one leaving home. We won't have to eat precisely at six anymore and dinners will never be the same. Oh no, will we ever see him again? He'll be 30 and I’ll be in my 70's... 40, 50, 60 and then what?!

It was a big deal; a very big deal. I cried and cried in a mixture of embarrassment and novelty. There was no logic, no quick-fix manly gate-keeping. Out of my total emotional decompensation⑦, I managed to get out only three words amidst the tears: "I love you."

My boy put his arm around my shoulders, and we looked in each other's eyes. He was weeping too. Then we began sobbing. Then laughing at the thought and the sight of the two of us, such a weepy mess. I will never forget that moment. I don't think I can ever bear to hear that song again.

I couldn't wait to leave home and my parents when I was my rebellious⑧. I didn't cry a tear, and they didn't either. I don't remember ever hearing those three words as I said goodbye. Now, over 30 years later, I'm so proud of growing up and being a father to my sons. I'm about to cry some more, and that's fi ne.





①empty-nest 空巢

②perspective 英 [pə'spektɪv] 美 [pɚ'spɛktɪv] n. 观点;远景;透视图adj. 透视的

③strapping 英 ['stræpɪŋ] 美 ['stræpɪŋ] n. 鞭打;皮带材料;裹伤胶带adj. 魁梧的;高大健壮的v. 用带捆扎;约束,束缚(strap的现在分词)

④unscheduled [ʌn'skedʒuːld] adj. 事先未安排的;不按计划的

⑤homeward 英 ['həʊmwəd] 美 ['homwɚd] adv. 在归途上,向家地adj. 在归途上的,向家的

⑥homesickness ['hom,sɪknɪs] n. 乡愁

⑦decompensation 英 [,diːkɒmp(ə)n'seɪʃ(ə)n]美 [,dikɑmpɛn'seʃən] n. 呼吸困难;补偿不全

⑧rebellious 英 [rɪ'beljəs] 美 [rɪ'bɛljəs] adj. 反抗的;造反的;难控制的


第十五章 踏上归途
黄河 伟大的归途