岳保旺 王清亮 高雁
【关键词】菲涅耳公式 半波损失 斜入射 夹角
【Abstract】In the existing references, the angle between the reflective photoelectric vector and the incident light vector in vertical incidence, namely the phenomenon of half?鄄wave loss could conveniently be interpreted by Fresnel formulae. However, there is not yet quantitative formulae on the angle which is reflected light relative to incident light for oblique incidence. In this article, the formulae of this angle would be given in the case of arbitrary incidence angle by using Fresnel formulae.
【Keywords】Fresnel formulae; Half?鄄wave loss; Oblique Incidence; The angle
【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)07-0151-02