

世界建筑 2016年7期




1 外景/Exterior view



“我们对客户说‘让我们把将被拆掉的东西保留下来并进一步深化吧。’” 作为MVRDV的建筑师和联合创始人,威尼·马斯在解释项目时谈到,“水晶屋成就了一个非凡的品牌旗舰店。它既尊重了周围的建筑结构,又引入了一种诗意化的玻璃建构创新方式。它既满足了国际品牌对透明度的强烈追求,又体现了地方色彩,并且将现代主义与遗产保护结合起来。这种做法可以在任何历史性区域进行推广。”




对于一个基本由玻璃立面打造的建筑来说,保证能源供给的可持续性至关重要。因此,建筑是围绕一个土壤热源泵的,其管道伸向地下170m,维持着建筑室内全年的理想气候条件。所以在设计时,不仅要处理精致复杂的细部,努力营造建筑的能源平衡也同样重要。□(齐轶昳 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 荷兰瓦仁纳地产阿姆斯特丹公司/Warenar Real Estate Amsterdam, the Netherlands

主持设计/Lead Architect: MVRDV

建筑设计/Architects: Winy Maas, Gijs Rikken, Mick van Gemert, (Renske v/d Stoep)/MVRDV; Wim Gietermans,Arjan Bakker, Tuğrul Avuçlu/Gietermans & Van Dijk

玻璃砖制造商/Manufacturer Glass Bricks: Ivano Massarotto/Poesia (brand of Vetreria Resanese)

Delo粘合剂进口商/Importer of Delo Glue: Rob Janssen/ Siko

承建商/Contractor: Robert van der Hoef, Richard van het Ende, Marco en Ronald van de Poppe/Wessels Zeist

施工方/Constructor: Paul Brouwer/Brouwer&Kok; Rob Nijsse/ABT

调研/Research: Frederic A. Veer, Faidra Oikonomopoulou,Telesilla Bristogianni/Delft University of Technology

市政美学委员会/Municipality Aesthetics Commission: Charlotte ten Dijke, Ellis van den Hoek, Natasja Hogen,Patrick Koschuch, Alexander Pols, Gus Tielens, Marcel van Winsen, Pepijn Diepenveen/Welstand

功能/Programme: 620m2商业及220m2住宅/620m2retail and 220m2housing

竣工时间/Completion: 2016.04

摄影/Photos: Daria Scagliola & Stijn Brakkee(fg.1,3,9,10,14),Poesia(fg.11), MVRDV(fg.12,13)

MVRDV's Crystal Houses began its existence with the request of Warenar to design a flagship store combining both Dutch heritage and international architecture on the PC Hooftstraat,Amsterdam's one and only luxury brand street that was previously primarily residential. MVRDV wanted to make a representation of the original buildings and found a solution through an extensive use of glass. The near full-glass façade mimics the original design, down to the layering of the bricks and the details of the window frames, but is stretched vertically to comply with updated zoning laws and to allow for an increase in interior space. Glass bricks stretch up the façade of Crystal Houses,eventually dissolving into a traditional terracotta brick façade of the apartments (as stipulated in the City's aesthetics rules), which appears to be foating above the shop foor.

The design aims to provide a solution to the loss of local character in shopping areas around the world. Te increased globalisation of retail has led to the homogenisation of high-end shopping streets. Crystal Houses offer the store a window surface that contemporary stores need, whilst maintaining architectural character and individuality, resulting in a fagship store that hopes to stand out amongst the rest. "We said to the client, 'Let's bring back what will be demolished but develop it further'" explains Winy Maas, architect and co-founder of MVRDV. "Crystal Houses make space for a remarkable flagship store, respect the structure of the surroundings and bring a poetic innovation in glass construction. It enables global brands to combine the overwhelming desire of transparency with a 'couleur locale' and modernity with heritage. It can thus be applied everywhere in our historic centres."

After conceiving the initial idea MVRDV worked closely with a number of partners to develop the technologies to make it possible. Solid glass bricks were individually cast and crafted by Poesia in Resana, near Venice. Research undertaken by the Delft University of Technology, in partnership with engineering firm ABT and contractor Wessels Zeist, led to the development of structural solutions and fabrication techniques, with the use of a highstrength, UV bonded, transparent adhesive from Delo Industrial Adhesives in Germany to cement the bricks together without the need for a more traditional mortar.

Six to ten experts worked every day for a whole year in a place that bore more resemblance to a laboratory than a construction site. Due to the sensitivity of the materials, an extremely high level of accuracy and craftsmanship was required and a technical development team was onsite throughout the process. Since this construction is the first of its kind, new construction methods and tools had to be utilised: from high-tech lasers and laboratory grade UV-lamps, to slightly lower-tech Dutch fullfat milk, which, with its low transparency, proved to be an ideal liquid to function as a reflective surface for the levelling of the frst layer of bricks. Despite its delicate looks, strength tests by the Delft University of Technology team proved that the glass-construction was in many ways stronger than concrete. Te full-glass architrave, for instance,could withstand a force of up to 42,000 N; the equivalent to two full-sized SUVs.

The development of new construction methods unearthed additional possibilities for future building, such as the minimisation of waste materials. In essence, all of the glass components are completely recyclable. Waste materials from the project, such as imperfect bricks, could simply be (and were) melted down and re-moulded or entirely repurposed. This is also true for the entire façade itself, once the building has reached the end of its life span, the whole facade can be melted down and given a new life. The only exceptions to this rule are added features which ensure the security of the building, such as a concrete ram-raid defence plinth,hidden in a blend of reflective and translucent materials and built to withstand the force of a car crashing into the building. Repair-protocols were developed in the event of any damage, allowing for the replacement of individual bricks.

