Fantasy: The Blueprint of the World奇幻文学:世界的蓝图
文/露西·豪森 译/陈天怡
By Lucy Hounsom
Fantasy sinks its figurative talons1talon(鸟类,尤指猛禽的)爪。into us all. Its origins are ancient, with roots in the epic IcelandicEddur2《埃达》,冰岛史诗,中古时期流传下来的最重要的北欧文学经典,也是在古希腊、古罗马以外的西方神话源头之一。and Old English poems likeBeowulf3《贝奥武甫》,古英格兰叙事长诗,讲述了斯堪的纳维亚的英雄贝奥武甫的英勇事迹,欧洲文学的三大英雄史诗之一。. It owes a debt to Shakespeare, to the adventure narratives of the eighteenth century, to the Gothic movement, Romanticism,the medievalism of the Pre-Raphaelites4拉斐尔前派,19世纪中叶出现于英国的画派,崇尚浑厚、扎实的写实画风,厌弃浅薄的实用主义艺术时尚,注重油画的精神内涵和中古时期的情调。and to thefin de siècle5原为法语,意思是世纪之末,指19世纪末期,尤指当时的艺术、文化和道德氛围。. But perhaps it didn’t begin to be shaped as a distinct genre until authors such as George MacDonald (1824—1905), William Morris (1834—1896) and Lord Dunsany(1878—1957) popularised the creation of fantasy worlds. Among others, they mined the imaginative concepts that J.R. R. Tolkien would later forge into the first real commercial epic fantasy.
[2] This short summary alone reveals how deep fantasy runs in the human psyche6psyche心灵,精神。, how it drives human creativity.It is an elemental force, a willing immersion7immersion沉浸于,陷入。in the mythic8mythic如同神话般的。. We—and the stories we write—are shaped by its archetypes9archetype源自心理学家卡尔·荣格的名词,指神话、宗教、梦境、幻想、文学中不断重复出现的意象,它源自民族记忆和原始经验的集体潜意识。这种意象可以是描述性的细节、剧情模式或角色典型,能唤起观众或读者潜意识中的原始经验,使其产生深刻、强烈、非理性的情绪反应。, allegories10allegory讽喻,指故事、剧本等作品中,以具体角色或情节来象征抽象的思想或品质,如真理、死亡、邪恶。and emotions.So what attracts us to fantasy? What rough magic compels us to walk in the footsteps of heroes?
[3] I’d like to use a favourite quote fromMiddlemarch11全称《米德尔马契——当地生活研究》,乔治·艾略特的代表作,描述了作者虚构的英国省城“米德尔马契”发生的一出人生悲喜剧。, George Eliot’s classic, as a starting point to explore this rather enormous question. She writes:
If we had a keen feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel’s heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence.
[4] Of course, even “ordinary”human life is anything but silence.Beneath that silent surface, hidden by what we do not or cannot say, there is a fast flowing current of the emotions,thoughts and perceptions that are a human’s birthright. It’s a dangerous current, were we to be swallowed by it. Our conscious mind protects us;truth distilled12distill吸取精华,提炼浓缩。in the unconscious is imparted13impart透露,传达。gradually, with caution.Humans are complex beings, driven by powerful forces: desire, ambition,our spiritual and aesthetic principles,and we are constantly aware of our mortality.
[5] To understand why we’re drawn to fantasy, I think it’s first necessary to understand that the human mind functions on many levels, not all of them easily labelled or accessible.Creativity allows us to access the subconscious; to express the archetypes that we unknowingly utilise in our comprehension of the world. Alan Garner said,Mythis not entertainment,but rather the crystallisation of experience, and, far from being escapist, fantasy is an intensification of reality.Myths survive the passage of time because they embody14embody具体表现或体现(思想或品质)。the archetypes of essential human behaviour. Our strengths, weaknesses,wisdoms and follies are recorded in stories that hopefully equip us with a better understanding of each other and our place in an ever-changing world.
[6] Fantasy expresses this in its purest form, uncluttered15uncluttered不包含过多繁琐事物或细节的。by contemporary living. Archetypes are present in every creative endeavour, but in fantasy they tend to be unclothed:clarifiednotsimplified. Like myth, we can tap into fantasy and are rewarded with comprehension on the most important,fundamental level. Fantasy doesn’t shroud16shroud隐藏,遮盖。itself in intellectualisms17intellectualism理智主义,唯智论。.It doesn’t use metaphor for the sake of metaphor. It goes much deeper to uncover and bring to light the very essence of progress, the determination to shape our environment, to undertake the journey across distant, perilous lands in a quest to understand the Self.
[7] This is why we identify with the hero archetype. They are on the same quest as us; they strive to shape their destinies as we do. We live and die beside them. We mourn their passing as we mourn our own. And we rejoice in their accomplishments because therein lies the possibility of coming that little bit closer to grasping the elusive truth at the heart of existence.
