

中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2017年1期

□ 文/本刊记者 黎敏

Written by Li Min / Translated by Mo Tingting


□ 文/本刊记者 黎敏
















Intelligent Logistics and Cross-Border E-commerce Open up an E-era for Trade in Pingxiang

Written by Li Min / Translated by Mo Tingting

On December 11, 2016, Transfar Intelligent Logistics I n f o r m a t i o n P l a t f o r m (TILIP) and Pingxiang Cross-border E-commerce Integrated Service Platform (PCEISP) were off cially put into use in Pingxiang Cross-border Trade Cargoes Supervision Center, marking the entry into an E-era of Pingxiang’s export and import trade.

Broad prospects for a small logistics hub

Depending on the exceptional advantages of port, as well as preferential policies for China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) and crossborder development and openingup, Pingxiang has enjoyed booming commercial logistics.

The assistant to president of Transfar Group Mr. Xiang Tiancheng said at the opening ceremony that, along with the rapid development, there are still difficulties for Pingxiang’s highway logistics, including logistics information asymmetry and the long period for matching vehicles and goods, which would have an effect not only on the development and utilization of information but also on the overall efficiency of logistics. In the face of the transformation and upgrading of logistics industry, it is imperative to call for government-led and concerted efforts in tackling difficulties which cannot be resolved only through market forces. Based on a good industrial foundation and a practical demand, Transfar Group will cooperate with Pingxiang municipal government to set up Pingxiang Logistics Integrated Service Platform (PLISP), and integrate all logistics resources of the supply chain, so as to build Pingxiang into a small logistics hub.

The PLISP, co-established by Transfar Group and Pingxiang municipal government, will establish a “Transfar Road Port” offline to provide space and all-around supporting service for logistics business, and an online“PLISP” to realize the most efficient data association through Transfar Intelligent System and Internet logistics products centered on “Road Logistics + E-Cargo”. This O2O logistics system will offer cargo owners, logistics enterprises and drivers integrated logistics and supporting service, forming a “high-efficiency logistics dispatching platform”, a “superior cargo service circle” and a “reliable logistics integrity operational system”. Furthermore, “Big Data + Cloud Computing” will play a vital role in guiding the operation of enterprises and supporting government decision-making by collecting all data of freight transportation.


Currently, the first phase of PLISP has been completed. The results showed that the cost of freight transportation can be reduced by 25%, a decrease of 40.88 million yuan within one year. With higher efficiency, decreased cost of freight, lifted living standard, and clustered development of logistics industry, Pingxiang will surely act as a logistics hub in the future.

Apart from bringing in key projects, Pingxiang has made efforts to develop logistics industry. At present, the dispatching center of Pingxiang Integrated Free Trade Zone (PIFTZ) has been improved, attracting a number of international well-known enterprises such as Foxconn, Apple Inc. and Samsung, and significantly driving the growth of bonded logistics. In addition, there are closer trade ties between PIFTZ and countries in Indo-China Peninsula, which will highlight the Pingxiang-Vietnam-Thailand golden logistics routes.

To share dividends from Internet +

The volume of cross-border E-commerce has reached 6.5 trillion yuan in 2016, rising 20.5% on a yearon-year basis. Against the backdrop, cross-border E-commerce between China and ASEAN has shown unlimited development prospects. Meanwhile, Pingxiang as the most convenient land route and an important port enjoys great advantages to develop cross-border E-commerce.

Cross-border E-commerce between China and ASEAN has shown unlimited development prospects.

Mr. Li Hang also introduced that there are three advantages of PCEISP. The f rst is the richest trade patterns, including general trade, cross-border small trade, border trade, B2C and B2B. The second is the most optimal automatic process, involving the cross-border E-commerce trading platforms, cross-border E-commerce trade and enterprise service platform, cross-border financial service platform, and government big data supervision platform. And the third is the most obvious differentiation advantage. Unlike other domestic standardized platforms, PCEISP, a platform targeted at local characteristics and market demand, is centered on settling such issues as complex process, information asymmetry, and high-cost cross-border settlement.

In recent years, by virtue of the development opportunities of cross-border E-commerce, Pingxiang has yielded abundant results in such f elds as fruit market and annatto market. Currently, there are over 200 E-commerce enterprises in Pingxiang, with an annual turnover more than 5 billion yuan.

The executive vice mayor of Pingxiang Mr. Qin Wanning expressed that, in the Internet age, E-commerce has played a vital role in promoting the upgrading of industrial structure and boosting market-oriented reform. The launching of TILIP, PCEISP and Pingxiang Big Data Center marked that Pingxiang’s E-commerce trade has stepped into a new stage of informatization, modernization and technicalization.

