

农业工程学报 2017年2期

施丽莉,胡志超,顾峰玮,吴 峰,吴朋来


施丽莉,胡志超※,顾峰玮,吴 峰,吴朋来

(农业部南京农业机械化研究所,南京 210014)

为解决垄作花生收获后残膜回收问题,针对耙齿式残膜回收机进行试验研究及参数优化使其适用于垄作花生残膜回收。针对主要工作部件进行研究,确定整机结构参数。前、中、后耙齿直径分别为10、8、8 mm;耙齿材料为65号锰钢;耙齿入土角度范围为10°~35°;3排齿的齿间距分别为120、100、80 mm;对机具前进速度,耙齿入土深度,耙齿曲率半径进行试验且做了MATLAB四维切片和响应面分析,可知3个因素对残膜回收率均有显著影响,影响程度依次为:机具前进速度>耙齿入土深度>耙齿曲率半径。应用Design expert寻优功能进行优化,优化后机具前进速度1.2 m/s,耙齿入土深度11 mm,耙齿曲率半径222 mm,残膜回收率为93%。经田间试验验证,证明了该优化方案的可行性,将为相关设备的改进提供理论依据。


0 引 言

地膜覆盖栽培技术是一种可改善和优化栽培条件,具有保温、保墒、抑制杂草生长等优点的先进农业栽培技术。但此技术广泛使用导致的“白色污染”问题却日益严重[1-2]。采用机械方式回收残膜能提高生产效率、降低劳动成本,研发改进适用的残膜回收机已成为农业机械化发展的迫切任务[3-5]。据中国统计年鉴(2015)统计2014年我国花生种植面积460.6万hm2(约占全球种植面积的17.9%),全国花生产量1 648.17万t(约占全球总产量的38.9%)。但田间残膜会破坏土地结构,导致土壤结板失去供养能力,影响花生产量和农业机械的使用顺畅性。所以,解决垄作花生残膜污染问题难度高且意义重大[6-9]。


1 垄作花生残膜回收机总体设计

1.1 垄作花生种植模式与残膜分布特点


不同主产区花生的种植模式并不相同,以河北、山东为例。依据播种机具、土壤肥力的不同,河北地区花生垄距85~90 cm,垄面宽55~60 cm,垄沟宽约30 cm,垄上窄行距25~30 cm。山东地区,垄距75~90 cm,垄面宽55~60 cm,垄上窄行距25~35 cm。



1.2 整机结构简介与作业原理



2 关键部件结构与参数设计

2.1 耙齿静态强度分析


机具前进为动态过程,设计时若耙齿在最大极限载荷条件下满足强度要求,则其他情况就符合受力要求,本文选取耙齿在入土时的最深极限载荷条件进行计算,通过静强度分析,可得知耙齿的最大受力位置,分析其强度以及对耙齿材料及各种参数进行确定。如图3所示为耙齿在土壤中变形示意图,为变形量,本文要求≤10 cm。


式中为载荷系数,其取值与耙齿的齿面参数、残膜回收机机具前进速度、土壤情况等有关,因为4.9~9.8 N/cm2,根据实际情况取最大值9.8 N/cm2[20]。为作用面积,F=500~1 000 N,取500 N







式(4)-(9)中F为水平方向的牵引阻力;M2为水平方向的阻力在耙齿根部产生弯矩,N·M;为应力值;W为抗弯截面系数;为耙齿的曲率半径,mm;[]是材料的许用应力,MPa;max是实际计算的最大应力,MPa;是材料的安全系数,取=2(=1.2~2.5)。公式计算可得,F'=9.8×3.14×0.25=7.7 N,1=f×F=tan30°×500= 288 N,F=288+7.7=295.7 N,并根据公式(5)可计算580 N。所以M1=500×0.073=36.5 N·M,M2=295.7× 0.163=48.2 N·M,=374.4 MPa。


经试验可知,耙齿直径超过12 mm其弹性会降低不利于收膜,耙齿直径小于8 mm其强度不足会导致耙齿变形失效,所以耙齿适宜的直径范围为8~12 mm。根据机具作业原理,前排耙齿在收膜过程中遇到的阻力最大最易变形,所以前排耙齿的直径要稍大于后两排。

鉴于上述情况,本研究设计2种直径排列方式,前、中、后排耙齿直径排列分别为:12、10、10 mm;10、8、8 mm两种形式。具体选择应根据花生产地的实际土壤硬度等情况。

2.2 耙齿入土角度及形状分析





Note:is the angle of the collecting film teeth and ground;is the working resistance when the machine is working;is the opposite reaction of the plastic and the soil;is the gravity of plastic and soil on the collecting film teeth;is the friction of soil and plastic when the machine is working.

