

城市轨道交通研究 2016年6期







城市轨道交通;建筑信息模型; 建设管理

Author′s address Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co.,Ltd.,201103,Shanghai,China




1 工程建设基本情况

上海轨道交通9号线东延伸工程(以下简为“9号线东延伸工程”)由杨高中路站延伸至曹路站,线路长13.831 km,共有芳甸路站、碧云路站、平度路站、金桥站、申江路站、金海路站、顾唐路站、民雷路站、曹路站等9个车站。这9个站分别由9家施工总承包单位承建,并分别对应9家施工监理单位。

2 BIM应用情况


2.1 BIM协同信息系统


图1 BIM协同信息系统功能模块示意图

2.2 初步设计阶段

2.2.1 场地现状仿真



图2 金桥站与周边环境位置关系示意图

2.2.2 市政管线搬迁模拟


图3 金桥站出入口和风井同高压线的位置关系示意图


2.2.3 道路翻交模拟


2.3 施工图设计阶段

2.3.1 站内管线综合碰撞检查

图4 金桥站第一阶段地下管线搬迁示意图

图5 金桥站站内综合管线示意图

2.3.2 工程量复核


2.3.3 装修效果模拟


图7 金桥站出入口外装修效果图

2.4 施工阶段


图8 金海路站基坑开挖示意图

图9 金海路站施工仿真模拟示意图

3 结语



[1] 黄大明.上海市轨道9号线三期工程可行性研究报告[R].上海:上海轨道交通申松线发展有限公司,2012.

[2] 林敏.上海市轨道9号线东延伸工程BIM应用策划书[R].上海:上海轨道交通申松线发展有限公司,2013.

[3] 蔡蔚.建筑信息模型(BIM)技术在城市轨道项目管理中的应用与探索[J].城市轨道交通研究,2014(4):1.

(Continued from Special Commentary)

The increase of train speeds is the most serious challenge for brake technology. Because the train kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the train speed, under a certain braking distance, the train′s braking power (the kinetic energy transferred by train per unit time) is a cubic function of the train speed. The experiment data showed that even when the train runs at 200 km/h, which just enters the high speed range, if only a single braking mode is adopted (for example, only using the tread brake belonging to the adhesive brake), its average axis braking power would surpass 340 kW limit value. At this time, due to the wheels kinetic energy′s “transferring” and “moving” do not match, the hot cracking of the wheel tread would be led to, which could severely affect the train′s running safety. Therefore, when the high-speed train′s speed grade reaches 350 km/h or more, the best combination of various braking modes must be reasonably selected during the entire period from the starting of the train brake to the train′s complete stop. Among them, the transfer of all or most of the kinetic energy should be undoubtedly completed by various brake modes included in the adhesive brake system according to the period order of the most optimization configuration, so as to reach the high-speed train′s securely-stopping in not beyond the “bottom line” of the adhesive limit and the brake power limit and within the braking distance of that speed grade provided by “The Railway Technology Management Procedures”. Meanwhile, selecting non-adhesive brake modes to share the transfer of part of the train brake kinetic energy must also be considered.

The aerodynamic braking, also known as “the wind drag brake” or “the wing plate brake ”, is a kind of non-adhesive brake. When the train brakes, a certain area of the wing panels (braking wing) on the top of the vehicle body stretches out to increase the total frontal area of the train, so as to increase train running resistance and form part of the braking force. This air resistance is also proportional to the square of train′s running speed, the higher the train′s speed is, the bigger the braking power is. Thus, they have the excellent performance. While the train runs at high speed, due to the wing panels′ making the dramatic changes in the flow field around the train body, mainly on the train body top, they would cause the turbulence phenomenon of the vehicle body surface to be increased, leading to the friction resistance′s between train and air increasing and also forming a certain amount of braking force.

In 2009, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the original Ministry of Railways jointly implemented the joint action plan of the independent innovation of China′s high-speed trains. Among them, the Institute of Railway and Urban Rail Transit of Tongji University undertook the development of the new-type high-speed train braking mode—the aerodynamic braking device (braking wind-wing). It is the first time for China to research this new type of braking system. The project research team underwent 5 years of hard work, and then according to the plan, they installed this braking device prototype that they successfully developed on the experimental train of 500 km/h high-speed that the host plant produced. And from May 9, 2014 to May 15, 2014, the braking device carried out the route test on the upstream section of Yichun to the Nanchang-West of the Shanghai-Kunming railway line. The test results showed that this air resistance braking mode could make more contributions in the train′s high-speed range. When emergency composite braking was implemented at the speed of 350 km/h, the aerodynamic braking device could shorten about 150m braking distance. If the initial velocity (train′s maximum running speed) for braking is higher, this braking system will make a greater contribution in shortening braking distance.

The above-mentioned braking technology of China′s high-speed trains perhaps can be referred to for researching and developing the “super high speed rail” system.

(Translated by SUN Zheng)

Application of BIM in the Construction of East Extension Project on Shanghai Rail Transit Line 9

QIU Zhaoming

BIM technology has been widely applied in civil architectures and urban rail transit industry of China. Taking the east extension project on Shanghai rail transit Line 9 as an example, the application of BIM in the construction management of rail transit is introduced. This technology could help to control the cost, construction schedule and project quality, also improve the project management efficiency. It has played an important promoting role in enhancing the construction management level of Shanghai urban rail transit.

urban rail transit; building information modeling (BIM); construction managementt


F 530.7



