Im shouting, dont care who is listening
Dont live here Im visiting
To go where Ive never been
Im reaching, cause this isnt far enough
Theres more in this heart than love
Wont stop till Im high above
Im cursed with anticipation
I have no time for conversation
Look at me, Im free to do what I want
What I want
* Come on, thrill me
Come on, kill me
Feel the blood rush round the body
☆ Cant hold it in and I cant fight it
Cant turn away and I cant hide it
Come on, find me
Come on, blind me
Look, the fear is far behind me
What was just a dream now will be
Im calling to the world come on
Come on, thrill me ☆ *
Im hurting, but now I can take the pain
Its here with me everyday
Without it theres nothing to gain
Once bitten, the harder it is to sleep
The harder it is to bleed
Whats burning inside of me?
All to give, I know Ive given
Living is my only mission
To see only submission
Thats what I want
What I want
(Refrain *)
Come on, come on, thrill me
Come on, come on, thrill me
Oh come on, come on, thrill me
Come on, come on, thrill me
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, thrill me
Come on come on come on thrill me
(Refrain ☆)
Come on, thrill me
“奥运会最重要的不是胜利,而是参与。人生最重要的不是成功,而是拼搏。”这是“现代奥运之父”顾拜旦的名言。在电影《飞鹰艾迪》(Eddie the Eagle)中,不被看好的主人公Eddie突破重重难关,成功完成90米跳台滑雪,画面定格时出现了这句话。“Thrill Me”是这部电影的片尾曲,完全契合影片的主旨:小人物也有大梦想,追梦无惧任何挑战。
两位主演Taron Egerton和Hugh Jackman共同演唱了这首由Gary Barlow和OMD乐团成员Andy McCluskey创作的歌曲“Thrill me”。McCluskey作为乐队的吉他手,在创作这首主题曲的过程中加入了大量摇滚电音元素。伴奏一响起,耳尖的乐迷们便能听出这是一首充满了80年代音乐风格的歌曲,这也是歌曲创作者们用心良苦的地方。电影的时间背景是1988年第15届冬季奥林匹克运动会 ,歌曲的创作者希望通过对80年代经典音乐的重新演绎,带人们重温那个黄金年代。“Thrill me”收录在电影原声专辑“Fly”中,整张原声专辑含金量颇高,聚集了一众大腕级的音乐人。制作精良的电影音乐也是为了向传奇体育运动员致敬。
这首歌的歌词描绘的是像影片主人公Eddie一样的“傻瓜”:心中种下了梦想的种子,便不知疲倦地耕耘,即使腥风血雨迎面而来,也不会停下追逐的脚步。在歌曲的尾声,反复出现“Come on, come on, thrill me”,困难使人变得更强大,否定和嘲笑反倒令人更加热血沸腾。守护自己的梦想,承受得起任何诋毁。最后的梦想成真就是给不问收获的“傻瓜”最好的奖赏。