

中国水土保持科学 2016年1期







关键词:泥沙输移比; 土壤流失量; 输沙量; 流域面积; 主河道比降; 黑土区; 松花江流域





图1 气象站和水文站分布Fig.1 Distribution of meteorological stations and hydrological stations

松花江流域三面环山,西部和北部为大兴安岭和小兴安岭(合称兴安岭山地),流域东部及东南部为完达山脉、老爷岭、张广才岭和长白山脉(合称流域东部山地)。兴安岭山地和流域东部山地自其山前丘陵区和漫川漫岗区向流域中心地带的平原过渡。笔者在松花江干流、第二松花江和嫩江的不同级别支流共选择35个流域(图1)。其中:17个流域主体海拔高度在500 m以上,以山地为主,主河道比降变化介于2‰~5‰之间;18个流域主体海拔高度在200~500 m之间,以丘陵漫川漫岗为主,主河道比降变化介于1‰~2‰之间。鹤北8号流域位于农垦九三分局鹤北流域内,流域面积2.8 km2,地貌类型为丘陵漫岗,坡缓坡长,土地利用以耕地为主,耕地面积占流域总面积的98%。

按空间尺度差异,将研究流域分为小、中、大3类。参考已有的流域尺度类别划分标准[8-9],将面积<100 km2的流域划分为小尺度流域,选择鹤北8号流域作为研究的典型流域,将面积>2 000 km2的流域划分为大尺度流域,100~2 000 km2的流域为中尺度流域。



资料主要有降水资料、地图与遥感资料、水文资料和径流小区产流泥沙资料。降水资料包括36个气象站和35个雨量站自20世纪50年代至2010年底的逐年日降雨数据,用于计算降雨-径流侵蚀力。地图与遥感资料包括东北地区1∶100万土壤类型图和土地利用图、美国航天飞机雷达拓朴测绘数据、小流域坡度遥感数据和土地利用(分辨率30 m×30 m)。其中,土壤类型图用于计算土壤可蚀性,雷达拓朴测绘数据和土地利用图用于提取大中尺度流域地表坡度和土地利用信息,小流域坡度遥感和土地利用数据用于提取小尺度流域地表坡长、坡度和土地利用信息,以计算坡长、坡度因子和水土保持措施因子。




2.2.1大中尺度流域土壤流失量计算利用Liu Baoyuan等[10]提出的中国土壤流失预报方程(Chinese Soil Loss Equation,CSLE)计算多年平均土壤流失量



式中:AE为多年平均年土壤流失量,t/(hm2·a);R为降雨-径流侵蚀力,MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a),依据多年平均降水量计算[11];K为土壤可蚀性,t·hm2·h/(hm2·MJ·mm),利用三次样条法[12-13]计算。L和S分别为坡长因子和坡度因子。本文视研究区耕地地表坡长为300 m,其他土地利用类型为100 m,则L值依据刘宝元等[14]提出的典型黑土区坡长因子公式计算;S依据RUSLE[4]和Liu B Y等[15]提出的方法计算:



多年平均土壤流失量由上述各因子图层叠加运算获得,网格大小均插值到90 m×90 m。

2.2.2小尺度流域土壤流失量计算流域侵蚀总量为片蚀量、浅沟侵蚀量和切沟侵蚀量之和。其中,片蚀量依据式(1)计算,除L和S因子,其他因子均利用雨季径流小区产流泥沙资料获得,并以网格分辨率为30 m×30 m的精度计算各流域土壤流失量。浅沟侵蚀量依据张永光等[18]观测的浅沟侵蚀量获得;根据Wu Yangqiu等[19]推算,该流域切沟侵蚀量应为浅沟侵蚀量的2.35倍。









(R2= 0.32,n = 35,P < 0.01)。


图2 松花江流域悬移质泥沙输移比与流域面积的关系Fig.2 Relationship between sediment delivery ratio of suspended load and drainage area in Songhua River Basin

