Sources of Fantasy奇幻之源
Though the fantasy genre in its modern sense is less than two centuries old, its sources have a long and distinguished history. Elements of the supernatural and the fantastic were an element of literature from its beginning.
Ancient Near East1
TheEpic of Gilgameshwas written over generations following the supposed reign of King Gilgamesh, and is seen as a mythologized version of his life. This figure is sometimes an influence and, more rarely, a figure in modern fantasy.
Ancient India
India has a long tradition of fantastical stories and characters, dating back to Vedic mythology. Several modern fantasy works such asRG Veda2指日本漫画团体CLAMP创作的幻想少女漫画《圣传》,以古印度神话为背景,人物原型取自印度神话《梨俱吠陀》等经典。draw on theRig-Vedaas a source. Hindu mythology was an evolution of the earlier Vedic mythology and had many more fantastical stories and characters,particularly in the Indian epics, such as theMahabharataby Vyasa, and theRamayanaby Valmiki, both of which were influential in Asia.ThePanchatantra(Fables of Bidpai)was in fluential in Europe and the Middle East. It used various animal fables and magical tales to illustrate the central Indian principles of political science.Talking animals endowed with human qualities have now become a staple of modern fantasy.
Classical mythology is replete with fantastical stories and characters, the best known (and perhaps the most relevant to modern fantasy) being the works of Homer. The philosophy of Plato has had great in fluence on the fantasy genre. In the Christian-Platonic tradition, the reality of other worlds,and an overarching structure of great metaphysical and moral importance, has lent substance to the fantasy worlds of modern works.
East Asia
The figures of Chinese dragons were influential on the modern fantasy use of the dragon, tempering the greedy,thoroughly evil, even diabolical Western dragon; many modern fantasy dragons are humane and wise. Chinese traditions have been particularly in fluential in the vein of fantasy known as Chinoiserie, including such writers as Ernest Bramah and Barry Hughart. Taoist beliefs about neijing and its influence on martial arts have been a major influence on wuxia, a subgenre of the martial arts film that is sometimes fantasy, when the practice of wuxia is used fictitiously to achieve super-human feats, as inCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Islamic Middle East
The most well known fiction from the Islamic world wasThe Book of One Thousand and One Nights(Arabian Nights), which was a compilation of many ancient and medieval folk tales.This epic has been in fluential in the West since it was translated in the 18th century,first by Antoine Galland. Many imitations were written, especially in France. Various characters from this epic have themselves become cultural icons in Western culture,such as Aladdin, Sinbad and Ali Baba.A number of elements from Persian and Arabian mythology are now common in modern fantasy, such as genies, bahamuts3通译为巴哈姆特,是阿拉伯神话中的重要形象,外形似一条巨大的鱼,背上支撑着大地。, magic carpets, magic lamps, etc.
Medieval Europe
Medieval European sources of fantasy occurred primarily in epic poetry and in the Fornaldarsagas4字面意义是“过去时代的故事”,又被称为legendary saga,是一种出现于欧洲人定居冰岛之前的挪威萨迦,比后来13世纪的萨迦时间更早,因此译为“古代萨迦”。, Norse and Icelandic sagas5saga通译为“萨迦”,原意是“言语,叙述”,后特指13世纪前后由冰岛人或挪威人记载的民间故事,主要记载了北欧的历史与传说。, both of which are based on ancient oral tradition. The in fluence of these works on the German Romantics and J. R. R. Tolkien means that their in fluence on later fantasy has been large.
Beowulfis among the best known of the Nordic tales in the English speaking world, and has had deep in fluence on the fantasy genre; although it was unknown for centuries and so not developed in medieval legend and romance, several fantasy works have retold the tale, such as John Gardner’sGrendel.
Norse mythology, as found in theElder Eddaand theYounger Edda,includes such figures as Odin and his fellow Aesir, and dwarves, elves, dragons,and giants. These elements have been directly imported into various fantasy works, and have deeply in fluenced others,both on their own and through their in fluence on Nordic sagas, Romanticism,and early fantasy writers.
Celtic folklore and legend has been an inspiration for many fantasy works.The separate folklore of Ireland, Wales,and Scotland has sometimes been used indiscriminately for “Celtic” fantasy,sometimes with great effect; other writers have distinguished to use a single source.
The Finnish epic, theKalevala,although not published until the 19th century, is compiled from oral tradition dating back to an earlier period. J. R.R. Tolkien cited it, with the Finnish language he learned from it, as a major inspiration behind theSilmarillion.
During the Renaissance, Giovanni Francesco Straparola wrote and publishedThe Facetious Nights of Straparola, a collection of stories,many of which are literary fairy tales. Giambattista Basile wrote and published thePentamerone, a collection of literary fairy tales, the first collection of stories to contain solely the stories later to be known as fairy tales. Both of these works includes the oldest recorded form of many well-known (and more obscure) European fairy tales. This was the beginning of a tradition that would both influence the fantasy genre and be incorporated in it, as many works of fairytale fantasy appear to this day.Although witchcraft and wizardry were both believed to be actual at the time,such motifs as the fairies in William Shakespeare’sA Midsummer Night’s Dream, the Weird Sisters inMacbethand Prospero inThe Tempestwould be deeply in fluential on later works of fantasy.
Romanticism, a movement of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, was a dramatic reaction to Rationalism, challenging the priority of reason and promoting the importance of imagination and spirituality. Its success in rehabilitating imagination was of fundamental importance to the evolution of fantasy, and its interest in medieval romances providing many motifs to modern fantasy. In the later part of the Romantic tradition, in reaction to the spirit of the Enlightenment,folklorists collected folktales, epic poems, and ballads, and brought them out in printed form. The Brothers Grimm were inspired in their collection,Grimm’s Fairy Tales, by the movement of German Romanticism. Many other collectors were inspired by the Grimms and the similar sentiments. Frequently their motives stemmed not merely from Romanticism, but from Romantic nationalism, in that many were inspired to save their own country’s folklore.These works, whether fairy tale, ballads,or folk epics, were a major source for later fantasy works.
18世纪末至19世纪初的浪漫主义运动是一场对理性主义的剧烈反抗,挑战了理性的主导地位,提高了想象与灵性的重要性。它在复兴想象力方面取得的成功,成为奇幻文学演进的重要基础,而它对中世纪传奇的关注则为现代奇幻小说提供了诸多主题。在浪漫主义传统的后期,民俗学家收集了民间故事、史诗与民歌,并将它们出版成册,以此作为对启蒙精神的回应。受到德国浪漫主义运动的启发,格林兄弟编撰了故事集《格林童话》。其他许多收集者也被格林兄弟以及同样的情感所激励。他们的动机常常不只源于浪漫主义,更是源于浪漫民族主义,这种民族主义激励许多人去保存自己国家的民间文学。这些作品,无论是童话、民歌还是民间史诗,都构成了后世奇幻小说的重要源头。 □