【关键词】翻译 一带一路 经济 政治
“计划生育”政策,可以译为family planning policy.例如:在中国,计划生育政策正在自我调整,以更好的适应人民需求和人口发展,因而也就变得更加人性化。In china, the family planning policy is adjusting itself to better suit peoples needs and the population development, and hence it is becoming more humane. “ 独生子女”可以译为The only child in ones family, “独生子女”政策可以译为one-child policy.“单独二胎”政策,可以译为”two-child fertility policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single child family.例如:2014年,我国采取了“单独二胎”政策。In 2014,a two child fertility policy was adopted in our country for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single child family.“二孩政策”可以译为two-child policy。例如:采取二孩政策可以帮助抵消老龄化的趋势。The introduction of a two-child policy can help counterbalance the aging trend.
在中国改革和发展阶段,习主席提出了“一带一路” (One Belt and One Road)指的是 “丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”,是由习近平总书记提出的一个合作发展的理念和倡议,旨在借用古代“丝绸之路”的历史符号,倡导沿线国家和地区,加强政策沟通、道路联通、贸易畅通、货币流通、民心相通,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体。“一带一路”建设秉承的是共商、共建、共享原则,在通路、通航的基础上通商,这样的发展理念得到了沿线各国的积极响应。译为(One Belt and One Road) refers to “the silk road economic belt” and “Marine silk road” in the 21st century, is a cooperative development by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the concept and initiative, to borrow the history of the ancient “silk road” sign, advocating along the countries and regions, strengthen policy unicom communication, road, trade flow, currency, hearts are interlinked, jointly build political mutual trust, economic integration, culture include the interests of the community, fate community and community responsibility. Adhering to the “area” construction is to discuss, and sharing principle, on the basis of the pathway, navigation trade, the development of this idea got along the positive response from country to country.
“无龄感”是近来流行的一个新词,大多数时髦词(vogue word)都属于年轻人,可是这个词却说的是老年人(seniors, elderly people or advanced in age)。一般不宜说成old一词。无龄感不是没有年龄的感觉或感觉不到自己的年龄,也不是幼儿没有时间观念(have no sense of time),而是说老年人并不因为自己年老而忧伤,所以英文应该译为“unconscious of ones aging”生孩子要选最好的产院(maternity hospital)幼儿园小学要上最好的,为的就是害怕孩子输在起跑线上,译为:lose the game at the starting line.在中国,30岁没有结婚就叫“剩女”或“光棍”译为left-over woman or man. 如果35岁还没有孩子,对这个家庭来说就是世界末日(dooms day)。“衣垮身懈”(feel lazy and wear loose/unfitting clothes )。“人生苦短”(life is but a span)。随着中国国力的增强出现了“熔断机制”可以译为:circuit-breaker mechanism。例如:我国将从1月8日起,在股市暂停旨在防止股价自由下跌的熔断机制。译为:China will suspend its circuit-breaker mechanism in the stock markers from January 8,which is designed to stop free-falling prices.