

微生物学杂志 2016年3期

李 敏, 刘红艳, 罗恩杰

(1.中国医科大学附属第一医院 内分泌科,辽宁 沈阳 110001;2.沈阳市传染病院,辽宁 沈阳 110006;3.中国医科大学基础医学院 病原生物学教研室,辽宁 沈阳 110001)


李 敏1, 刘红艳2, 罗恩杰3*

(1.中国医科大学附属第一医院 内分泌科,辽宁 沈阳 110001;2.沈阳市传染病院,辽宁 沈阳 110006;3.中国医科大学基础医学院 病原生物学教研室,辽宁 沈阳 110001)



肾综合征出血热(hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, HFRS)是由汉坦病毒(hantavirus,HV)引起的一种危害严重的自然疫源性疾病。该病的主要临床表现和体征有发热、出血、急性血小板减少、低血压休克以及肾衰竭等。其发病急,病情重,病死率高,危害严重[1]。迄今HFRS的发病机制尚未完全清楚,免疫保护和免疫病理损伤成为防治HFRS的研究热点[2]。研究表明,自然杀伤细胞(Natural Killer Cell, NK)是天然免疫系统的主要组成部分,在抗病毒感染免疫反应中发挥重要作用[3]。CD8+T 细胞也表达一些抑制或活化NK相关受体 (NK associated receptors,NKR)。当它们识别其相应的配体后,产生抑制或活化信号,进而影响 CD8+T 细胞杀伤肿瘤细胞或病原微生物感染的细胞,研究结果表明NKR在调节免疫杀伤效应中起关键作用[4]。但目前对于HFRS患者体内NK及CD8+T细胞表面NK相关受体的研究报道较少。NK细胞与CD8+T细胞及其相关受体在抗汉坦病毒感染中如何发挥作用尚不清楚。本研究对HFRS患者不同临床阶段NK细胞亚群、CD8+T表面NK相关受体的表达水平进行了动态观察,以期揭示HFRS患者的抗汉坦病毒感染免疫机制,为HFRS病的抗感染免疫治疗开拓新思路。

1 材料与方法

1.1 患者纳入标准及血液标本采集

本研究共采集HFRS患者57例,健康对照24例。HFRS患者源自沈阳市传染病医院。按照2008年修订的“全国流行性出血热防治方案” (WS278-2008)中临床诊断及分型标准筛选患者。纳入本研究的所有病例均经特异性IgM、IgG两种抗体检测均为阳性,并具有HFRS典型的临床表现。阴性对照者血液来自健康体检门诊和实验室工作人员,经血常规、肝、肾功能检查正常,且无免疫系统疾病史的健康人群。经医院伦理委员会同意,并征得患者及健康人群知情且同意的情况下抽取外周血5 mL,用肝素钠抗凝处理后待用。

1.2 淋巴细胞分离及染色

取抗凝全血与PBS缓冲液混匀,加入人淋巴细胞分离液离心,取中间白色云雾状狭窄的外周血单个核细胞 (Peripheral blood mononuclear cell, PBMC)层,加PBS缓冲液,离心,弃上清液,将沉淀物重复洗涤2次获得淋巴细胞。按照BD公司细胞表面染色试剂盒说明书操作,分别加入检测NK细胞3个亚群CD56-CD16+、CD56dimCD16+和CD56briiCD16-/+NK, NK细胞表面活化受体NKG2D/抑制性受体NKG2A,CD8+T细胞表面NK相关受体NKG2D和NKG2A相应的抗体,并设立单标管与阴性对照管。染色0.5 h后每管加入2 mL PBS缓冲液进行洗涤,离心,去除上清,用细胞染色缓冲液重悬细胞,流式细胞仪进行检测。为保证实验准确性,用FACSComp CaliBRIE Beads校准流式细胞仪,用TruCOUNT Controls及Multi-Cheek Control检测机器的准确性,然后再对之前制备好的样本进行测定,用流式分析软件flowzou对数据进行分析。

1.3 统计学分析

2 结果与分析

2.1 HFRS患者NK细胞变化


图1 流式细胞术分析HFRS患者NK细胞数量的变化Fig.1 Levels of NK cells in HFRS patients through flow cytometry analysis

2.2 HFRS患者NK细胞活化与抑制受体表达变化

对NK细胞抑制受体NKG2A和活化受体NKG2D分析结果如图2所示。患者抑制受体NKG2A表达总水平有下降趋势(图2A),并且在少尿期下降的比较明显(P<0.01,图2B)。NK细胞活化受体NKG2D表达具有上升的趋势(图2C)。不同发病阶段患者活化受体表达总体水平变化趋势一致,少尿期略有升高 (图2D)。

图2 HFRS患者NK细胞活化与抑制受体表达变化Fig.2 The changes of expressions of NK cell activation and inhibition receptors in HFRS patients

2.3 HFRS患者NK细胞亚群变化

HFRS患者NK细胞的3个亚群CD56-CD16+、CD56dimCD16+和CD56briCD16-/+NK 细胞检测结果表明,所有患者的CD56-CD16+和CD56briiCD16-/+NK亚群细胞数量显著高于正常对照组(图3A、E),并且都在少尿期产生的较多(图3B、F),而CD56dimCD16+细胞NK亚群变化不够明显,没有产生统计学差异(图3C),各期的变化趋势也趋于一致(图3D)。

图3 HFRS患者NK细胞亚群构成变化Fig.3 The changes of constitution in NK cells subgroups from HFRS patients


