Like a Rolling Stone


新东方英语 2016年12期


10月13日,瑞典文学院宣布2016年度的诺贝尔文学奖得主为美国民谣歌手Bob Dylan,而一度被广大中国文学迷看好的村上春树则在“千年老二”的板凳上越坐越久。人们也不得不说,诺贝尔文学奖把跨界玩出了境界,不知道明年的格莱美奖会不会为村上春树补上一个音乐奖。

如果你是欧美音乐的乐迷,相信不会不知道Bob Dylan的大名。他的名字几乎称得上是20世纪后半叶美国民谣、摇滚的代名词,说他是美国乐坛的殿堂级、现象级人物都不为过。作为一名创作歌手,他为世人所铭记不仅仅是因为他的音乐才华,他的文学造诣也达到了大师级水平,所以也被人称为摇滚诗人。这也是为什么他能得到诺贝尔文学奖垂青的原因。在往期的乐评中,我们曾介绍过他的《答案在风中飘》(Blowing in the Wind)和《敲开天堂之门》(Knockin on Heavens Door),本文来欣赏他的另一首代表作《宛如滚石》(Like a Rolling Stone)。

“Like a Rolling Stone”创作于1965年,歌曲描写了一个社交名媛从珠光宝气到流落街头的人生转变。歌曲以“Once upon a time you dressed so fine / Threw the bums a dime in your prime”交代了交际花的出场,虽然没有太多铺陈,但这两句话已形象地表现出女主角的傲慢与炫耀。而紧接着一句“Peopled call, say ‘Beware doll, youre bound to fall”开启了女主角不堪回首的下半生,从出身名校到流浪街头,从万千宠爱于一身到茕茕孑立,从春风得意到情场失意,人生起起落落都落实在Bob Dylan为她设计的字里行间里。其实这样的人生场景和人情冷暖在我们的世界里不过是沧海一粟。《红楼梦》第一回甄士隐解《好了歌》,通篇说的不也是这样一盘人生棋局?歌曲虽然描写的是“别人”的生活,但又何尝不是Dylan自身低调做人、高调做事的体现?身处荣华而处事恬淡,才免落得个“金满箱,银满箱,转眼乞丐人皆谤”的凄凉下场。

这首歌的歌词每小节几乎都能押韵,而且韵律行云流水,丝毫不见牵强。比如歌词最后一节“You used to be so amused / At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used / Go to him now, he calls you, you cant refuse / When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose / Youre invisible now, youve got no secrets to conceal”。这样工整自然的韵律在其《物是人非》(Things Have Changed)等歌曲中都有完美体现,也体现了Dylan不一般的文学功底。

虽然对于Dylan击败村上春树获得诺贝尔奖,人们存有争议,但说他是乐坛最会写诗的人,估计舍其难有第二人。在其之后,与其同时代,又同样具有非凡音乐和文学才华的人,估计只有创作过《寂静之声》(The Sound of Silence)和《斯卡布罗集市》(Scarborough Fair)的Paul Simon和Art Garfunkel了。

Like a Rolling Stone

Once upon a time you dressed so fine

Threw the bums1) a dime in your prime2), didnt you?

Peopled call, say “Beware doll, youre bound3) to fall”

You thought they were all kidding you

You used to laugh about

Everybody that was hanging out

Now you dont talk so loud

Now you dont seem so proud

About having to be scrounging4) your next meal

How does it feel?

How does it feel?

To be without a home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone

Ah youve gone to the finest schools all right Miss Lonely

But you know you only used to get juiced in it

Nobodys ever taught you how to live out on the street

And now youre gonna have to get used to it

You said youd never compromise

With the mystery tramp5), but now you realize

Hes not selling any alibis6)

As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes

And say “Do you want to make a deal?”

How does it feel?

How does it feel?

To be on your own

With no direction home

A complete unknown

Like a rolling stone

Ah you never turned around to see the frowns

On the jugglers7) and the clowns when they all did tricks for you

You never understood that it aint no good

You shouldnt let other people get your kicks for you

You used to ride on a chrome horse8) with your diplomat9)

Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat

Aint it hard when you discovered that

He really wasnt where its at

After he took from you everything he could steal

How does it feel?

How does it feel?

To be on your own

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone

Ah princess on a steeple10) and all the pretty people

Theyre all drinking, thinking that theyve got it made

Exchanging all precious gifts

But youd better take your diamond ring, youd better pawn11) it, babe

You used to be so amused

At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used

Go to him now, he calls you, you cant refuse

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose

Youre invisible now, youve got no secrets to conceal

How does it feel?

Ah how does it feel?

To be on your own,

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone

1. bum [b?m] n. 〈美口〉 流浪汉;乞丐

2. prime [pra?m] n. 初期;全盛时期;盛年

3. bound [ba?nd] adj. 必然的,必定的

4. scrounge [skra?nd?] vt.〈口〉四处搜寻,寻找;乞讨

5. tramp [tr?mp] n. 流浪者;乞丐

6. alibi [??l?ba?] n.〈美口〉借口,托辞

7. juggler [?d??ɡl?] n. 变戏法的人;玩杂耍的人;魔术师

8. chrome horse:在歌词中指一种轿车

9. diplomat [?d?pl?m?t] n. 善于社交的人,会与人打交道的人

10. steeple [?sti?p(?)l] n. 塔状建筑物

11. pawn [p??n] vt. 当,典,典押


村上春树:相信爱情, 这是一种勇气
东西方的碰撞 惊艳乐坛的跨国音乐合作