De-extinction—The Resurrection1 of Extinct Animals 反灭绝


英语世界 2017年12期

文/鲍勃·斯特劳斯 译/郑淑明 王敏 By Bob Strauss

De-extinction—The Resurrection1of Extinct Animals 反灭绝

文/鲍勃·斯特劳斯 译/郑淑明 王敏 By Bob Strauss

The pros and cons of reintroducing long-extinct mammals,birds and amphibians2amphibian两栖动物。.复活早已灭绝的哺乳动物、鸟类和两栖动物的利弊。

There’s a new buzzword making the rounds of trendy tech conferences and environmental think tanks: deextinction. Thanks to ongoing advances in DNA technology, as well as the ability of scientists to recover soft tissue from fossilized animals, it may soon be possible to breed Tasmanian Tigers3塔斯马尼亚虎,又名袋狼(澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛特有的袋类动物)。,Woolly Mammoths and Dodo Birds back into existence, presumably undoing the wrongs that mankind inflicted4inflict使遭受打击,使吃苦头。on these gentle beasts in the first place, hundreds or thousands of years ago.




The technology of de-extinction

[2] Before we get into the arguments for and against de-extinction, it’shelpful to look at the current state of this rapidly developing science. The crucial5crucial关键性的。ingredient of de-extinction, of course,is DNA, the molecule6molecule分子。that provides the genetic “blueprint” of any given species.In order to de-extinct, say, a Dire Wolf7Dire Wolf(古生物)惧狼。,scientists would have to recover a sizable chunk of this animal’s DNA, which is not so far-fetched8far-fetched牵强的;不可信的;靠不住的。considering that Canis dirus only went extinct about 10,000 years ago and various fossil specimens have yielded soft tissue.

[3] Wouldn’t we need all of an animal’s DNA in order to bring it back from extinction? No, and that’s the beauty of the de-extinction concept: the Dire Wolf shared enough of its DNA with modern canines9canine犬。that only certain specific genes would be required, not the entire Canis dirus genome10genome基因组。.

[4] The next challenge, of course, would be to find a suitable host to incubate11incubate孵(卵),孵化。a genetically engineered Dire Wolf fetus12fetus胎,胚胎。;presumably, a carefully prepared Great Dane or Grey Wolf13Grey Wolf大灰狼(产于亚欧大陆和北美)。female would fit the bill14fit the bill正合适;正符合要求。. (This is the technique popularly referred to as “cloning,” though it would involve the reconstruction, rather than the duplication, of a given genome.)




[5] There is another, less messy way to “de-extinct” a species, and that’s by reversing thousands of years of domestication15domestication驯养(动物)。. In other words, scientists can selectively breed herds of cattle to encourage, rather than suppress16suppress抑制(生长、发展、起作用等)。,“primitive” traits (such as an ornery17ornery脾气暴躁的。rather than a peaceful disposition), the result being a close approximation of an Ice Age Auroch. This technique could conceivably even be used to “de-breed”canines into their feral18feral(动物驯养后脱逃)恢复野性的。, uncooperative Grey Wolf ancestors, which may not do much for science but would certainly make dog shows more interesting.

[6] This, by the way, is the reason virtually no one seriously talks about deextincting animals that have been extinct for millions of years, like dinosaurs or marine reptiles19reptile 爬行动物。. It’s difficult enough to recover viable fragments of DNA from animals that have been extinct for thousands of years; after millions of years, any genetic information will be rendered completely irrecoverable by the fossilization20fossilization石化。process. Jurassic Park aside, don’t expect anyone to clone a Tyrannosaurus Rex in your or your children’s lifetime!


Arguments in favor of de-extinction

[7] Just because we may, in the near future, be able to de-extinct vanished species, does that mean we should?



[8] Some scientists and philosophers are very bullish21bullish(对未来)有信心的;乐观的。on the prospect, citing the following arguments in its favor:

We can undo humanity’s past mistakes. In the 19th century, Americans who didn’t know any better slaughtered Passenger Pigeons by the millions;generations before, the Tasmanian Tiger was driven to near-extinction by European immigrants to Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. Resurrecting these animals, this argument goes, would help reverse a huge historical injustice.

We can learn more about evolution and biology. Any program as ambitious as de-extinction is certain to produce important science, the same way the Apollo moon missions helped usher in the age of the personal computer. We may potentially learn enough about genome manipulation to cure cancer or extend the average human’s life span into the triple digits22digit(0到9的任何一个)数字。.

We can counter the effects of environmental depredation23depredation掠夺;蹂躏;破坏。. An animal species isn’t important only for its own sake; it contributes to a vast web of ecological interrelationships, and makes the entire ecosystem more robust.Resurrecting extinct animals may be just the “therapy” our planet needs in this age of global warming and human overpopulation.





Arguments against de-extinction

[9] Any new scientific initiative is bound to provoke a critical outcry,which is often a knee-jerk24knee-jerk本能反应的,自动做出反应的。reaction against what critics consider “fantasy”or “bunk25bunk瞎说,废话。”. In the case of de-extinction,though, the naysayers may have a point,as they maintain that:

[10] De-extinction is a PR gimmick26gimmick把戏,噱头。that detracts from real environmental issues. What is the point of resurrecting the Gastric-Brooding Frog when hundreds of amphibian species are on the brink of succumbing to27succumb to屈服,屈从;不再抵抗。the chytrid fungus28chytrid fungus壶菌。? A successful de-extinction may give people the false, and dangerous, impression that scientists have “solved” all of our environmental problems.

[11] A de-extincted creature can only thrive in a suitable habitat. It’s one thing to gestate29gestate孕育。a Saber-Toothed Tiger fetus in a Bengal tiger’s womb30womb子宫。; it’s quite another to reproduce the ecological conditions that existed 100,000 years ago, when these predators31predator 捕食性动物。ruled Pleistocene32Pleistocene更新世(地球上大约两百万年前至一万年前的一段时间,那时地球表面大部分被冰覆盖)。North America. What will these tigers eat, and what will be their impact on existing mammal populations?





[12]究竟为什么有的动物会灭绝,往往都有充分的原因。进化是残酷的,但永远不会错。一万多年前,人类猎杀猛犸象使其灭绝;什么才能使我们避免重蹈覆辙?(如果你认为是“法治”, 那么请记住严重濒危的哺乳动物每天都在遭遇非法猎杀, 特别是在非洲。)

[12] There’s usually a good reason why an animal went extinct in the first place33in the first place(用于句尾,谈论某事为何或者是否应该做)究竟,到底,当初。. Evolution can be cruel, but it’s never wrong. Human beings hunted Woolly Mammoths to extinction over 10,000 years ago; what’s to keep us from repeating history? (If you say “the rule of law,” bear in mind that seriously endangered mammals are illegally hunted every day, especially in Africa.)

De-extinction: do we have a choice?

[13] In the end, any genuine effort to de-extinct a vanished species will probably have to win the approval of various government and regulatory agencies. Once introduced into the wild,it can be difficult to keep an animal from spreading into unexpected niches and territories—and, as mentioned above, not even the most far-sighted scientist can gauge the environmental impact of a resurrected species.

[14] (What if that herd of Aurochs develops a taste for grain, rather than grass? What if a burgeoning34burgeon急速增长。population of Woolly Mammoths manages to drive the African elephant to extinction?)One can only hope that, if de-extinction goes forward, it will be with a maximal amount of care and planning—and a healthy regard for the law of unintended consequences35意外后果定律,又称墨菲定律。.




1 resurrection复活;恢复。


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