文◎Zoey 译◎Zoey
文◎Zoey 译◎Zoey
The Great Passage: I do not Care about the Era
Majime, the protagonist①protagonist 英 [prə'tæg(ə)nɪst] 美 [prə'tæɡənɪst] n. 主角,主演;主要人物,领导者of The Great Passage, took 15 years to compile②compile 英 [kəm'paɪl] 美 [kəm'paɪl] vt. 编译;编制;编辑;[图情] 汇编a dictionary called The Great Passage with his colleagues. It might look boring, but inspiring actually. Surrounded by various books and dictionaries, Majime's daily work is mechanical and trivial③trivial 英 ['trɪvɪəl] 美 ['trɪvɪəl] adj. 不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的, which is all about copying, checking and reviewing. But he still maintains his oath of "I decided to dedicate my life to dictionary". It is really touching. Edit is not a special profession, what has been particularly impressive is the confusion and persistence in everyone's life. People who can find his purpose early will be the envy of most people!
《编舟记》的主角马缔光也与同事们,用整整十五年,编写了一部叫《大渡海》的辞典。看似日常的剧情,其实热血到爆。虽然被各种书和词典重重包围,每天的工作都是机械、琐碎的抄写和查阅,但马缔光也依然以此为志,遵循着 “我要为辞典奉献一生”的誓言,让人泪目。编辑这个职业并没有那么特别,特别的是每个人在自己人生之路上的迷茫与坚持。很早就对自己的人生有坚持的人,才是最令人钦佩的呀!