Brief Intro of Fantasy奇 幻 文 学 简 介
译/傅越 审订/肖文
Fantasy is a form of literary genre in which a plot cannot occur in the real world. Its plot usually involves witchcraft or magic taking place on an undiscovered planet of an unknown world. Its overall theme and setting is a combination of technology, architecture,and language resembling European medieval ages. The most interesting thing about fantasies is that their plot involves witches1witch女巫。, sorcerers2sorcerer 一般指邪恶的巫师,会使用强大魔法。, mythical and animal creatures talking like humans, which never happens in the real life.
[2] Though the genre in its modern sense is less than two centuries old, its precedents have a long and distinguished history. Fantasy Fiction has a rich history of inspirations for critics to dissect and apply to the modern genre. It is often examined as the modern counterpart3counterpart 对应物。to mythology,but whether one of these practices inspired the other, and which inspired which, is hotly debated.
[3] With its roots in myth and legend,fantasy is the most elemental of all the genres. It is certainly interesting that many people for many generations believed in myth and legend in a way that dramatically affected their life and their culture.
[4] One thing is certain: there is something timeless about stories that pit4pit (… against) 敌对,与……斗争。motivating heroes who face long odds5long odds 极小的可能性。against dynamic villains. (It could also be argued that this is the elementary basis of most commercial fiction genres.) Good is good and evil is evil. Eventually there is often a happy ending although important secondary characters may have been killed.
[5] Stories of the Odyssey6荷马史诗《奥德赛》中的主人公,与下文中的亚瑟王都是奇幻文学常见的故事母题。, Arthur7亚瑟王与圆桌骑士的传说故事构成了奇幻文学著名的故事母题。后世有各种故事改编,其中最杰出的作品有文艺复兴时期英国著名散文家托马斯·马洛礼爵士的小说《亚瑟王之死》、维多利亚时代的桂冠诗人丁尼生的长篇叙事诗《亚瑟王传奇》及20世纪作家T.H.怀特的“永恒之王”系列小说。,and the like have influenced and shaped culture for centuries. Heroic fantasy yearns for8yearn for 渴望;向往。a time of rigid class distinction, when good and evil were a part of breeding. When the strong ruled the weak and weak lived happily—providing rustic atmosphere in the way good peasants should. In fantasy, the reader may return to a simpler time—the world as we wish it might be.
Modern Folktales
[6] Modern folktales are types of fantasies that narrators tell in a traditional tale accompanying some typical elements such as strong conflict, little description of characters, plot moving fast with a quick resolution, sometimes adding magical elements and vague setting. However, these tales are original as known authors write them. Hans Christian Andersen has written several fairy tales of this category including,The Nightingale,The Emperor’s New Clothes,ThumbelinaandThe Ugly Duckling.
Animal Fantasy
[7] This fantasy tells tales about animals, showing them behaving like human beings, experiencing emotions,having ability of reasoning and talking.Nevertheless, animals in animal fantasies retain their various animal characteristics too. Often, such fantasies have simple plots and constitute literary symbolism by presenting symbolic expression of human counterparts. Its popular examples include,The Wind in the Willowsby Kenneth Grahame9肯尼斯·格雷厄姆(1859—1932),英国儿童文学作家,擅长描写自然和动物,代表作为《柳林风声》。,Charlotte’s Webby E. B. White10and,The Tale of Peter Rabbit,by Beatrix Potter11毕翠克丝·波特(1866—1943),英国儿童文学作家,擅长将动物拟人化,代表作为《彼得兔》系列,彼得兔在英国当地的湖区已成为一个著名的标志性童话形象。.
Toy Fantasy
[8] In toy fantasies, narrators bring their beloved toys to life and transform them into animated beings that can talk,live, think, breathe, love and behave like human beings. You would see modern toy fantasies in picture book format. Its examples include, A.A Milne12A.A.米尔恩(1882—1956),英国儿童文学作家,代表作《小熊维尼》曾被迪士尼翻拍成系列动画。’sWinnie the Poohand Carlo Collodi13卡洛·科洛迪(1826—1890),意大利儿童文学作家,代表作《木偶奇遇记》,主人公长鼻子匹诺曹也是著名的卡通形象。’sThe Adventures of Pinocchio.
Magical Fantasy
[9] In a magical fantasy, you see a character having magical powers, or a strange magical object becomes subject of the narrative. Such fantasies include Roald Dahl14罗尔德·达尔(1916—1990),英国儿童文学作家、剧作家,代表作《查理和巧克力工厂》。’sCharlie and Chocolate Factoryand William Steig15威廉·史塔克(1907—2003),美国儿童文学作家、漫画家,代表作《驴小弟变石头》。’sSylvester and the Magic Pebble.
Alternative Worlds16异世界,多指代托尔金的“第二世界”(Secondary World),托尔金在论文集《怪物与批评家》(The Monsters and the Critics)的“论童话故事”(On Fairy-Stories)一文中提出这个概念,意指相对于“第一世界”(现实世界)的虚构世界,是奇幻文学尤其是主流史诗奇幻的核心要素。&Enchanted17enchanted 被施了魔法的;着魔的。Journeys
[10] In these fantasies, you see leading character undertaking journey to an alternative world, or a fantasy world. Though realistic tales also employ journeys, you would see magical things only happen in fantasy journeys. Its examples include Lewis Carroll18刘易斯·卡罗尔(1832—1898),英国儿童文学作家,同时也是数学家、摄影师、牧师,涉猎非常广泛,对诗歌和逻辑学也很精通,故其代表作《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》及续作《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》充满了诗意和哲理。’sAlice Adventures in Wonderland, J. K Rowling’sHarry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stoneand Jonathan Swift19乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667—1745),英国启蒙运动时期著名政论家、讽刺小说家,其代表作《格列佛游记》天马行空地描绘了小人国、大人国、飞马国等奇幻世界。’sGulliver’s Travels.
