改良型FRⅢ型矫治器矫治安氏Ⅲ类错 后舌骨位置的对比研究


华西口腔医学杂志 2016年4期

朱远平 段银钟

1.宜昌市第二人民医院,三峡大学第二人民医院口腔科,宜昌 443000;2.第四军医大学口腔医学院,西安 710032

改良型FRⅢ型矫治器矫治安氏Ⅲ类错 后舌骨位置的对比研究


1.宜昌市第二人民医院,三峡大学第二人民医院口腔科,宜昌 443000;2.第四军医大学口腔医学院,西安 710032



1 材料和方法





图1 改良型FRⅢ型矫治器Fig 1 Improved appliance FRⅢ

图2 测量标志点及测量项目Fig 2 Landmarks and measurements of hyoid bone position

1.2.3资料收集和分析所有项目都测量3次,取其平均值,3次结果均无显著性差异。两组病例在矫治前同一项目各测量值间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。然后将结果输入SPSS 13.0软件行统计学分析,组内比较行配对计量资料t检验,组间比较行两样本均数差别t检验,检验水准α=0.05。

2 结果


表1 功能性Ⅲ类错患者治疗前后舌骨位置的比较Tab 1 Comparison of the hyoid bone position between functional class Ⅲ malocclusion before and after treatment n=20

表1 功能性Ⅲ类错患者治疗前后舌骨位置的比较Tab 1 Comparison of the hyoid bone position between functional class Ⅲ malocclusion before and after treatment n=20


对照组[2]测量项目实验组 t值矫治前 矫治后 矫治前 矫治后 实验组 矫治后矫治前/后 对照组/实验组H-FH/mm 82.66±7.10 87.85±4.89 83.79±3.38 91.67±4.19 9.286 5b 2.648 4aH-MP/mm 11.87±5.58 12.01±4.46 11.87±1.48 9.58±1.57 12.461 2b 2.298 4aH-S(Ver)/mm 101.40±7.20 105.56±6.34 101.56±3.22 109.38±4.46 12.267 9b 2.203 9aH-Ptm/mm 9.21±6.78 11.99±4.01 10.01±1.04 14.50±1.33 21.882 5b 2.067 6aH-RGn/mm 36.55±3.88 36.41±3.41 35.65±3.07 31.34±3.56 10.989 7b 2.275 1aAr-H-Me/° 122.39±9.69 120.43±8.85 123.29±9.56 127.39±8.83 4.545 6b 3.635 8b


图3 术前检查Fig 3 Preoperative examination

图4 术中检查Fig 4 Intraoperative examination

图5 术后检查Fig 5 Postoperative examination

3 讨论


与传统FRⅢ型矫治器比较,FRⅢ型矫治器作了以下4点改良:1)上颌两侧唇挡与颊屏之间的连接改为“U”型曲,对上颌发育不足较明显的病例,在治疗过程中,随着上齿槽向前的发育,唇档与齿槽逐渐贴近时需要将上唇档适当前移以增加对上颌生长的刺激[9]。此时,只需要在椅旁调节曲即可达到前伸,操作简便,省时。2)舌肌是平衡牙弓内外力量的重要肌群,Ⅲ类错患者的舌位置较低[10-11],在下颌与前腭弓相对应的位置设计一根与前腭弓形状相同的前舌弓,舌弓要求离开下颌前牙5 mm以上,不与其接触,设计下前舌弓的目的是诱导舌在静止状态下的姿势位,使舌在休息位时后退,改变其靠前的状态。3)颊屏内凹状改为外凸状,颊屏的上颌部分与上齿槽间有3 mm的间隙,可以消除颊肌对上颌侧方的压力而使其扩展。颊屏与下齿槽相贴合,颊肌压力可以传达到下颌而抑制其生长。改颊屏内凹状为外凸状,使其能更好地对抗颊肌,增加颊肌张力,加大颊屏牵拉前庭沟处骨膜的力量,更好地刺激该部牙槽骨的生长。4)研究发现,Ⅲ类错患者的舌尖较为靠前[12],舌的长度明显偏短[13]。在上颌软硬腭交界中份加一个能前后旋转的小球,嘱患者不断地舔使之旋转,此时的舌处于后退位,旨在诱导舌在运动状态下的姿势位,弱化舌对下前牙的作用力,舌的后退有利于建立正常牙齿接触的吞咽,反复的训练使其恢复正常位置。

3.2.1在垂直向的变化在垂直向,线距测量结果显示, H-FH、H-S比矫治前增大(P<0.01),说明矫治器改变了Ⅲ类错患者相对升高、靠前的舌骨位置,限制了过度发育的下颌及舌骨上肌群对舌骨的牵拉而下降,这与以前的研究结果相同。所不同的是,矫治后,H-MP较矫治前的位置明显变小(P<0.01),说明矫治后低平的舌骨位置发生了明显地上移。与传统FRⅢ型矫治器矫治后的儿童功能性安氏Ⅲ类错患者的舌骨位置比较,H-FH、H-S增大(P<0.05),H-MP减小(P<0.05),说明舌肌功能训练装置对舌骨位置的影响优于传统矫治器。



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Comparing study on the hyoid bone position after treatment of class Ⅲ malocclusion using improved appliance FR

ⅢZhu Yuanping1, Duan Yinzhong2.(1. Dept. of Stomatology, The Second People's Hospital of Yichang City, The Second People's Hospital ofThree Gorges University, Yichang 443000, China; 2. School of Stomatology, The Fourth Military Medical Uuiversity, Xi'an 710032, China)
Correspondence: Duan Yinzhong, E-mail:

ObjectiveThis study aims to compare the changes of hyoid bone position before and after treatment of Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion using improved appliance FR Ⅲ. MethodsForty patients with Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion were chosen and divided into two groups, namely, experimental and control. Each group had 20 patients. The young patients in the experimental group were treated using improved appliance FR Ⅲ, whereas those in the control group were treated using classic appliance FR Ⅲ. The hyoid bone position of the two groups were comparatively analyzed using an X-ray film before and after treatment. ResultsCompared with the condition before treatment, the condition after treatment showed that the hyoid bone position of young patients with Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion treated using improved appliance FR Ⅲ, H-FH, H-S, H-Ptm,and Ar-H-Me exhibited an increased angle (P<0.01), whereas the hyoid bone position of those treated using H-MP and H-Gn showed a decreased angle (P<0.01). The hyoid bone position of young patients with Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion treated using classic appliance FR Ⅲ, H-FH, H-S, and H-Ptm had an increased angle (P<0.05). Moreover, the hyoid bone position of those treated using Ar-H-Me had an increased angle (P<0.01), and the hyoid bone position of those treated using H-MP and H-RGn had a decreased angle (P<0.05). ConclusionCompared with the hyoid bone position before treatment, the hyoid bone position after treatment of the young patients with Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion treated using improved appliance FR Ⅲ may move backward and downward, and the mandibular and hyoid bone position may move through clockwise rotation. The mandibular and hyoid bone position of young patients with Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion treated using classic appliance FR Ⅲ obtained a large angle by moving clockwise. The man-dibular bone moves backward and downward, thereby improving the hyoid bone in backward and upward directions. This condition makes a significant difference in treating the hyoid bone position of young patients with functional Angle class Ⅲmalocclusion.

improved appliance FR Ⅲ;Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion;hyoid bone position

R 783.5







