· Philosophical Issues
4 On Hubert Dreyfus,Phenomenology and Artificial Intelligence XU Xianjun
17 Hubert Dreyfus and the Phenomenology of Action YAO Dazhi
29 The Shortcut Between Philosophy and Science:The Limitations of Dreyfus’s Critique of AI HAN Lianqing
· Philosophical Traditions
40 The Separation of Yi and Ming,the Expression of Yi by Ming and the Combination of Yi and Ming:A Reflection of Ming in the Dialogue of Confucianism Between East and West LAI Xianzong
57 How to Harmonize the Negative Method with the Positive Method?On Feng Youlan’s Negative Method DAI Yumin
67 The Effect and The Loss of Restriction of “Zi Xu” in Xuanzang’s Proof of Idealism (Wei Shi Bi Liang)MAO Yufan
· Philosophical Reflection on Modern Life
76 Philosophy,Game and the Problem of Value HUANG Yuanfan,Emily Ryall
88 On the Uncertainty of Intergenerational Resposibility WANG Yuanzhe· Philosophical Understanding of Science and Technology
101 Personal Decision and Informed Consent in the Age of Big Data HUANG Boheng
112 An Analysis of Origin,Meaning and Features of Scientific Fictionalism LI Yuanming
122 The Different Meanings of Cyborg and Nobert Wiener’s Concept of Life under the Theory of Communication JI Haiqing
· Essays and Interviews
133 Never Too Old to Learn,and Self-improving Striving for Bonum:An Interview of Professor Gong Qun GONG Qun, LI Xiaodong
145 The “Locking Skeleton” Belief from Tang and Song Dynasties in China BAI Zhaojie
· Philosophical Events and Book Reviews
160 Philosophical Reflection on “A Community of Shared Future for Mankind”:A Summary of the 16th Forum of Philosophical Analysis YIN Qiang
167 Re-exploring the Contemporary Relevance of Marx’s Capital:A Report of “Marx’s Capital after 150 Years:Critique and Alternative to Capitalism” ZHANG Fugong
177 Philosophy of Science for the Structure of Substance:A Review of Zhang Huaxia’s The Structure of Science QI Leilei
(本期英文编辑:赵 琦、韦海波)