亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James, 1843~1916)出生于美国纽约知识分子家庭,父亲亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James Sr.)是神学家,哥哥威廉·詹姆斯(William James)是美国19世纪最为重要的哲学家,他则是蜚声英美文坛的大师级作家。詹姆斯早年接受的是精英式教育,在童年时就随父亲到欧洲各大城市游历。成年后他选择在文化传统更为悠远的英国定居,在一战爆发后因不满美国立场加入了英国国籍。詹姆斯终生未婚,将生命献给写作,创作生涯长达五十余年,撰写了大量的文学评论、游记,还尝试过戏剧创作。他尤其擅长的是用小说来捕捉天真的美国人遭遇老于世故的欧洲人时产生的冲突,借此类小说传达他对文化差异、伦理选择、认知局限等命题的思考,《黛西·米勒》(Daisy Miller)、《贵妇画像》(The Portrait of a Lady)、《使节》(The Ambassadors)、《鸽翼》(The Wings of the Dove)、《金碗》(The Golden Bowl)等是其中的代表作。然而,他的小说创作不拘囿于“国际主题”,《螺丝在拧紧》(The Turn of the Screw)、《欢乐的角落》(The Jolly Corner)等是美国文学“鬼故事”中的珍品。
I remember the whole beginning as a succession of flights and drops, a little seesaw of the right throbs and the wrong. After rising, in town, to meet his appeal, I had at all events a couple of very bad days—found myself doubtful again, felt indeed sure I had made a mistake. In this state of mind I spent the long hours of bumping, swinging coach that carried me to the stopping place at which I was to be met by a vehicle from the house. This convenience, I was told, had been ordered, and I found, toward the close of the June afternoon, a commodious2) fly3) in waiting for me. Driving at that hour, on a lovely day, through a country to which the summer sweetness seemed to offer me a friendly welcome, my fortitude4) mounted afresh and, as we turned into the avenue, encountered a reprieve5) that was probably but a proof of the point to which it had sunk. I suppose I had expected, or had dreaded, something so melancholy that what greeted me was a good surprise. I remember as a most pleasant impression the broad, clear front, its open windows and fresh curtains and the pair of maids looking out; I remember the lawn and the bright flowers and the crunch of my wheels on the gravel and the clustered treetops over which the rooks circled and cawed in the golden sky. The scene had a greatness that made it a different affair from my own scant home, and there immediately appeared at the door, with a little girl in her hand, a civil person who dropped me as decent a curtsy as if I had been the mistress or a distinguished visitor. I had received in Harley Street a narrower notion of the place, and that, as I recalled it, made me think the proprietor still more of a gentleman, suggested that what I was to enjoy might be something beyond his promise.
I had no drop again till the next day, for I was carried triumphantly through the following hours by my introduction to the younger of my pupils. The little girl who accompanied Mrs. Grose6) appeared to me on the spot a creature so charming as to make it a great fortune to have to do with her. She was the most beautiful child I had ever seen, and I afterward wondered that my employer had not told me more of her. I slept little that night—I was too much excited; and this astonished me, too, I recollect, remained with me, adding to my sense of the liberality with which I was treated. The large, impressive room, one of the best in the house, the great state bed, as I almost felt it, the full, figured draperies7), the long glasses in which, for the first time, I could see myself from head to foot, all struck me—like the extraordinary charm of my small charge—as so many things thrown in. It was thrown in as well, from the first moment, that I should get on with Mrs. Grose in a relation over which, on my way, in the coach, I fear I had rather brooded8). The only thing indeed that in this early outlook might have made me shrink again was the clear circumstance of her being so glad to see me. I perceived within half an hour that she was so glad—stout, simple, plain, clean, wholesome woman—as to be positively on her guard against showing it too much. I wondered even then a little why she should wish not to show it, and that, with reflection, with suspicion, might of course have made me uneasy.
But it was a comfort that there could be no uneasiness in a connection with anything so beatific9) as the radiant image of my little girl, the vision of whose angelic beauty had probably more than anything else to do with me restlessness that, before morning, made me several times rise and wander about my room to take in the whole picture and prospect; to watch, from my open window, the faint summer dawn, to look at such portions of the rest of the house as I could catch, and to listen, while, in the fading dusk, the first birds began to twitter, for the possible recurrence of a sound or two, less natural and not without, but within, that I had fancied I heard.
1. 节选部分选自小说第一节,主要描写了小说主人公初到自己做家庭教师的布莱庄园的感触。
2. commodious [k??m??di?s] adj. (房间或房子)宽敞的,大的
3. fly [fla?] n. 马车
4. fortitude [?f??(r)t?tju?d] n. 勇气,坚韧
5. reprieve [r??pri?v] n. 暂缓
6. Mrs. Grose:格罗斯太太,布莱庄园的女管家
7. drapery [?dre?p?ri] n. (尤指有宽松、优美褶皱的)罩,帘,窗帷等
8. brood [bru?d] vi. 忧思,担忧
9. beatific [?bi???t?f?k] adj. 极乐的;天使般的