顾怡雯, 华 静, 陈胜良, 江伟骏
(1. 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 消化科, 上海, 200025;2. 上海交通大学医学院附属同仁医院 消化科, 上海, 200336)
顾怡雯1, 华静1, 陈胜良1, 江伟骏2
(1. 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 消化科, 上海, 200025;2. 上海交通大学医学院附属同仁医院 消化科, 上海, 200336)
目的探讨质子泵抑制剂(PPIs)和结肠息肉形成两者间的关系。方法将本院结肠息肉的患者设为病例组(154例),肠炎及未见异常者设为对照组(98例)。调查所有入组人员饮食及生活习惯、PPIs服用等情况,并测定血胃泌素水平。各因素先进行单因素分析,有统计学意义者进一步行多因素Logistic回归。结果 单因素分析提示PPIs与结肠息肉的发生及生长部位有关(P<0.05), 结肠息肉组中服用PPIs的患者与未服用PPIs患者的胃泌素水平有显著差异[(115±19.4) ng/L vs (66.4±8.4) ng/L],P<0.001), 但病例组与对照组两者间胃泌素水平无明显差异(P=0.191,P>0.05), 且进一步多因素Logistic分析提示PPIs变量无统计学意义(P=0.081,P>0.05)。结论本研究无法证实与结肠息肉形成是否存在必然相关性, PPIs与结肠息肉之间是否存在关联尚待进一步研究。
质子泵抑制剂; 胃泌素; 结肠息肉: Logistic模型;
1 资料与方法
应用SSPS 19.0统计软件,先以卡方检验对可能与肠息肉形成有关的变量行单因素分析(α=0.05), 其中均值比较采用t检验,采用多因素条件Logistic回归分析法分析有统计学意义的变量,P<0.05为差异有统计学差异。
2 结 果
3 讨 论
表1 单因素分析筛选结肠息肉相关因素[n(%)]
表2 结肠息肉组PPIs服用和肠息肉 临床特征的关系[n(%)]
表3 结肠息肉的危险因素Logistic回归分析
本研究中,单因素分析提示服用PPIs与结肠息肉的发生及生长部位有关(P<0.05), 同时研究显示结肠息肉组中服用PPIs的患者胃泌素水平显著高于未服用PPIs者,服用PPIs可导致胃泌素水平增高。进一步多因素Logistic分析提示, PPIs变量无统计学意义(P>0.05), 无法证实与结肠息肉形成是否存在必然相关性。Logistic回归分析结果提示患者的年龄、性别、BMI、息肉家族史均为结肠息肉形成的独立危险因素[13]。
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Correlation between proton pump inhibitors and the growth of colonic polyps
GU Yiwen1, HUA Jing1, CHEN Shengliang1, JIANG Weijun2
(DepartmentofGastroenterology,RenjiHospitalAffiliatedtoSchoolofMedicineofShanghaiJiaotongUniversity,Shanghai, 200025;DepartmentofGastroenterology,TongrenHospitalAffiliatedtoSchoolofMedicineofShanghaiJiaotongUniversity,Shanghai, 200336)
ObjectiveTo study the relationship of proton pump inhibitors and the growth of colonic polyps. MethodsA total of 154 patients who underwent colonoscopy in our hospital were as patients group and 98 healthy cases were as controls. Dietary and life style factors and family history of two groups were investigated. And serum gastrin levels were examined in all patients. Suspected variables were screened by univariate analysis and those with statistical significant were further analyzed by multivariate conditional Logistic regression. ResultsPPIs was found to be correlated with the growth of colonic polyps and growth distribution (P<0.05). In patients with colonic polyps, the mean gastrin level in PPI users versus non-PPI users was (115±19.4) ng/L versus (66.4±8.4) ng/L, respectively (P<0.001), but there was no difference in serum gastrin levels in two groups(P=0.191,P>0.05). Further multivariate conditional Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that there was no significant difference in variable PPIs. ConclusionThe research cannot confirm that PPIs is related to the growth of colonic polyps, and it remains further exploration.
proton pump inhibitors; gastrin; colonic polyps; Logistic models
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