杨自忠,方 波,李成功,何 苗,李 玥
(1.大理大学云南省昆虫医药研发重点实验室,云南 大理 671000 ; 2.云南省林业科学院,云南 昆明 650001)
杨自忠1,方 波2,李成功1,何 苗1,李 玥1
(1.大理大学云南省昆虫医药研发重点实验室,云南 大理 671000 ; 2.云南省林业科学院,云南 昆明 650001)
本文通过整理多年来对云南蜘蛛区系的研究结果,结合国内外学者的研究报道,系统报道了云南蜘蛛58科389属1248种,其中,云南特有物种665种。同时,结合物种分布特点和地质历史资料对云南蜘蛛区系的特点做了简单的分析,分析结果表明云南蜘蛛区系特点为:物种多样性(diversity)复杂;特有种(Endemic species)丰富;区系古老,既有属于冈瓦纳古陆(Gondwanaland)起源的旧热带区系成分,也有劳亚古陆(Lanrasia)起源的北温带区系成分。云南蜘蛛区系劳亚古陆和冈瓦纳古陆区系成分相互渗透以及一些渗透进来的古老物种因适应云南特殊地理环境和气候环境演化发展的结果。
蜘蛛区系(Fauna of Spider);特有种(Endemic species);冈瓦纳古陆(Gondwanaland);劳亚古陆(Lanrasia);云南
根据笔者的调查研究及对世界蜘蛛名录(World Spider Catalog Version 16.5)中记录的整理,共报道云南蜘蛛共计58科389属1248种[131],如表1。
表1 云南蜘蛛物种多样性统计
2.区系特点(Characteristics of spider fauna)
通过整体分析,云南蜘蛛区系具有物种多样性复杂、特有种(Endemic species)丰富、区系古老,既有属于冈瓦纳古陆(Gondwanaland)起源的旧热带区系成分,也有劳亚古陆(Lanrasia)起源的北温带区系成分的特点。
2.2特有种(Endemic species)丰富
在蜘蛛目中,中纺亚目的节板蛛科蜘蛛被公认为是最古老的蜘蛛。该类群全球已记述8属96种,我国有5属23种,云南报道了1属2种:云南七纺蛛Heptathela yunnanensis Song & Haupt, 1984分布于滇中的昆明地区,而峨山七纺蛛H. wosanensis Wang & Jiao, 1995发现于滇中的峨山地区,目前又在大理苍山和宾川的鸡足山也发现了七纺蛛踪影。
在后纺亚目中,原蛛类是比较低等原始的蜘蛛,全球已记述的有15科329属2786种,我国有6科17属68种,云南目前发现5科5属13种,如分布于滇南、滇西南的MacrotheleyunnanicaZhu & Song, 2000、M.bannaensisXu & Yin, 2001、CyclocosmialannaensisSchwendinger, 2005等,而分布于滇西和西北的有M.yaniXu et al., 2002、AtypuspedicellatusZhuetal., 2006、A.sacculatusZhuetal., 2006等。在科级阶元中,云南的原始低等的蜘蛛类群占世界原蛛的33.33%,占我国原蛛类的83.33%。在新蛛下目的蜘蛛类群中,也不乏古老蜘蛛的后裔,如DeinopisliukuensisYin, Griswold et Yan, 2002、PimoaanatolicaHormiga, 1994、P.lihengaeGriswold, Long & Hormiga, 1999、P.reniformisXu & Li, 2007、PutaoahuapingHormiga & Tu, 2008和WeintrauboayunnanYang, Zhu & Song, 2006等。
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(责任编辑 徐成东)
A Preliminary Analysis of Spider Fauna in Yunnan
YANG Zizhong, FANG Bo, LI Chenggong, HE Miao & LI Yue
(KeyLaboratoryofEntomoceuticsBiopharmaceuticalofYunnan,DaliUniversity,Dali, 671000,YunnanProvince;YunnanAcademyofForestry,Kunming, 650001,YunnanProvince)
Through summarizing years of study results on spider fauna of Yunnan and combining study reports from domestic and international researchers, 1,248 Yunnan spider species belonging to 389 genera of 59 families were systematically reported in this article, including 665 endemic species in Yunnan. Meanwhile, features of spider fauna in Yunnnan were preliminarily analyzed based on species distribution characteristics and geological history data. According to the analysis results, the spider fauna features of Yunnan are: complex species diversity, abundant endemic species, ancient fauna including both paleotropical faunal elements originated from Gondwana and north temperate zone faunal elements originated from Laurasia. The current Yunnan spider fauna result from the interpenetration of spider faunal elements originated from Gondwana and Laurasia, as well as the evolution and development of some penetrated ancient species oriented by adaptation to the special geographical and climatic environment of Yunnan.
Spider fauna; Endemic species; Gondwana; Lanrasia; Yunnan
2016 - 05 - 13
1671 - 7406(2016)06 - 0015 - 11