[8] There is a place of wonder and danger just beyond our sight, a life of intensity that calls to those who listen. Some of us catch glimpses of it in dappled sunlight, or in the cloud shadows that darken the hills. We yearn towards that life. Surrounded by it, we can confront the aspects of ourselves that frighten or confuse us. Characters have the ability to guide us, Dante-esque18这里应为作者借用但丁《神曲》的故事情节。后缀-esque指“如……一般的”。, through the internal challenges we face. They show us that we’re not alone.Our thoughts have been thought before.
[9] The camaraderie19camaraderie(同事或长时间想处的人之间的)友情,情谊。we feel with well-crafted characters—of shared trials while questing—is one of the reasons I started reading fantasy. The physical and psychological transition from childhood to adulthood is the hardest we face as individuals, and many of us find ourselves reaching out to others in the same situation. I found myself reaching out to characters that lived in entirely different worlds.
[10] Unlike Garner, I won’t deny that there is an element of escapism involved. The fantasy genre is not alone in offering us a means to briefly transcend everyday life, but it is famously suited to that purpose.
[11] The number ofWorld of Warcraftsubscribers for example(7.7 million at last count), reveals a compelling desire to create an alter-ego and then to invest real time and money inhabiting it. I think that this kind of investment in a fantasy alter-ego is different to roleplaying games set in carbon copies of modern society.
[12] The things that drew me toWoWfirst and foremost were its fantasy characters and fantasy world…and all the adventures they engendered.
Who wouldn’t want to fly on drakes,be a warlock or warrior and kick ass in Naxxramas for epics? This kind of immersion fulfils us on several psychological levels, but it is also dangerously addictive.
[13] The same addiction runs throughout fantasy as a genre. Once you embark on that quest, it’s hard to pause in your exploration, or retain a sense of perspective20a sense of perspective理智、客观地看待问题的能力。. Fantasy deals in powerful symbols and exploits the most inescapable yearnings of human nature.It is a bridge over the river Imagination,whose far bank tempts us with the impossible.
[14] Why should we not enjoy being able to fly, possess super-powers, speak to magical creatures? We can interact with history. Past ages appeal by virtue of21by virtue of由于,凭借。their being not now. But that distant bank promises darker, more morally complex things like immortality or apotheosis22apotheosis尊奉为神,神化。, even control over time itself. This is the realm where normal rules do not apply. This is the realm where you can live forever, be rich, rule an empire, heal or kill with a thought. In a realm such as this, it’s about holding onto your humanity in the midst of chaos. Thus stories are born.
[15] I began this article by saying that fantasy has its talons in us all.Even if you don’t feel an affinity with the genre, you reference it whenever you express a wish for something to be other than it is. If you’re anything like me, however, who lives each day on the fringes of fantasy, you’ll know how it colours everything you see. A walk in woodland conjures images of elves or fae. The rocky tors23tor石山。on Dartmoor conceal a knight’s tomb or a troll hoard.Antique shops are home to cursed masks or paintings, or a prophecy hidden in a newspaper from 1925.Imbuing the everyday with24imbue with使充满。the power of fantasy brings to me a kind of clarity of observation, as if I am seeing things for what in essence they are.
[16] Writing is about making the familiar unfamiliar. It’s about crossing the bridge to find the stories that, as long as there are people to hear them,will live forever. And it’s about the truth that remains with us after the last page is turned. When I first finishedThe Lord of the Rings, I was devastated, knowing that I couldn’t sail to Valinor with Frodo. I had to leave the Fellowship behind. Although our own lives call us back at the end of every adventure, I’d like to think we return a little bit wiser.Ultimately, and as Gandalf so rightly says,all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. ■
奇幻文学以其象征的利爪紧紧攫住我们每一个人。其源头深远,萌芽于冰岛史诗《埃达》和类似《贝奥武甫》的古英格兰诗歌。它借鉴了莎士比亚的作品、18世纪的冒险故事、哥特运动、浪漫主义、拉斐尔前派的中世纪精神和世纪之末的整体氛围。但或许直到乔治·麦克唐纳(1824—1905)、威廉·莫里斯(1834—1896)和邓萨尼爵士(1878—1957)等作家推广了奇幻世界的创作,奇幻文学才开始成为一种独特的文体。这些作家所挖掘的奇思妙想,后由J. R. R. 托尔金融入了第一部真正意义上的商业化史诗奇幻巨作。
[16]写作是为了让熟悉的事物变得陌生,是跨过小桥去搜寻故事,只要还有人愿意聆听,这些故事便永恒不灭。写作是为了在我们合上书本之后,真理仍然与我们同在。第一次读完《魔戒》时,我知道自己无法和弗罗多一起坐船前往维林诺后,悲恸欲绝。我不得不和我的“小伙伴们”就此道别。虽然冒险过后,总要接受现实生活的召唤,我仍愿相信归来的我们智慧已有所增长。最终,借用甘道夫的金玉良言,我们唯一需要决定的就是如何度过有限的人生。 □
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