

校园英语·中旬 2016年4期


【Abstract】In this term paper, a thorough research has been made to find out the source and cognitive explanation of the Network term “晒”. As a transliterated word of the English word “share”, the network term“晒” is obviously a loanword. However, if we take the Chinese character “晒” as a metaphor, we can get the same meaning with its network meaning “share”. Therefore, this paper will explain the network term “晒” from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.

【Key words】晒; loanword; cognitive; metaphor

Chapter One Introduction

Nowadays, it is very popular for Chinese young people to “晒xx” on the internet. You can “晒” almost anything on the internet such as your salary, pictures, secrets, tastes etc. On the internet, everyone could become a sharer (晒客). From those popular internet slogans like “今天你晒了吗?” . we can see how powerful the character “晒” is in Chinese word-building.

However, where does this network term “晒” come from? To get an answer for this question, we are going to make an analysis of the popular hypotheses about the source of the term and explain it in the perspective of cognitive linguistics. Then we can get the real meaning of the term, its real source, and how does it associated with cognitive linguistics.

Chapter Two The Meaning and The Source of The Network Term “晒”

2.1 Where does the network term “晒” come from?

With all the definitions given below, we still cannot give a good explanation to the network term “晒”. After a thorough research, I found out that in all those different hypothesis about the source of the network term “晒”,only three of them are persuasive.

2.2.1 The network term “晒” is the transliterated word of “share”.

Nearly 85% of the people support this hypothesis by publishing their opinions through all kinds of media. They call people who share things on the internet “晒客 (sharer)”.

2.2.2 The network term “晒” is loaned from the Cantonese slang “晒命”.

In Cantonese, “晒命” means to constantly or eagerly show off what one is proud of. Therefore “晒” means “炫耀 (to show off)”, which is a little bit negative. Nevertheless, it becomes more and more neutral with the meaning showing things on the internet. Some people believe that this is the origin of the network term “晒”.

Chapter Three The Cognitive Explanation of The Network Term “晒”

As weve mentioned above, we believe that the network term “晒” originates from the transliterated word of the English word “share”. Therefore, in this chapter, by digging up the connotation of the word “share”, we hope that we can get a better understanding of the network term “晒”.

3.1 The related theories

Before we get back to the main point, we should take a preview of the related theories—metaphor and metonymy.

3.1.1 Metaphor

In order to get a better understanding of the theory metaphor, I list out several versions of the definition of metaphor as follows:

a)“A word or phrase used to describe sb/sth else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful。”

b)“Metaphor is or was also occasionally used to denote rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison or resemblance (e.g., antithesis, hyperbole, metonymy and simile, which are then all considered types of metaphor).”

3.1.2 Metonymy

a)“The act of referring to sth by the name of sth else that is closely connected with it, for example using the White House for the US president.” (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 7th Edition)

b)“Metonymy is a figure of speech used in rhetoric in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept.

3.2 The cognitive explanation of the network term “晒”

Since the network term “晒” is the transliterated word of “share”, based on the definitions of “share”, we can define the network term “晒” as “分享,共享” in Chinese.

By simulating the generative process of the phrase “晒工资”, we can get a cognitive explanation of the network term “晒”. Shu Dingfang (2000) used to say that people always borrow the words they know to substitute those new things which resemble the things whose name they borrowed in shape or function.

However, we have to give this collocation a reasonable explanation in our communication. Lakoff & Johnson (1980) used to say that metaphor is not just about language, its also about thought and mind, and it is everywhere in our life. Therefore, we could use metaphor to give a reasonable explanation to the phrase “晒工资”.




