by anonymous翻译:常青
by anonymous
Track 8
My life is like a rain shower. Life is1)confusing, surprising, and2)refreshing.3)Dreadful things are unavoidable, and4)terrific events are always happening. Raindrops can fall heavily or gently,depending on what type of day it is. Sometimes storms take place. And in the other moments, it's just a light shower, falling down from above.
Rain is sometimes unwanted. However, it may be a5)necessity when it comes to the life of fowers and trees. I fnd that I have to do things no matter I want to or not. Those things might be of importance later in time. They may just be useful at one moment, and other times they may be beneficial throughout my entire life.
Sometimes rain showers develop into6)thunderstorms, and cause a great deal of7)commotion. My life is as chaotic as a thunderstorm at times. When plans don't happen the way they should or if something terrible were to happen, my life would be in8)disarray. When I changed schools last year,it seemed like there was a never-ending thunderstorm pouring down, with rain falling heavily and9)tumultuous winds knocking me in every direction. When a stormy day clears up eventually, it's like sunlight on a cloudy day, my life becomes bright again.
Every so often it will be pouring with rain, which looks like it will never end. Then the sun starts to shine and you will see the light10)blending with the rain to create a rainbow. This happens in life as well. It could be a horrible day at the beginning, but then something11)terribly amazing happens and it causes the day to be brighter.
My life is like a rain shower, as disorderly as a thunderstorm or as beautiful as a newly formed rainbow. Although my life may not be as cold and wet as rain, it is12)unpredictable.
1) confusing [kən'fjuːzIŋ] adj. 混乱的,令人困惑的
2) refreshing [rI'freʃIŋ] adj. 使人精神振作的,使清爽的
4) terrifc [tə'rIfIk] adj. 惊人的,极好的
5) necessity [nI'sesItI] n. 需要,必需
6) thunderstorm ['θʌndəstɔːm] n. 雷暴,大雷雨
8) disarray [dIsə'reI] n. 紊乱,混乱
10) blend with 与……混合
11) terribly ['terIblI] adv. 很,非常
12) unpredictable ['ʌnprI'dIktəbl] adj. 不可预知的
My Life Is Like a Rain Shower