

风景园林 2016年7期



在山区,我们可以看到不同的景观类型。山区多样的地貌,茂盛的植被,充沛的水资源,丰富的动物,构成了优美的自然景观。一些高海拔的山区由于人迹罕至,保持了非常原始的自然状况,展现了从冰川、荒原、草甸到森林的壮观风景。而处于不同纬度和气候带的山区也呈现出各具特色的自然景观。这些风景都是大自然的杰作,许多这样的景观都名列世界自然遗产名录,如九寨沟、黄龙和 天山等等。








China is a mountainous country with mountains, hills and plateaus covering 2/3 of the total land area. The widely distributed mountain land affect the geographic district division, climate type, water distribution, biotic population, social and the cultural composition of China.

Various landscape types exist in the mountain area. The complex morphologies, flourishing vegetation, abundant water resources and rich animal resources contribute to the beautiful natural landscape. Due to the limited human intervention, the high altitude -mountain area can maintain their original natural landscape, revealing the magnificent sight of glacier, desert, meadow and forest. Besides, the different latitude and climate zone also generate the distinctive natural landscapes in mountain areas. They are exactly the masterpiece of nature, and many of these are listed among the world natural heritages such as Jiuzhaigou Valley, Huanglong Scenic Interest and Tianshan Mountain.

Human live and produce in mountain areas and then create the cultural landscape besides the natural landscape. Early humans mostly live in the mountain areas where food and shelter can be easily accessed. They move to the plains till farming thrives. With the increasing population living on the plain, arable landing resources are gradually exhausted and people move back to the mountain areas again. They reclaim farmland at the basin and develop terraces on the hillsides, which brings a unique mountain agricultural landscape. They built their houses from local materials, considering the geographical environment and natural conditions. In this way, various building types are established and gradually it turns into the distinctive villages. Such valuable cultural landscape represents the combined masterpiece of the interaction between human and nature. Yunnan Honghe Hani Terrace fields in China is a good example, which has been listed in the world cultural heritage.

The mountainous area has varied topography and poor transportation, which is not appropriate to settle the urban constructions. Despite that, the mountainous city still exists for the trade requirement, the military need or natural condition limits. There are approximately 600 cities in China and half of them are mountainous city. Situated on undulating land and divided by natural mountains and valley, these cities present the unusual landscape features from the plain city.

In remote antiquity, mountain worship was a common phenomenon and people would regard mountain as a holy place. The immortal and wonderland in Chinese stories are always told to be located on the top of mountain and where is exceedingly distant. In Chinese history, our ancestors would love to make the graceful mountain area sanctified. Specially, from the Eastern Han Dynasty, temples and Taoist temples were constantly built in the famous mountains or the mountain areas surrounding towns. A new type of religious landscape emerged. Monks and Taoist priests would study and practice Chan Buddhist meditation in the temples. Besides, the public came to worship and asked for blessing in the temples. Obviously, the location and architectural style of these temples are well integrated into the environmental context. Such unique mountain scenery also affects the landscape culture in China.

From the industry prosperity in modern times, natural environment is extensively damaged across the mountain area. Unreasonable utilization and exploitation indeed damage the ecological environment of mountain area, although there are rich mineral resources in mountains. China is one of the mining giants over the world and our mines and quarries are mainly distributed in the mountain areas. To develop the economy and enhance income level, extensive mining are common in the remote and less-developed zones , which lead to many ecological environment problems like vegetation destruction, geological disaster, land and river pollution, tailings dam risk etc. Unfortunately, the restoration of these ecological issues in the mountain areas is actually very difficult.

Currently, the human intervened area is enlarged a lot by the progress of science and technology. Urban areas vastly expand to the mountain areas, even the previously inaccessible and untraversed regions also realized roads’and railways’ constructions and built cableway and tourist facilities. However, the mountain area is ecologically sensitive, unlike the plain, due to its complex morphologies, unstable hydrological cycle and abundant biodiversity. Without thorough landscape protection system and rational land use approach, natural landscape in the mountain areas would be eroded slowly, especially for the most sensitive and fragile districts. Excessive reclamation and grazing in the mountain area would lead to regressive succession of ecological cycle, further incur the devastation of landscape sceneries. If the conditions and characteristics of mountain areas is neglected in the planning and construction, the towns and cities inside would be faced with hidden danger and lose its own character. If the famous mountainous resorts failed to get full protection, the Chinese landscape culture together with the traditional theory that man is an integral part of nature would no longer sustained.

By recognize the feature of mountain areas, we will accomplish the sustainable development for the mountain landscape and well balance the relationship among the ecological protection, infrastructure construction and the culture. This issue of Landscape Architecture is exactly on the topic: Mountain Landscape.

July 18, 2016 WANG Xiang-rong

