



“with/ without的复合结构”是英语复合结构中最常见的一种,在文学作品和中学英语教材中这个结构也屡见不鲜。因此,了解、掌握它的用法,探讨结构内在的联系,对英语学习者准确理解教材,提高写作和阅读能力大有裨益。

1. 基本构成及特点

with/without+复合宾语结构,复合宾语的第一部分作介词with/without的宾语,由名词或代词构成,第二部分是宾语补足语,由名词、形容词、副词、介词以及非谓语动词构成。该结构有以下三个特点:(1)逻辑主语(with/without 之后的名词或代词)与句子的主语不同,它独立存在;(2)名词或代词与后面的名词、形容词、副词、介词以及非谓语动词构成逻辑上的主谓关系;(3)常用逗号与主句分开,对主句的内容进行补充或者描述。

2. 基本形式

(1) with/without + 名词(代词)+ 名词。With Mr. Smith our group leader,we arrived at the destination as planned.

(2) with/without + 名词(代词)+ 形容词。Lenin fell asleep with the door open.

(3) with/without + 名词(代词)+ 副词。The naughty boy stood before his father,with his head down.

(4) with/without + 名词(代词)+ 介词短语。With the children at home, the parents cant take our holiday when they want to.

(5) with/without + 名词(代词)+ V-ing。With prices going up so rapidly, people cant afford the luxuries.

(6) with/without + 名词(代词)+ V-ed。She sat in her room for a few seconds with her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

(7) with/without + 名词(代词)+ to do。With no man to talk to, the poor old John felt miserable.

3. 基本用法


(1) 作时间状语。With winter coming on (=When winter comes), it is getting colder and colder.

(2) 方式状语。The professor sat in the front building, her mouth half open (= and her mouth was half open).

(3) 原因状语。With a lot of work to do (=Because a lot of work is to be done), we werent allowed to go out.

(4) 伴随状语。The captain was lying on the floor, his hands crossed under his head (=and his hands were crossed under his head).

(5) 补充、说明。The workers redoubled their efforts, each man working like two.

4. 几点说明

(1) “介词with/without的复合结构”,也可以去掉介词with,此结构也可以叫做独立主格结构。即当状语从句的主语与主句的主语不一致时,即可用此结构,但不能再使用连词。例如:When the lecture came to an end, the audience left the hall.= With the lecture coming to an end, the audience left the hall. = The lecture coming to an end, the audience left the hall.

(2) 在下面情况下,结构中的being/ having done不能省略。

1) 结构中的逻辑主语为代词时:It being Valentines Day, all the flowers in the store were sold out.

2) “There being + 名词”时: There being a public bus service is a great convenience to people. Its a great pity for there to be much trouble in the class.

3)在去掉with/without 的“名词(代词)+ 介词短语”结构中,介词短语中一般不用冠词和形容词性物主代词。例如:Doctor Jackson entered the operation-room, first-aid kit in hand. 比较带有with的复合结构:Doctor Jackson entered the operation-room, with a first-aid kit in his hand.


The minister arriving, we felt surprised. 比较动名词复合结构: The ministers arriving made us very surprised.

5)此结构作时间或原因状语时,可与现在分词的完成时连用,表示该动作发生在谓语之前。例如:The listeners having taken their seats, the concert began.

5. “with/ without的复合结构”、独立主格和分词作状语的区别

(1) “with/ without的复合结构”、独立主格作状语时,结构内部的名词和代词就是后面分词、介词短语的逻辑主语,即与主句主语不一致。比较:(With)An important meeting to be held tomorrow (=As an important meeting will be held tomorrow), the boss has to stay up late into the night. 此句中to be held的逻辑主语是An important meeting,而本句的主语是the boss. Sitting in the dark light, she found it difficult to read.此句中sitting的逻辑主语就是本句的主语she。

(2) 在使用“with/ without的复合结构”、独立主格和分词句子中作状语时,要注意:它们与主句之间不应有从属连词(如when, if, as soon as, as, while等)或并列连词(如and, but, or, so等)。

_______, the teacher told the class to go through the text.

A. Checking the answers

B. Checking the answers and

C. When checking the answers and

D. all the above

因为check的逻辑主语就是句子主语,又跟the teacher构成主动关系,所以直接用分词作状语,表示时间,选A。

(3) 在使用“with/ without的复合结构”、独立主格和分词句子中作状语时,一定要注意句子主语同这些结构的逻辑关系。


_______, the teacher told the class to go through the text.

A. Checking the answers

B. Checking the answers and

C. When checking the answers and

D. all the above

因为check的逻辑主语就是句子主语,又跟the teacher构成主动关系,所以直接用分词作状语,表示时间,选A,Checking the answers就相当于When the teacher checked the answers。

2)若句子主语与状语内动词之间不存在逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系且状语内有自已的逻辑主语。则该状语不能用分词结构,只能用独立主格结构、with +复合宾语结构或从句。

The boy is doing his homework attentively _______.

A. with the candle burning

B. burning the candle

C. when he was burning the candle

D. when burning the candle

因为burning的逻辑主语是它前面的名词the candle,不是本句的主语the boy,所以此处只能用with +复合宾语结构,选A。

6. 结语

理解 “with/ without的复合结构”关键是抓住语法结构,理清逻辑关系,把握句子脉络,就能触类旁通,灵活应用。