图4 耙齿受力分析

Fig.4 Force analysis of collecting film teeth

2.3 耙齿排列设计试验及分析









加权综合评分结果如表1所示,加权综合评分的结果最大的结果分别为90.31、87.87、87.78,最大值分别对应的间隙为100、120、80 mm,所以选择的最优的耙齿间隙从小到大依次即为80、100、120 mm。

表1 加权综合评分结果


Note:1is residual film recovery rate,1is soil height,2is soil height divided by total height,3=1-2,is comprehensive scoring.

分析可知,3排齿排列时,密度应依次加大,既可以防止壅土也可以确保拾膜效果。即3排齿的齿间距分别为:120、100、80 mm。如图6所示。

3 田间试验及参数优化

通过上述分析,可确定部分影响残膜机具作业的参数取值和范围。根据试验地的实际情况,设计前、中、后耙齿的直径分别为10、8、8 mm;耙齿材料为65号锰钢;耙齿入土角度的范围为10°~35°;3排齿的齿间距分别为:120、100、80 mm;耙齿入土深度亦可通过机具前端安装的限深轮进行调节。


3.1 试验设计

3.1.1 试验条件及指标

本试验地点为锦州,前茬作物为花生,花生收获后进行收膜试验。花生种植方式为垄作,一垄双行,垄高100 mm;土壤类型为沙土,表层含水率约为10%(0~100 mm)。地膜宽度68 mm,厚度0.010 mm。收获前垄宽90 mm,覆膜宽度68 mm,收获后垄高11 mm。试验时,连续工作长度对保证工作效率有影响,长度过长导致残膜堆积、长度过短导致试验结果不够准确,故本试验设定连续工作长度为100 m。具体工作及机具主要指标如表2所示。

表2 机具主要指标



3.1.2 试验过程与结果


通过分析和试验可知:机具前进速度过慢会导致作业效率低下及壅土严重,速度过快会导致漏膜,所以试验时机具前进速度选择应在合理范围,即分别选为0.5、1.0、1.5 m/s;耙齿入土深度过浅会降低收膜率,影响机具收膜效果;过深会导致壅土严重和耙齿的剧烈变形,所以试验时耙齿的入土深度分别为5、10、15 mm;耙齿曲率半径过小会影响整体机架的高度进而导致壅土,过大会影响耙齿强度和收膜效果,所以试验时耙齿的曲率半径分别为195、225、255 mm。表3为试验因素水平,表4为田间试验结果。

表3 试验因素水平

表4 田间试验结果

3.1.3 结果分析

应用软件Design expert对表3中数据拟合并进行方差分析,可得回归系数及其显著性检验如表5所示。



表5 模型显著性检验


3.2 影响因素分析及参数优化

3.2.1 影响因素分析


a. 入土深度和前进速度对残膜回收率的影响

a. Influence of depth of collecting film teeth and machine operating speed on film recycling rate

b. 耙齿曲率半径和入土深度对残膜回收率的影响

b. Influence of film teeth curvature radius and the embedded depth of film teeth on film recycling rate

3.2.2 参数优化

残膜回收率是反应机具残膜回收效果的重要指标,在试验范围内要求其值越大越好。应用Design expert的寻优功能对其进行优化,可得各参数的优化结果如表5所示。如表5可知,预测的最佳试验条件为:机具前进速度1.2 m/s,耙齿入土深度11.09 mm,耙齿曲率半径222.33 mm,预测残膜回收率为91%。

