摘 要:阅读能力是一种语言的综合能力。由于其具有特殊的抽象性和综合性,因此,其技巧的培养与一般的能力的培养有很大区别。本文主要从土木工程专业学生大学英语阅读材料的结构和特点及相应的能力要求入手,涉及到培养学生良好的阅读习惯以及各种阅读技能,如:略读、跳读、精读、泛读、快速阅读等方面进行研究,重点强调培养英语泛读和快速阅读的技巧部分。
As is know, reading is one of the essential skills as well as listening, speaking, and writing in English language learning. Learners have regard reading as a key to almost all other skills. At present, with the coming of the New Syllabus, it asks more requirements of learners reading ability. Therefore,Its necessary and helpful to raise learners reading ability. This paper is devoted to make some general comments on it.
2.Some Views of Reading from Linguists
Reading ability is checked as an essential part in English exam. Lets see the proportion of the test patterns in exams.
The University Entrance English Exam
Listening Multiply choice Blank filling Reading Correction Writing
20% 10% 20% 26.7% 6.7% 16.6%
From the charts above, its clear that reading does play a major part in the English exams. Surely speaking, teachers do pay much attention to reading and makes a lot of efforts to it. However, emphasis is laid on the intensive reading.
2.1Two Types of Reading
We always divided reading into two types: intensive reading (IR) and extensive reading (ER). Traditionally, Intensive reading is an accuracy-oriented activity involving reading for details. Extensive reading is a fluency activity. Though IR and ER are different from each other, theres still a close relationship between them. Intensive reading is always dealt with in class.
2.2The Selection of Reading Materials
The reading materials are so various that its a big problem for not only students but also teachers to select the prime materials. How do we deal with this matter? This paper supplies 2 principles as following:
2.2.2.Quality: 1) Authenticity 2) Variety 3) Difficulty
Interest is well known as the guide to study. materials should try to reflect what students need and likes. To be civil engineering specialty students with different age need different materials.For example, to students in the low grade, we can pick up short stories, fairy tales, little jokes and so on.
Quality is very significant to everything, and its the same to reading material. Generally, authenticity is an essential factor in selecting material. With authentic material, we can make students directly get in touch with native English-speaking countries style in the use of language. Texts should be differentiated in style, content and sourceLevels of difficulty of the reading materials are also an important factor that we need to pay attention to.
3.The Development of Students Fast Reading Skills
To help students develop their speed and form a good habit of reading, we suggest training them with 4 fast reading skills as following: predicting, skimming, scanning, guessing vocabulary.
Predicting is an important reading skill. The readers predictions, no matter right or wrong, will get his mind closer to the theme of the text to be read. Then the real reading will either confirm or object the predictions.
Skimming means reading quickly to get the text. Skimming depends on the purpose of reading. When skimming, students dont need to know the details of the reading materials, but only the basic information. The best way is to catch the topic sentence, which shows the general idea. Topic sentences are always the first or second sentence in paragraphs.
Scanning means to do some reading to locate specific information. In this kind of reading, students read nothing except the part that certain information they need. When scanning, teachers can ask students to find the information for questions set by teachers in a limited time, then ask some individual students to answer.
3.4 Guessing Vocabulary
Many people advocate guessing vocabulary during the reading and treat this as an important reading skill. He suggests that when reading, we need to ignore new words such as some adv; adj; descriptive words to scenes, etc.
4.Reading with Multimedia
To reading, the multimedia can provide two most important benefits. First, its informative. Theres numerous and colorful information online. Students can research for reading materials from the Internet quickly and efficiently. Second, it brings more interests. By using multimedia, we can show graphic reading materials both characters and vivid pictures, which can even move at the same time.
In summary, reading plays an important role in English learning. How to improve reading ability and skills is a great task for students. And its meaningful to research this issue. This paper mainly discusses the importance of reading, the necessity of extensive reading, two principles of the selection of reading materials, fast reading skills and multimedia in reading.