李志强,李 涛
(1.上海师范大学 外国语学院,上海 200234;2.朝阳师范高等专科学校,辽宁 朝阳 122000)
(1.上海师范大学 外国语学院,上海 200234;2.朝阳师范高等专科学校,辽宁 朝阳 122000)
在人类思想史上,“心”是与思维和语言密切相关的范畴,早在公元前6世纪的古希腊,人们就已经意识到“心”与理性、情感与行为之间的密切关系,相关词语表征也呈现出多样性,研究古典时期人们对“心”范畴的认知和表述,对深入了解西方语言观具有重要意义。“心”兼有具象和抽象的特征。认知语言学认为,人类在对事物间基本关系的认知基础上构建起一种认知结构,称作意象图式,它是在人类的经验和对事物的理解中形成的联系抽象关系和具体意象的组织结构,是人类理解和认知更复杂概念的一种基本结构。[1-2]概念隐喻(conceptual metaphor)作为一种认知方式,可以分为结构隐喻、实体隐喻和方位隐喻三种。[3]隐喻这种认知方式,是从一个概念域到另一个概念域的映射。[4]203对于“心”这个既有具体意义又有抽象意义的范畴,人们在词语的使用过程中,也会表现出不同的概念隐喻特征。基于此,本文将从认知语言学概念隐喻的视角,对古希腊“心”范畴下的两个词语加以比较研究,探究古希腊时期人们对“心”这一范畴的认知特点。人们在对“心”这个范畴进行认知的过程中,也会体现出上述认知特征。“心”范畴词语的结构隐喻(structural metaphor)就是以具象概念结构来构造“心”这个概念;实体隐喻(ontological metaphor)是用人对物质世界的经验描写“心”这个抽象认知范畴;方位隐喻(orientational metaphor)是根据空间方位描述“心”这个范畴的属性。本文选取古希腊悲剧中的“心”范畴词,从上述角度分析“心”范畴认知特点。
英译文:As for the rest, since your heart is rightly set on action, put your fortune to the test and get to your work at once.
英译文:For he does not wish to appear the bravest, but to be the bravest, as he harvests the fruit of his mind’s deep furrow, where his careful resolutions grow.
英译文:Whether the babbling letters shaped in gold on his shield, together with his mind’s wanderings, will bring him back.
英译文:I have a timely word of advice:arrogance is truly the child of impiety,ut from health of soulcomes happiness,dear to all,much prayed for.
英译文:But again my heart throbs as I hear this pitiful lament. At once I am devoid of hope and my viscera are darkened at the words I hear...
英译文: Speak—but my heart is dancing with fear.
英译文:And yet through all my life my heart is fed with lamentation.
英译文:…my heart would outstrip my tongue and pour forth its fears…
英译文:For my ungoverned wits are whirling me away overmastered,and at my heart fear wishes to sing and dance to a tune of wrath.
英译文:I detect a threat that is a lash upon my heart.
①本文所用语料分别来自perseus.tufts典籍语料库由Herbert Weir Smyth所编译的古希腊语文本和英译本,汉语译文选自陈中梅译《埃斯库罗斯悲剧集》,北京:华夏出版社,2008年版。以下不作专门说明。
[1]M Johnson. The Body in Mind: The Bodily Basis of Meaning. Imagination and Reason[M].Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.
[2]G Lakoff. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind[M].Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1987.
[3]G Lakoff,M.Johnson. Metaphors We Live by[M].Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1980.
[4]G Lakoff,M.Turner. More Than Cool Reason: A Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor[M]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989:203.
[6]H.G Liddle,R Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon[Z].Oxford: Clarendon Press,1996.
[7]吉尔伯特·默雷(Gilbert Murry).古希腊文学史[M].孙席珍,蒋炳贤,郭智石,译.上海:上海译文出版社,1988:230-237.
A Study on the Words of “Heart” in Ancient Greek Period with Cognitive Metaphorical Theory——Based on Aeschylus Tragedies
LI Zhi-qiang1, LI Tao2
(1. Foreign Languages School, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;2. Chaoyang Teachers College, Chaoyang Liaoning 122000, China)
Abstract:In ancient Greek period, there are many words under the category of “heart”, which are of semantic commonalities and differences. This paper makes a comparative study between and , both of which bear the meaning of “heart”, from the cognitive metaphorical view. And it turns out that both these words share the features of ontological and orientational metaphor, while is more characterized with ontological metaphor and is more characterized with structural metaphor. These commonalties and differences can help to reveal the cognitive features of “heart” by people in Ancient Greek period.
Key words:heart; Ancient Greece; conceptual metaphor
[作者简介]李志强(1973- ),男,副教授,博士,从事古代语言学史、英汉对比与翻译研究。