With a façade made primarily out of glass it was important to ensure that energy requirements were supplied through renewable sources. Terefore, the building was designed around a ground source heat pump, with pipes leading up to 170m underground,allowing for an optimal indoor climate throughout the year. It is a crucial element when dealing with delicate, sophisticated detailing while striving for a proper energy balance at the same time.

2 场地立面/Site elevation3 外景/Exterior view4 步骤示意/Step diagram5 首层平面/Floor 0 plan6 夹层平面/Mezzanine plan7.8 剖面/Sections

WA: 色彩在这个项目中的作用是什么?




马斯:设计过程中最困难的部分是技术上的挑战,具体就是怎样使玻璃砖墙可以在结构上承重,同时防止涂鸦并具有透明性。代尔夫特理工大学的玻璃与透明性实验室对这方面的创新提供了许多支持。对于玻璃建造的实际可操作性,他们做了相关实验,针对结构强度、制作工艺和施工手段等给出了建议。通过一系列抗压、撞击和三点弯曲实验,得出玻璃砖的最小抗压强度可达10 N/mm2,相当于普通砖墙的10倍。在热冲击实验中,玻璃砖墙的实验结果也远超出预期值。这意味着玻璃砖墙不会在温度剧烈变化的情况下轻易破裂。一系列实验最终使得我们与威尼斯一家玻璃制造厂商Poesia签约,保证生产出满足检验和强度要求的固化玻璃。为了将透明性最大化,研究人员最终选择了一款以钠钙硅作为基底的玻璃,其中包含有含铁量较低的沙子成分。




马斯:本设计致力于应对全球众多商业街区丧失地方特色这一突出问题。零售业全球化趋势也带来了高端商业街的趋同化。水晶屋的设计需一方面满足了当代店面对玻璃表面的需求,另一方面维持了传统建筑的独特身份,希望可以使得这家旗舰店在商业街上脱颖而出。□(齐轶昳 译)

9 玻璃砖墙/Glass bricks wall10 外景/Exterior view

WA: What is the role of the colour in this project?

Winy Maas (WM): The colour in this project is actually "transparency".

Te entirely transparent façade for a high-end shop on Amsterdam's upmarket shopping street uses glass bricks, windows frames and architraves in a way to evoke the vernacular of the area with the goal to maintain the character of the site.

WA: What is the most creative and attractive solution?

WM: MVRDV wanted to make a representation of the original buildings and found a solution through an extensive use of glass. The full-glass façade became a representation of the original buildings and the design was conceived using the original historical drawings. It mimics the exact design, down to the layering of the bricks and the detailing of the window frames, but is stretched vertically to comply with updated zoning laws and to allow for an increase in interior space; the new store now reaches 10m tall. Glass bricks stretch up the façade of Crystal Houses, eventually dissolving into a traditional terracotta brick façade of the apartments, which appear to be foating above the shop foor;

WA: What was the most difcult part in the process of design?

WM: Te most difcult part in the design process was the technological challenge to achieve a glass brick that would be structurally load bearing, vandalism proof and transparent. The Glass & Transparency Laboratory of the Delft Technical University worked on much of the innovation within the scheme. This included experiments into the realistic possibilities within glass construction, with regards to strength,manufacture and the construction process itself. Pressure testing, impact testing and three-point bending testing revealed a minimum compressive strength as high as 10 N/mm2, around ten times stronger than the original brick façade. The glass bricks were also subjected to glass heat shock tests,which withstood far above the expected values. Tis means that the glass won't crack as the weather fluctuates. This research led to the appointment of Poesia, glass manufacturer in Venice, which could produce a glass brick to fit the requirementsfor measurement control and remaining stresses in the solidified glass. To produce a maximum transparency, the researchers chose a soda-limesilica based glass, made from sand with a low iron content.

11-13 施工过程/Construction process14 外景/Exterior view

WA: What is the feedback from the users and the community?

WM: Te feedback from the users and the public has been positive all around. It takes the common glass façade to another level while respecting the heritage of the street and hence embedding local character.

WA: How did this project improve the quality of the public space?

WM: The design aims to tackle the loss of local character in shopping areas around the world. With the increased globalisation of retail leading to the homogenisation of the high-end shopping street,Crystal Houses offer the shop a window surface that contemporary shops need, whilst maintaining architectural character and individuality, resulting in a fagship store that hopes to stand out amongst the rest.





LIU Yichun: Like most of the MVRDV buildings, it is once again a "deadly blow". It indeed reveals how the architects manage to extract the architectural essence. Teir answers are often simple and crude, but present impressive power. Even though you do not like it, you will admire it. The Chanel crystal house may be one of their most exquisite works. It concentrates many architectural issues into a transparent glass brick wall with high-technology, and even makes the glass adhesive a key technology for the entire building image and concept presentation. In such a way, the building is undoubtedly one of the most exquisite in the aspect of tectonics.

ZHANG Li: Tis project demonstrates how to achieve a big idea with a small touch. It connects the old brick wall with the new facade into a gradient wholeness through dematerialisation. The geometry of the old brick masonry is pleasantly extended. The super transparent glass bricks are the key agents here. It is their near-perfect transparency that produces the colour varieties beyond all imaginations by optical refection, refraction and transmission.

Crystal Houses, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2016

Architects: MVRDV

