张俊民,张 晓,肖志超
(天津财经大学 商学院,天津 300222)
张俊民,张 晓,肖志超
(天津财经大学 商学院,天津 300222)
一、引 言
传统代理理论下,审计在公司治理中起着监督作用,能够降低企业的代理成本,提高企业市场价值[14]。沿着这一思路,众多学者从公司规模、负债、股权结构以及管理层权力等角度,探讨了代理成本与高质量审计需求之间的关系,发现审计对代理问题具有治理作用[3, 15-19]。然而,尚未有文献研究经理人如何将审计作为其防御工具。尽管如此,一些学者开始关注管理者权力与会计信息质量的关系:黎文靖和卢锐[20]研究发现,我国上市公司中管理者权力对会计信息质量具有显著的负向影响;赵息和徐宁宁[21]认为,管理者权力越大,则越有可能隐瞒公司的内部控制缺陷,并且,相对于非国有企业,这种现象在国有企业中更加显著;周冬华[22]则发现,管理者权力与上市公司盈余管理程度显著正相关。上述研究表明,管理者会通过操纵会计信息来实现个人利益。然而,会计信息质量与审计是紧密联系的,现有文献忽略了经理人的自利动机与审计需求之间的关系研究。基于以上考虑,本文按照公司产权性质区分国有企业样本和非国有企业样本,考察经理管理防御对审计需求的影响。
表1 变量定义
表2 主要变量描述性统计
表3 主要变量的均值检验
表4 经理管理防御与高质量审计需求的回归结果
表5 产品市场竞争对经理管理防御与高质量审计需求之间关系的回归结果
表6 外部大股东持股对经理管理防御与高质量审计需求之间关系的回归结果
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表7 稳健性检验—重新构建经理管理防御指数后的回归结果
表8 稳健性检验—使用“国际四大”衡量审计质量后的回归结果
Market Structure and Loss Ratio: Health Insurance in China from 2004 to 2014
WANG Xiangnan1, BIAN Wenlong2
(1. Institute of Finance and Banking, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100028, China;2. School of Finance, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510006, China)
The loss ratio of health insurance is relatively low in China. Using the data of prefectural-level cities from 2004 to 2014, this article studies the relation between the market structure and the loss ratio of China’s health insurance market for the first time. Regarding three general market structure indexes, we find that the health insurance loss ratio is positively and significantly related to the number of firms and negatively and significantly related to the market concentration, while the (negative) relation between the loss ratio and inequality of market share is not robust. For the market structure indexes with insurance market feature, we find that the health insurance loss ratio is negatively and significantly related to the market share of nonlife insurers and positively and significantly related to the market share of foreign insurers, while is not significantly related with the insurers’ ages. Those results support the “structure-performance hypothesis” and indicate that, in order to increase health insurance loss ratio, we should carry the “supply side” reform and expand the insurance market openness to domestic and foreign insurers.
Health insurance; Martket structure; Loss ratio; China
Financial Decentralization, Bank Institution Change and Economic Growth—Based on the Empirical Analysis of Inter-provincial Panel Data during 1993~2012
XIE Zongfan1, JIANG Junsong2
(1.School of Public Administration, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410006, China;2. School of Business, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)
Abstract: Chinese decentralization has been seen as one of important reasons to Chinese economic miracle. But the Chinese government delayed the decentralization process in the banking sector, which has been criticized by many scholars with market-oriented view. From the perspective of power, this paper reviews the repeatedly process of financial decentralization and centralization in the process of banking institution change, and analyzes its reasons, then analyzes the performance of banking institution change under the background of financial decentralization by using inter-provincial panel data during 1993~2012. The results find that the higher level of financial decentralization is conducive to improving the performance of the banking institution, and promoting the economic growth, but our country’s financial decentralization level is still at a low level, the government should further construct the market-oriented banking institution on the basis of improving the level of financial decentralization.
Keywords: Financial decentralization; Financial centralization; Bank institution change; Economic growth
How Regional Differences Affect P2P Lending Behavior—Evidence from Renrendai
PENG Hongfeng, YANG Liuming, TAN Xiaoyu
(Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
Abstract: Using lending transaction data from Renrendai, this paper empirically examines the impact of regional differences on the P2P borrowing respectively from four perspectives: the economy level, financial ecological environment, education level and regular financial penetration. The results show that there is a significant discrepancy in the funding success rate among different regions in the domestic P2P lending market. More specifically, borrowers whose provinces enjoy higher economic level, better financial ecological environment, and higher degree of education are more likely to obtain loans; while the degree of regular financial penetration has a negative impact on the funding success rate, and indicate that the P2P network lending is an effective complement to the formal finance. The results presented in this paper have some policy implications on how to further understand the cause of the regional discrimination and how to create a harmonious online lending environment.
