(1.陕西液化天然气投资发展有限责任公司, 陕西 杨凌 710016;2.浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院,浙江 杭州 310008;3.密歇根州立大学生物信息与农业工程学院,美国密歇根州 48824-13323)
(1.陕西液化天然气投资发展有限责任公司, 陕西 杨凌 710016;2.浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院,浙江 杭州 310008;3.密歇根州立大学生物信息与农业工程学院,美国密歇根州 48824-13323)
液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG)是天然气的一种贮运方式。近几年液化天然气产业随着环境清洁能源需求的逐步增长而发展迅速[1,2]。LNG使天然气能实现远洋运输,把天然气加工成LNG能有效回收边远天然气。在LNG产业中,级联液化流程因其能耗低、配比简单、技术成熟等优点逐步在行业中应用广泛[3,4]。
1 级联式冷却循环流程
原料气(40 ℃,400 kPa)经过净化后,使用17 ℃循环水进行预冷却,然后进入E1丙烷换热器(-42 ℃)中冷却。在C1中,由E1蒸发出来的丙烷气体加压到1 000 kPa。丙烷通过冷却,经由节流阀减压到100 kPa,最后返回到E1,至此,丙烷循环完成。经过E1,天然气降温到-37.5 ℃和400 kPa,继而送入E2换热器冷却到-100 ℃。E2蒸发出来的乙烯气体加压到10 ℃,经过E1冷却,并返回到E2,至此,乙烯循环完成。经过E2,天然气冷却到-100 ℃,然后送入E3换热器直接冷却到-162 ℃,通过节流阀降压到100 kPa,输送到LNG存储罐。E3蒸发出来的甲烷气体经过C3增压,在E1中冷却,在E2中液化,回到E3,由此进行循环。
2 火用分析模型
在一个典型的冷却系统性能分析中,性能系数(The cofficient of performance, COP)是一项重要的性能指标[7]。该系数描述了产生一定量冷负荷所必需的输入电源的信息。从热力学第一定律可以得出,COP可以定义为冷负荷与级联冷却循环的电源输入的比率:
表1 级联制冷系统中各个组件的损率、EPC以及效率
3 结果与分析
表2 制冷剂的热物性
表3 级联冷却循环中各个节点的仿真结果
表4 级联制冷循环中各个组件的性能结果
表5 级联制冷系统中各个循环的热力学和性能结果
4 结论
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An Exergetic Analysis of Cascade Natural Gas Liquefaction Processes
WANG Ming-juan, HE Leng2, XU Yi-fei2,3
(1.Shaanxi Provincial Natural Gas co., ltd , Yangling 710016, China;2.College of Computer science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310008,China;3.Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, Michigan State University, Michigan 48824-13323, USA.)
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is the fastest growing energy carrier in the world dueto its low environmental impact, flexibility in the market and reserves capacity. In the present study, the cascade liquefaction process has achieved great concern because of its low energy consumption, the ratio of simple and mature technology. However, in the whole liquefaction process, some components still produce much energy assumption. Therefore, to reduce the energy consumption rate of natural gas liquefaction process, it is necessary to analyze its energy consumption of the entire cascade cooling process. Compared with the traditional the cofficient of performance (COP), exergetic analysis can find out the potenial section and maximum irreversibilities as much as possible. In this study, the principal aim is to investigate the theoretical performance of thenatural gas liquefaction process that was modeled based on the exergetic performance coefficient (EPC). Through simulation, results show thatno matter each component or the whole system, maximum irreversibilities occurred in propane cycle.
liquefied natural gas; exergetic analysis; cascade refrigeration cycle