图3 丘陵漫岗区和山区流域悬移质泥沙输移比与   流域面积的关系Fig.3 Relationship between sediment delivery ratio of suspended load and drainage area for the mountainous and hilly regions


SDR= 4.01A-0.52







图4 山区流域悬移质泥沙输移比与主河道比降的关系Fig.4 Relationship between sediment delivery ratio of suspended load and the slope for the main channel in mountainous region










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Sediment delivery ratios of typical watersheds on different spatial scales in Songhua River Basin and its affecting factors

Gao Yan1, Zhang Yanling1, Jiao Jian2, Xie Yun3

(1.Songliao Water Resources Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, 130021,Changchun, China; 2.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, 100048, Beijing, China; 3. School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, 100875, Beijing, China)

Abstract:[Background] There is widespread concern about the severe soil loss in the black soil region of Northeastern China. To date, however, few studies have examined the relationships between soil loss and sediment yields of different watersheds in this area. In this contribution, we calculated sediment delivery ratios of the suspended load (SDR) for selected watersheds of different sizes to obtain an overview of sedimentation and erosion in this region. [Methods] We chose a total of 36 watersheds of different sizes, small, medium, and large, in the Songhua River Basin for our study. Nineteen of the 36 watersheds were in hilly region, where the altitudes ranged from 200 to 500 m; while the other 17 watersheds were in mountainous region, where the altitudes exceeded 500 m. The SDRof each watershed was the ratio of the sediment yields to the amount of soil loss. We used rainfall and land use data, and remote sensing images to calculate amount of soil loss for the different watersheds, with the adoption of the Chinese Soil Loss Equation (CSLE). We calculated sediment yields for the different watersheds from runoff and sediment yields data from 36 corresponding hydrological stations. [Results] The results indicated that the annual average SDRfor the small watershed was 0.33. The SDRvalues for the medium- and large-scale watersheds ranged from 0.005 to 0.365, and the average was only 0.051. The drainage area (A) and slope of the main channel (SLP) were the two main controls on the SDRvalues in the medium- and large-scale watersheds: SDRdecreased by a power function as A increased, and the relationship for the tested watersheds in the Songhua River Basin was SDR=1.25A-0.41. In the watersheds of the hilly region, this relationship was more obvious, the formula was SDR= 4.01A-0.52. In the mountainous region, SDRincreased as SLPincreased and the relationship was expressed as: SDR= 0.007SLP+0.004; however, this relationship did not apply to the hilly region. The slopes in the hilly region generally had gradients that were less than 5° and the slope lengths varied between 500 and 2 000 m, meaning that the eroded particles were easily deposited at the foot of the slope. The SDRvalues in the Songhua River Basin were clearly lower than those of the Yellow (0.5-1.0) and the Yangtze (0.3-0.7) River Basins. There were sizeable seasonal differences in the values of the SDR. The SDRfor the rainy season in the small watersheds was 0.38 but was only 0.17 in the snowmelt season, probably because the eroded particles transported in the snowmelt season were larger than those transported in the rainy season. [Conclusions] The results of this study will support the establishment of statistical relationships between soil loss and sediment yields at the watershed and basin scale, and will hopefully provide a robust scientific basis for soil conservation in this region.

Keywords:sediment delivery ratio; soil loss; sediment delivery; drainage area; slope of the main channel; the black soil region; Songhua River Basin

收稿日期:2015-07-16修回日期: 2016-01-13

第一作者简介:高燕(1972—),女,硕士,高级工程师。主要研究方向:水土保持监测与规划。 †通信 焦剑(1983—),男,博士,高级工程师。主要研究方向:土壤侵蚀与非点源污染。





项目名称: 国家自然科学基金“北京山区水库水体磷和重金属表观沉降速率研究”(41401560);水利部公益科研项目“典型黑土区坡耕地土壤侵蚀危险程度研究”(201501012)

