

英语世界 2017年11期





The iconography1iconography象征手法。of the picture (oil on canvas, 36.5cm x 59cm, c. 1880) is much more complex than the Mallams title2这幅画2008年由马拉姆拍卖公司卖出时的名称是River landscape with fi gure in traditional dress looking across towards a cloaked and hooded fi gure in a punt with cottage beyond。suggests, if only because the figures in it are clearly nuns. The actual setting of the picture is Aylesford Priory on the banks of the River Medway near Maidstone in Kent. Aylesford Priory had been a seat of the Carmelite3〈天主教〉(12世纪创立于叙利亚卡迈尔山的)白袍修士。Friars until 1538, when it was suppressed as part of King Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries44亨利八世在位期间,促使议会颁布一系列法令推行宗教改革,其中包括废除修道院制度,从而使英国教会脱离罗马教廷。. Thereafter it was in private hands (under various different families) until 1949, when the Carmelites re-acquired it. Hughes offers an imaginative reinterpretation of the building as something it never was—a nunnery.


[2] The present work may be related to a narrative picture with the same title exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1874.Interesting questions arise, indeed, as to whether it is a narrative sequel to the earlier picture. The earlier work presents a sad family watching as one of their daughters is ferried away to enter a nunnery. In the present picture, a young nun with a basket waits on the banks of the river, as a punt5punt方头平底船(用篙撑)。(steered by another nun) approaches to ferry6ferry渡运;摆渡。her across. The nunnery has a very different appearance from the earlier work, in that the vegetation7vegetation(尤指某地或环境的)植被;草木。growing on its walls has now become extremely dense, with the old entrance and several windows no longer visible. This invites a number of interpretations. It may be, for example, that the present picture merely represents a scene involving the same‘nunnery’, but—since it was presumably done by Hughes a number of years after he had done the earlier painting—the foliage had become more overgrown. It is a scene from the same imagined nunnery, in other words, but with no narrative intention over and above8over and above除……以外。that. Alternatively, it may be that Hughes intended that the young nun waiting to be ferried is the same girl who was taken into the nunnery as a novice in the earlier picture. Since she is waiting at the same place occupied by her family in the earlier work, the implication is that she has now found a new family in the sisterhood.




[3] There is a further—somewhat darker—reading. It is that the stooped9stoop弯腰。nun in the punt is the girl from the original picture, shown to us many years later. Now the only person who awaits her on the other side of the river is another member of the same order10order(按照一定的规范生活的)宗教团体;(尤指)修会。. Her original family have long gone into the past.

The Convent Boat

ByPaul Crowther

