武 琳,胡玉梅
(天津大学理学院,天津 300350)
武 琳,胡玉梅
(天津大学理学院,天津 300350)
1 树的ABC指标与直径
引理1 设x1x2是图G中的悬挂边,则ABC(G)-ABC(G-x1x2)>0。
2 单圈图的ABC指标与直径
引理2 设G是一个不同构于Cn的单圈图,n≥7,n1≤(n-3),v是G的直径路P上的叶子点,u是v的邻点。若N(u)中仅有一个顶点的度数不小于2,则有:
证明 令N(u)-{v}={x1,x2,…,xd(u)-1},不妨设x1是度数不小于2的顶点。
证明 情况1N(u)仅有一个顶点的度至少是2,对n用数学归纳法,
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Atom-bond connectivity index and diameter of graphs
WU Lin, HU Yumei
(School of Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China)
For further study of the numerous nice properties of topological indices in physical and chemical fields, it is worth considering the relation between a degree-based index and a distance-based index. With the fact that diameter is an invariant based on distance, the relations between atom-bond connectivity index, diameter in trees and unicyclic graphs are studied. Based on relative lemma, the relation between atom-bond connectivity index and diameter in tree and unicyclic graphs is investigated, then the sharp lower bounds of the difference of index and diameter are given.
algebraic topology;ABCindex; diameter; tree; unicyclic graph; extreme value
2016-09-29;责任编辑:张 军
武 琳(1992-),女,天津人,硕士研究生,主要从事图论与组合最优化方面的研究。
O157 MSC(2010)主题分类:55-04
武 琳,胡玉梅.图的ABC指标与直径[J].河北科技大学学报,2016,37(6):552-555. WU Lin, HU Yumei .Atom-bond connectivity index and diameter of graphs[J].Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology,2016,37(6):552-555.