Quest or Heroic Fantasy(High Fantasy20深度奇幻;主流奇幻。以史诗奇幻为主,即20世纪以来最为我们所熟知的奇幻小说,与Low Fantasy相对。Low Fantasy一般指“第一世界”(现实世界)发生的超自然现象,而High Fantasy搭建的舞台即宏伟的“第二世界”。)
[11] These fantasies involve adventures with a search, quest and motif. While this quest could be pursuit for a higher purpose like justice and love, or for getting a reward like hidden treasure or a magical power, the conflict of heroic fantasies focuses on struggle between evil and good. The protagonist21protagonist 主角;故事的主人公。struggles with internal weakness and temptations such as you may observe in,The Lord of the Ringstrilogy /Hobbit,by J.R.R.Tolkien22J. R. R.托尔金(1892—1973),英国奇幻小说家、语言学家,现代奇幻小说之父。代表作《魔戒》三部曲、《霍比特人》,先后被拍成三部曲电影。,The Hero and the Crown,by Robin McKinley23罗宾·麦金利(1978— ),美国奇幻小说家,代表作《英雄与皇冠》。and,The Book of Three,by Lloyd Alexander24劳埃德·亚历山大(1955—2007),美国奇幻小说家,代表作《三者书》。.
Mystery and Supernatural Fantasy
[12] One of very common forms of supernatural fantasy is known as a ghost story. Ghosts could be either helpful protectors, or fearful. However,in a mystery, the solution is always a supernatural one, or through supernatural assistance such as witchcrafts. Its best example is,The legend of Sleepy Hollow,by Washington Irving25华盛顿·欧文(1783—1859),美国文学之父,其短篇小说多取材于欧洲古老的传说,风格神秘而离奇,代表作有旅行随笔《见闻札记》。《睡谷的传说》是他最著名的奇幻作品。.
Science Fiction
[13] Science fiction is also a type of imaginative literature. It provides a mental picture of something that may happen on realistic scienti fic principles and facts. This fiction portrays a world where young people would be living on the Mars. Hence, it is known as futuristic fiction. It dramatizes the wonders of technology and resembles heroic fantasy where its magic substitutes with technology. You can find this type of imaginative fiction in Mary Shelley26玛丽·雪莱(1797—1851),英国浪漫主义诗人珀西·比希·雪莱之妻,其科幻小说《弗兰肯斯坦》一般被视为现代科幻小说史的起点。’sFrankenstein, Robert Heinlein27罗伯特·海因莱因(1907—1988),美国著名科幻小说家,与阿西莫夫、亚瑟·克拉克并称为科幻小说黄金时代三巨头,风格偏向硬科幻。《伽利略号火箭飞船》是他的一部儿童科幻小说,代表作还有《异乡异客》《双星》《严厉的月亮》《银河系公民》等。’sRocket Ship Galileoand,The White Mountains,by John Christopher28约翰·克里斯托弗(1922—2012),英国科幻小说家,代表作《白山》。. Cyberpunk29cyberpunk 赛博朋克,科幻小说的一个分支,题材主要围绕人工智能(AI)、虚拟现实(VR)、基因工程等现代信息科技元素。代表作家作品有菲利普·迪克的《高堡奇人》(其作品《银翼杀手》《少数派报告》等已翻拍电影)、威廉·吉布森的《神经浪游者》、弗诺·文奇的《真名实姓》《天渊》等。is also a genre of science fiction.
[14] We all like fantasy stories and grow up reading and listening fantasies.These tales serve as a fuel to our imagination, and give satisfaction to our longings for adventure. Thus, fantasies directly relate to our deepest desires and dreams. That is why they are important for increasing power of imagination and growing minds, especially in children.In addition, lots of romance and magic,seeking ideal hero and beauty queen,adventure and deception captures the attention and imagination of every age group. Also, fantasy has a distinguished writing style with freedom of expression—the reason that authors can experiment and employ elements of narrative to strengthen their tales. ■
10 E.B.怀特(1899—1985),美国儿童文学作家、散文家,代表作《夏洛的网》讲述了蜘蛛夏洛与小猪威尔伯的友谊,是一部关于爱和生命的温暖童话。
[14]我们都喜爱奇幻故事,成长过程中一直阅读及聆听这类作品。这些故事推动我们的想象,满足我们对冒险的渴望。因此,奇幻文学直击我们最深处的欲望和梦想。这就是为什么奇幻故事对增强想象力和促进思维发展至关重要,尤其体现在孩子身上。此外,大量的浪漫传奇和魔力——追寻理想的英雄和美丽的皇后——以及冒险和诡计,这些会吸引各年龄层读者的注意和想象。奇幻文学还具有独特的写作风格,表达自由——这也是写作者能够尝试并应用一些叙事元素来强化故事的原因。 □