* There is significant difference in the levels of CD56-CD16+subgroup cells between the patients group and the control group;**Compare to other groups, the expression of CD56-CD16+subgroup cells in oliguria stage was significantly higher;*** There is significant difference in the levels of CD56briCD16-/+subgroup cells between the patients group and the control group;# Compare to other groups, the expression of CD56briCD16-/+subgroup cells in oliguria stage was significantly higher

2.4 HFRS患者CD8+T细胞以及其表面表达NK受体的变化


图4 HFRS患者CD8+T细胞以及其表面NK受体变化Fig.4 The changes of the levels of CD8+T cells and the expression of its NK receptors

3 讨 论


NK细胞通常分为CD56dimCD16+、CD56briCD16-/+和 CD56-CD16+NK 细胞3个亚群,其中CD56dimCD16+NK细胞最多,以杀伤功能为主[8]。但本研究CD56dimCD16+NK细胞的变化并没有统计学差异,提示在HFRS患者体内CD56dimCD16+NK细胞或许没有发挥杀伤作用。CD56briCD16-/+NK细胞占外周血NK 细胞2%~10%,能够表达CD62L、CCR7、CXCR4以及一系列粘附分子[9]。通过分析发现57例HFRS患者CD56briCD16-/+NK细胞数量明显增加,并在多尿期和少尿期分布较多,说明该细胞亚群在HFRS患者体内通过分泌细胞因子发挥免疫调节功能,目前关于HFRS患者体内细胞因子的变化研究已经取得很多研究结果,大部分细胞因子在 HFRS发热期已开始变化,其中TNF2α、IFN2γ、IL215、IL218、ET、ICAM21等均升高,其消长趋势与病程的发展过程基本一致[10]。CD56briCD16-/+NK细胞亚群与CD56-CD16+NK细胞的比例不足10%,是3群中最不成熟的亚群[11],杀伤能力较低,但是该类NK细胞亚群在本研究中在HFRS患者体内明显增加,说明在免疫调节方面也发挥了重要的作用。

NK细胞的杀伤功能还需要活化受体的参与, NK细胞抑制性信号与活化性信号之间的平衡决定NK细胞与靶细胞相互作用的结果[9-11]。本研究中,HFRS患者NK细胞活化性受体NKG2D表达水平高于正常对照,而抑制性受体NKG2A表达下降,说明在汉坦病毒感染的情况下,细胞上调活化性受体的表达, 激活信号通路,从而诱导NK细胞活化。


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Dynamic Observation of Natural Killer (NK) Cell and Surface Markers in Different Clinic Stages of Hemorrhagic Fever Patients with Renal Syndrome

LI Min1, LIU Hong-yan2, LUO En-jie3

(1.Dept.ofEndocrinol.,Affil. 1stHosp.ChinaMed.Uni.Shenyang110001; 2.ShenyangInfect.Hosp.Shenyang110006;3.Teach. &Res.Div.,Coll.ofBasicMed.,ChinaMed.Uni.,Shenyang110001)

The changes of natural killer (NK) cells and CD8+T cells and other factors in hemorrhagic fever patients with renal syndrome (HFRS) in different clinical stages were observed to investigate the immune mechanism of the patients in resisting Hantan virus infection in order to provide scientific foundation for immunological treatment in resisting the disease. Fifty seven cases of peripheral blood sample of patients diagnosed with HFRS and peripheral blood of healthy people as the control were collected, and determined the expression level of NK cells and NK cells subgroup, activation or inhibition receptors of NK cells, expressions of, subgroups of NK cells, CD8+T cells and their surface NK receptors of every group using flow cytometry. And analyzed the dynamic changes of the above mentioned observed indices of the patients in fever stage, oliguria stage, diuresis stage and recovery stage. The results showed that the level of NK cells of HFRS patients was obviously higher than that of normal control group (P<0.001). The levels of NK cells of patients in fever stage, oliguria stage, diuresis stage and recovery stage were all in a higher state, and the level of NK cells in oliguria stage was higher than the other four stages (P<0.01). The general expression level of the patients’ inhibitory receptor NKG2A of NK cells had a declining trend, and the declining was fairly obvious in oliguria stage (P<0.01). However, the expression of patients’ activated receptor NKG2D of NK cells had an increasing trend, but the general expressions level of activated receptor NKG2D of NK cells in four different stages were basically accorded with the general level of the expression in different courses of the disease. The number of subgroup of NK cells, patients’ both CD56-, CD16+and CD56briCD16-/+were significantly higher than that of the normal control group (P<0.01), while there was no statistical difference in the number of CD56dimCD16+cells NK subgroup variation (P> 0.05). The total number of the patients’ CD8+T cells in every stage of the course of the disease were significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.01); and the total number of the patients’ CD8+T cells in each stage of illness courses were significantly higher than that of control group (P<0.01); However, there were no significant difference between the patients group and the control group in the expressions of NK activated receptor NKG2D and inhibitory receptor NKG2A on the surface of CD8+T cells (P>0.05). Therefore, NK cells of HFRS patients in acute phase were in the activated state; the subgroups of NK cells, both CD56briCD16-/+NK cells and CD56-CD16+NK cells played an important role during the respect of immune regulation.

hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS); natural killer (NK) cells; NK cell receptors;CD8+T cells; CD8+T cell receptors


李敏 女,医学硕士。研究方向为病原微生物及护理。

* 通讯作者。男,教授,博士生导师。 研究方向为抗病原生物感染与免疫预防。







