In recent years, Classical Studies has become a cornerstone of many Chinese academic circles. From my perspective, this phenomenon signifies tremendous progress Chinese scholars have made, both in their academic pursuits and research standards. Overseen by Wei Zhang in the Department of History at Fudan University, this Issue’s featured topic, “Western Classical Texts” illustrates such progress and, in addition, scholarly innovation. The four featured articles — written by reputable scholars in the field, both well-established and up and coming junior colleagues —are excellent. They all employ literary or cultural theories to re-interpret specific problems in the context of the classics, including: “history” and “narration”;“fiction” and “the referent”; “oratory performance” and “social function”; the construction of “Others” and “power”; and the style of language in Plato’s dialogues.
In addition, this issue also includes three noteworthy pieces, all skillful in employing theory and providing detailed textual explanations, that display scholarly engagement and creativity: Jin Fan attempts to interpret the intrinsic logic or transitional function of comparative literature (the international relationship between literature and culture) via “emptiness” as “way of driving/disposing”; Jiajun Wang re-interprets Derrida’s engagement with Levinas to discuss the possibility of building an ethics of deconstruction; and Yu Zou, in his case study of Hong Shen’scoup de theatre, highlights an unsettled conservative agenda inherent in the semicolonial discourse of the May Fourth New Culture Movement.
We believe annual reports are an important facet of tracing and understanding the development and history of Chinese comparative literature. As such, we are pleased to include in this issue our Two-Year Report (2015—2016), a comprehensive account of the field at this time. This report (as all have been since 2013) is the product of Jianxun Ji’s labor for whose efforts we are exceptionally grateful.
(Translated by Yanyan Deng; edited by Julie Starr)
在其他几篇论文中,范劲教授试图以“空”(emptiness)为“能/所”(way of driving/disposing)来诠释比较文学(文学与文化的世界关系)的内在逻辑或转换机制,王嘉军博士通过重释德里达对于列维纳斯的解读策略探索了解构与伦理合流的可能性,而邹羽教授以洪深对王尔德《温德米尔夫人的扇子》的编译为个案,发现了隐藏于半殖民地“五四”话语深处的一种现代保守主义。这些论文,或精于思辨,或详于考释,总之都是勇于探索、各具新意的佳构。
Notes from the Editor-in-Chief
Yunhua Liu