表5 优化结果与实际值对比

3.3 验证试验

为了验证优化结果的可行性,现按预测的数值进行试验,为方便机具的加工,现设定机具前进速度为1.2 m/s,耙齿入土深度11 mm,耙齿曲率半径为222.5 mm。试验进行三次取平均值,最后得试验残膜回收率为93%,与预测值的相对误差为2%。试验结果与预测值很接近,验证了所建模型的准确性,优化后的残膜回收装置性能得到改善,完全符合残膜回收作业的要求。

4 结 论

1)耙齿的直径、材料、入土角度、齿间距均会对耙齿式垄作花生残膜回收机的工作性能产生影响;设计前、中、后耙齿的直径分别为10、8、8 mm;耙齿材料为65号锰钢;耙齿入土角度的范围为10°~35°;三排齿的齿间距分别为120、100、80 mm时机具收膜效果好。

2)机具前进速度、耙齿入土深度和耙齿曲率半径3个因素对残膜回收效果均有显著性影响,且影响强弱次序为:机具前进速度>耙齿入土深度>耙齿曲率半径。应用Design expert的寻优功能对其进行优化,优化后机具前进速度为1.2 m/s,耙齿入土深度11 mm,耙齿曲率半径222 mm,残膜回收率为93%。


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Design and parameter optimization on teeth residue plastic film collector of ridged peanut

Shi Lili, Hu Zhichao※, Gu Fengwei, Wu Feng, Wu Penglai


With the increasing use of agricultural plastic film, the pollution it bringing is becoming more and more serious. It has become a problem which needs to be solved urgently. In China, the plant areas of peanut were expanded to 460.6 hm2in 2014, which accounted for about 17.9% of the global area of peanut crops. And its output reached to 16.481 7 million tons in the same year, which accounted for about 38.9 % of the global production of peanut yields. Therefore, design and experiment on plastic film collector of ridged peanut means a great deal to us. The collecting film teeth residue plastic film collector of ridged peanut was designed, and the whole structure and working mechanism of the machine were introduced. Therefore, the main operation components of it were designed and the structure parameters were determined at last. To solve the problem of residual film recycling after peanuts harvest, we designed the plastic film residue collector, and then optimized its parameters. The key structural parameters were determined by mechanism analysis and tests. The collecting film teeth diameter of the first row, the second row, and the third row were set as 10, 8 and 8 mm, respectively. The harrowing tooth was made of No.65 manganese steel, and the harrowing tooth’s lug angle ranges from 10° to 35°. The collecting film teeth space on the first row, the second row, and the third row were 120, 100 and 80 mm, respectively.The four-dimensional slice of MATLAB and response surface analysis was done on the machine speed, the harrowing tooth’s lug depth and its radius of curvature. The quadratic regression model between film removing ratio and machine operating speed,the embedded depth of the rake, tooth curvature radius was built. The optimal structure parameters of plastic film residue collector were obtained by response surface analysis. The response surface analysis of the model was optimized, and the effect of 3 factors on the recovery of the residual membrane was significant. The order of strength is: machine operating speed> embedded depth of the collecting film teeth > collecting film teeth curvature radius. The machine was optimized by parameter optimization. The machine operating speed, depth of collecting film teeth, tooth’s radius of curvature of machine was 1.2 m/s, 11mm, and 222 mm, respectively. And film recycling rate was about 93% through the field test. Its relative error was 2% compared with the predictive value. In conclusion, the optimization scheme was feasible. This paper could provide theoretical basis for optimization of related machines. With the preliminary experiment, the collecting film teeth residue plastic film collector of ridged peanut has good film quality, which meets the design requirements of plastic recycling machine. Removing mechanism on the collecting film teeth residue plastic film collector of ridged peanut is the further research.

agricultural machinery; plastic films; optimization; ridged peanut residue Plastic Film; response surface method








施丽莉,助理研究员,主要从事农机化装备研发。南京 农业部南京农业机械化研究所,210014。

胡志超,博士,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事农作物收获及产后加工技术与装备研究。南京 农业部南京农业机械化研究所,210014。

施丽莉,胡志超,顾峰玮,吴 峰,吴朋来. 耙齿式垄作花生残膜回收机设计及参数优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):8-15. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.002

Shi Lili, Hu Zhichao, Gu Fengwei, Wu Feng, Wu Penglai. Design and parameter optimization on teeth residue plastic film collector of ridged peanut[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 8-15. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.002