Key words:Regional discrimination; P2P network lending; Funding success rate
Regional Differences and Information Transmission in China’s Internet Lending Markets
YANG Hecan1, YANG Xianyue2
(1. School of Economics and Management, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241003, China;2. Institute of Applied Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Science, Shanghai 200020, China)
Abstract: This paper examines regional differences and information transmission of China’s internet lending markets. The rapid development of the network lending markets has surpassed the limitation of time and space, positioning their service for "grassroots" class across the country. However, the difference of interest rates is significant around the country with serious regional segmentation, which is in sharp contrast to changes of interest rates with no regional differences and to free flows of market information. The main reason is that lending platforms have deeply involved in lending transactions and become a similar role of commercial bank credit intermediation, which results in the market pricing confusion. The further development of Internet lending market should aim to enhance market efficiency comprehensively and eliminate market segmentation
Key words:Internet lending; Regional differences; Information transmission
The Join Forces Theory of Economic Development:A Framework for Economic Development Analysis
SHAO Hongwei1,2, JIN Tao1
(1. School of Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China;2. College of Business and Economics, Australian National University, Canberra 2601, Australia)
Abstract: This paper synthesizes former scholars’ insights on economic development and argues that economic development is the result of the join forces produced by the interaction of all parts in the social economic system. This system includes the institution forming the relationship between peoples, namely relation of production and superstructure; science and technology, and productivity forming the relationship between human and nature; the content and structure of economic activity; the platform bearing the economic activity, such as geography, natural resources, infrastructure, fictitious economy, historic background, international environment and so on. Technology and institution interact in the social economic system, technology innovation improves productivity and causes institution change, a favorable institution innovation is beneficial for technology innovation and productivity improvement, technology innovation and institution change decides economic development jointly in their interaction.
Keywords: Economic development; Join forces; Institution; Technology; Structure
Transformation Effect of Public Services on the Urban-Rural Income Disparity:an Empirical Test of Data across the Country
ZHAN Guohui, ZHANG Xinwen, DU Chunlin
(College of Public Administration, Nanjing Agriculture University, Nanjing 210095, China)
Abstract:Income disparity between urban and rural areas is the endogenous structure obstacles of affecting the symbiotic development of the current urban and rural, and then the equalization level of public services has the adverse effect on the urban-rural income disparity, thus effectively straightening out the transformation effect of public service on the urban-rural income disparity is the necessary premise to achieve symbiotic development between urban and rural areas. The paper reviews the existing literature about the urban-rural income disparity, then constructs the smooth transfer model of the public service on urban-rural income disparity. With the aid of the test model of threshold cointegration, this article finds that the transformation effect of development level of public services presents a difference in different level of transfer mechanism. At the same time, by constructing dynamic panel model of the public service and the urban-rural income disparity and using GMM two-step estimation, this article concludes that public service has the significant positively influence on the transformation effect for urban-rural income disparity. To this end, we should make the corresponding path to optimize the public service level, which aims to further narrow the urban-rural income disparity.
Key words:Public services; The urban-rural income disparity; Transformation effect; Smooth transfer
Do Technological Innovation and Upgrading of Industrial Structure Promote the Development of New-type Urbanization
HE Jianfeng1, WU Hui2
(1. School of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;2.School of Economics and Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Abstract:Using 2005-2014 panel data of China’s provinces, this paper calculated every provinces’ new-type urbanization level through comprehensive index method, and analyzed the effects of the science and technology innovation and the upgrading of the industrial structure by using the panel data model. The results show that: (1) In the past ten years, the new-type urbanization level in eastern China was the highest, the middle took second place, the west was the lowest. The top three provinces were Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin. (2) There was a lagging promotion effect of technological innovation to new-type urbanization. The upgrading of industrial structure had a significant positive effect on the new-type urbanization. (3) The impact of technological innovation on the urbanization of the population was significantly positive, and negative impact on the urbanization of the society. The upgrading of the industrial structure had significantly different degrees of effect on population, economic and social urbanization.
Key words: New-type urbanization; Technological innovation; Upgrading of industrial structure; Panel data
Agricultural Insurance, Agricultural Loan and Per capita Net Income of Rural Households—An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data in China
RUAN Guilin, MENG Weidong
(School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University 400044, China)
Abstract:Based on the panel data of 31 provinces from 2001 to 2013, this paper establishes a PVAR model to investigate the relationship among agricultural insurance, agricultural loan and per capita net income of rural households. The results show that only agricultural insurance of the west area has no positive promoting effect on the per capita net income of rural households; the agricultural loans of every region play positive promoting roles on per capita net income of rural households, but there is a time lag of 1-2 years; The effect of agricultural loan on per capita net income of rural households is greater than that of agricultural insurance. Besides, the interaction between agricultural insurance and agricultural loan has a regional difference.
Key words: Agricultural insurance; Agricultural loan; Per capita net income of rural households; The panel VAR model
How Banking Market Structure Promote Industry Resource Allocation—Based on the Analysis of Heterogeneous Firms Entry and Exit
WU Han1,2, JIA Runsong3,4
(1.Economics School, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071 China;2.Business School, Durham University, UK, DH1 2HD;3.Postdoctoral Programme of Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China;4.China Banking Regulatory Commission, Beijing, 100140, China)
Abstract:This paper uses Chinese manufacturing firms data to test the promote impact of banking market structure on industry resource allocation, stating that the expansion of the market share of small and medium sized banks can improve the condition of the credit allocation between firms. On the one hand, the development of small and medium-sized banks can supply enough credit to the potential small sized entry firms and promote firm entry, especially for the entry of SMEs; On the other hand, the development of small and medium-sized banks can effectively relief the financial constraints of SMEs and decrease the exit risk of SMEs. While the improvement of banking market structure is beneficial for firm entry and improve the industry resource allocation efficiency.
