

世界建筑 2016年8期



Architects: Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects

1 外景/Exterior view







建筑的内侧是属于个人的室内空间,而外侧则必须具备与周边融合的公共性,当两者相对时,边界之处应该如何应对呢?我们的考虑是让两种不同的属性统一到一种情景中去,让边界部分不只关照其中一侧,而是综合各种不同的情况,平衡各个不同的尺度和它们互相之间的影响。我们希望设计不仅能考虑到建筑和空间本身的需求,更要能改变对建筑空间和庭院规划有着重要影响的、形成场所的那些前提条件。换而言之,不是要设计建筑,而是要在日常深入思考设计中需要处理的重要条件,提出“针对环境的提案”。□(司马蕾 日译中)

2 总平面/Site plan

3 轴测/Axonometric

4 外景/Exterior view

This is a two-story building in reinforced concrete,which has been utilized as a weekend house for the owner's family,and also serves as his studio during the weekdays.

The owner had a clear plan for the interior and exterior of his building.After our conversation with him,we decided to ensure the design would closely follow his demands.We attempt to strike the balance between the building and its courtyard,instead of drawing a boundary and highlighting one side at the expense of the other.

We did not employ any conventional approach for window frames,glass casements and curtains that face toward the courtyard,usually designed all together as a set.On the contrary,we designed all the windows to line up facing toward the courtyard and,together with all window components,form a huge wall which leads up to the roof of the building.

The enormous glass wall that consists of 16 movable glass windows brings the reflected sunlight into the courtyard.In summer,the solar elevation angle rises higher; the refected light can reach the corner which the direct sunlight cannot.In sunless winter,the reflected light can keep the entire courtyard bright.The 3-layered,extremely thin space between the solid wall and the glass wall acts as an atrium,which aids heat dissipation by capturing rising heat against the glass wall and discharging it out of the roof before it reaches the inside of the building.

The balustrades of windows on the second foor functions as a boundary which divide the glass wall into two parts; the upper part and lower part.Therefore,the "boundary" - rails,can be used as balustrades.When the window is opened,there are no other components but rails,ensuring a very open space.

Each casement of glass window is 4.2m in height and 1.75m in width.They are massive yet easy to move.The selection of steel frames for the window,as well as the weight and thickness of embedded windows,became very important as they had to be as light as possible.In the end,we decided to use an anti-deformation structure,in prevention of window panel,and allow approximately 10cm of a fexibility for the bending of casements,in the case of storm winds.The proportion and dimension of each glass in the casement seems fairly ordinary from the inside looking out.However,when viewed from the outside,it presents integrality and a sense of spatial scale.As a result,it provides a peaceful indoor space and magnifcent look at the same time.

The interior of a building is generally reserved as a private indoor space,while the exterior must take into consideration the surrounding environment.When these two meet,how can we deal with the boundaries that separate them? We propose to combine two different parts into one,which unifies theirdiversity as well as equilibrates their varied dimensions and influences instead of tackling just one part.We hope the design not only meets the needs of its primary function as a building,but also changes prerequisites towards the design of architectural space and courtyard.In other words,it is not merely an architectural design,but presenting a proposal to its surrounding,which requires us to think deeply about the important conditions that we must consider when designing.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

9 外景/Exterior view

6 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

7 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

8 屋顶平面/Roof plan

5 外景/Exterior view

项目信息/Credits and Data


功能/Program: 周末住宅、工作室/Weekend house,location studio

建筑设计/Architectural Design: Shingo Masuda,Katsuhisa Otsubo(Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects)

监理/Supervision: Shingo Masuda,Katsuhisa Otsubo(Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects)

主体结构/Main Structure: 钢混结构/Reinforced concrete structure

基础形式/Foundation: 板型基础/Mat foundation

基地面积/Site Area: 349.33m2

占地面积/Building Area: 113.32m2(凸窗部分/Bay window: 3.41m2)

建筑面积/Floor Area: 210.04m2

建筑密度/Building Density: 32%

容积率/Floor Area Ratio: 60%

层数/Number of Floors: 2

建筑高度/Height: 8575mm

檐高/Eaves Height: 8292mm

净高/Clearance Height: 首层/Floor 0: 2850mm(开口/ Opening: 1920mm); 二层/Floor 1: 2610mm(开口/ Opening: 2050mm); 凸窗/Bay window: 8280mm

停车位数量/Parking Lot: 1

设计时间/Design Period: 2012.01-2013.03

建造时间/Construction Period: 2013.05-2013.12

摄影/Photos: Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects

Boundary Window,Funabashi,Chiba,Japan,2013

10 屋顶外景/Exterior view of the roof

11 首层内景/Interior view of foor 0

12 剖面详图/Sectional detail

13 二层内景/Interior view of foor 1

