

中学生英语·中考指导版 2016年12期


Louvre 卢浮宫

A major highlight1 in Paris is Louvre. The Louvre was built first as a fortress2, then as a royal residence3 and is now a national museum. The Louvre is full of paintings, sculptures4 and artifacts collected over the past five centuries by the French. We are able to enjoy da Vincis most famous painting Mona Lisa there.


Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院

This Gothic marvel5 of architecture is more than a building; it is an symbolic element6 of the city, listed by UNESCO as a world heritage7 site. Notre Dame Cathedral was built between the 12th and 14th centuries. In Notre Dame Cathedral, there are three rose windows (large, round, stained8 glass windows) that have original glass. These were saved during the war by being removed and hidden in the countryside. They were later fully reinstalled9.


The Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔

The Eiffel Tower (307 metres), a symbol of Paris for the whole world, was built for the World Fair in 1889. If one takes the elevator up to the top, the view from up allows one to see it all—the neighborhoods, the museums, the river and the parks.


Arch of Triumph 凯旋门

The centre of Paris, the Arch of Triumph, rays out into twelve busy streets. It was built in 1806 by Napoleon to celebrate his victories. There is also a memorial10 flame lit nightly to honor the Unknown Soldier of WWⅠ, who is buried underneath.


Seine River 塞纳河

The Seine River is a major river and commercial waterway in France. It is 776 km long, flowing through Paris and into the English Channel. There are many beautiful old bridges on this river. Many famous artists have painted this river because it is so beautiful. If Paris is the symbol of France, then the Banks of the Seine River are surely its masterpieces.


Champs Elysees 香榭丽舍

At the very heart of Paris is one of the most symbolic places in the city, representing its spirit and glory11. The Champs Elysees is one of the most famous streets in the world in line with its cinemas, cafe and luxury specialty12 shops. Every day on the Champs Elysees, there are almost 10 thousand people. Festivities in Paris center on the famous Champs Elysees Avenue and the Eiffel Tower.



Turning Champs?[é] [E]lysées into an extraordinary garden 香榭丽舍大街将变为花园