Key words:Banking market structure; Small and medium-sized banks; Financial dependence; Firm entry; firm exit
Study on the Driving Factors in China’s Energy Intensity Change—Based on LMDI Decomposition Technique
HAN Song1, ZHANG Baosheng1, TANG Xu1, QI Shuai1, MENG Fanyan2
(1. School of Business Administration, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China;2. National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety, China Petroleum Pipeline Research Institute, Langfang 065000, China)
Abstract:Energy shortage has been the bottleneck of economic and social sustainable development in China. The new task to improve energy efficiency has been put on the agenda of the "13th Five-Year" Plan. Therefore, exploring the driving factors that lead to the change of energy intensity is an important premise to improve the comprehensive energy efficiency in China. The study computes and analyzes the sources of the changes of energy intensity in China during the period 2001-2013 by using the decomposition method. With the logarithmic mean Divisia index technique, the change of energy intensity has been decomposed into four factors: the energy substitution, the technological progress, the changes of industry structure and sector structure. The results show that the technological progress effect is confirmed as the dominant contributor to the decline in energy intensity. Secondly, the energy substitution effect has no significant effect on overall energy intensity. Thirdly, the industry structure increases energy intensity and the structure change effect at the sector level decreases energy intensity.
Key words:Energy intensity; LMDI; Energy substitution; Technology progress; Industry structure; Sector structure
The Influence of Government Funding and Industry-University-Research Cooperation on Innovation Performance of Enterprises: Based on the Empirical Study on Guangdong Province’ Questionnaire Data
HU Junyan1, CHEN Zihong1, ZHOU Mingze2, JIN Yun1
(1. School of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology, Guangdong 510006, China;2. School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangdong 510006, China)
Abstract: The goal of government funding Industry-University-Research (IUR) is to enhance enterprises’ independent innovation ability. To examine whether this expected goal is achieved, this paper divides enterprises’ innovation performance into two types, namely market performance and the performance of research and development (R&D) reserve, and studies the effect of government funding and IUR on these two different innovation performance by using the questionnaire data of IUR in Guangdong province. The empirical results indicate that government funding has a significant positive effect on the performance of R&D reserve and has no significant effect on market performance. And there exists a non-significant positive relationship between IUR interaction and market performance, but a negative significant relationship between IUR interaction and the performance of R&D reserve. That means, it is necessary for the government to finance IUR to achieve the goal of promoting the performance of R&D reserve. However, the function mechanism of IUR interaction in the relationship between government funding and enterprises’ innovation performance is non-liner. Only when a certain threshold is reached, can IUR interaction work. In addition, the performance of R&D reserve has a higher threshold than market performance. And accordingly some policy implications are proposed.
Keywords: Government funding; Industry-University-Research (IUR) interaction; Innovation performance
Study on Managers’ Power Connection with Shareholders and Its Performance Influence in Private Firms
WANG Xinxia1, LIU Chun2
(1. School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an International Studies University, Shaanxi Xi’an 710128, China;2. Jinhe Center for Economic Research, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi Xi’an 710049, China)
Abstract: Taking the actual controller as logical starting point, this paper theoretically analyzed managers’ power connection with shareholders and its performance influence in private firms, and discussed the moderating effect of compensation incentive on the performance influence. The empirical tests found that: (1)Managers’ power connection with shareholders has no significant influence on performance in firms with two posts syncretic; (2)In firms with two posts respective, chairman’s power connection with shareholders helps to improve firm performance while CEO’s power connection with shareholders has no significant or adverse impact on firm performance; (3)Compensation incentive is helpful to strengthen the positive influence of managers’ power connection with shareholders and restrain its negative influence.
Keywords: Manager; Power connection with shareholders; Compensation incentive; Performance influence
Company Property Rights, Managerial Entrenchment and the Demand for High Quality Audit
ZHANG Junmin, ZHANG Xiao, XIAO Zhichao
(School of Business, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin 300222, China)
Abstract: Using the data from the Chinese listed companies during the periods 2008-2014, the study examines the effects of managerial entrenchment on the demand for high quality audit among companies with different nature of property rights. The results show that managerial entrenchment has a negative effect on the demand for high quality audit in state-owned companies but in non-state-owned companies it leads to the demand for higher quality audit. The results also show that in state-owned companies both product market competition and ownership of outside blockholders have negative effects on the relationship between managerial entrenchment and the demand for high quality audit. However, none of the two corporate governance mechanism shows obvious effects in non-state-owned companies. The study provides evidence of the economic consequences of managerial entrenchment in the companies with different nature of property rights and has great significance for further promoting the reform of state-owned companies.
Keywords: Company property rights; Managerial entrenchment; The market restraint mechanism; The demand for high quality audit