

计算机应用 2016年5期

李向军 刘成林 刘飞

摘要:针对由一阶自主体和二阶自主体构成的异构多自主体系统的静态群一致性问题,分别提出了在固定连接拓扑和切换连接拓扑结构下的静态群一致性算法。通过构造LyapunovKrasovskii 函数,得到了系统在具有相同时变通信时延的群一致性算法作用下渐近收敛群一致的充分条件,并以线性矩阵不等式表示。最后,仿真结果表明, 所提算法在满足一定条件下能使时延异构多自主体系统渐近收敛群一致。


中图分类号:TP273 文献标志码:A

Abstract:Concerning the stationary group consensus problem for the heterogeneous multiAgent systems, which are composed of firstorder Agents and secondorder Agents, two stationary group consensus protocols were proposed under fixed interconnection topology and switching interconnection topologies respectively. By constructing LyapunovKrasovskii functions, the sufficient conditions, which are formulated as linear matrix inequalities, were obtained for the system converging to the group consensus asymptotically under the group consensus algorithm with identical timevarying communication delay. Finally, the simulation results show that the heterogeneous multiAgent systems with time delay converg to the group consensus asymptotically under certain conditions.

Key words:heterogeneous multiAgent systems; group consensus; timevarying communication delay; switching topologies

0 引言








注1 在本文中,因为允许连接权值为负值,所以Laplacian矩阵并不是对角占优矩阵。与现有文献[1-10]不同,不能保证Laplacian矩阵所有非零特征值均具有正实部。当连接拓扑连通且每个子群都连通时,Yi等[21]给出子群数目与Laplacian矩阵的关系,即子群数目与Laplacian矩阵零特征根的重数相同。


假设2 L有且仅有两个零特征值且其余特征值均具有正实部。

2.2 切换连接拓扑

选取N个对应不同连接拓扑图的时间段,在每个时间段上对V(t)求导,并利用引理1和引理2进行放大,其过程与定理1的证明过程类似,从略, 因此,若不等式组(13)和不等式(14)成立,则系统(12)渐近稳定,即异构多自主体系统(11)将渐近收敛至群一致状态。

注2 若通信时延τ(t)满足假设4,即通信时延导数上限大于1或者未知时,能用和推论1相同的方法得到异构多自主体系统在切换拓扑结构下渐近收敛群一致的充分条件。

3 仿真结果


例1 固定拓扑结构下的群一致性收敛。

考察5个自主体构成的异构多自主体系统(4),假设含有两个子群,其中二阶自主体1、2、3组成一个子群,一阶自主体4和5组成一个子群。各自主体的初始状态随机产生。 连接拓扑图G如图2所示,连接权值为a12=3,a13=1,a14=-1,a15=1,a24=1,a25=-1,a45=2,则系统的Laplacian矩阵L的特征值为:0,0,1.2984,3,7.7016,进而假设1和2满足。在群一致性算法(3)中,选择控制增益为k=1,通信时延为τ(t)=0.3|sin (t)|,其满足假设3,即通信时延导数小于1。通过用Matlab中的线性矩阵不等式工具箱验证,存在正定矩阵P、Q、R、Z满足线性矩阵不等式(6)和(7),其Simulink仿真结果如图3所示。选择通信时延:τ(t)=0.3|sin (10t)|,其满足假设4,即时延导数上限大于1或者未知,其Simulink仿真结果如图4所示。


例2 切换拓扑结构下的群一致性收敛。

假设异构多自主体系统(11)由5个自主体组成,其含有两个子群,其中二阶自主体1、2、3组成一个子群,一阶自主体4和5组成一个子群,且各自主体的初始状态随机产生。 不失一般性,考虑异构多自主体系统(11)的连接拓扑在图2和图5中的G、G1之间周期切换,切换周期T=1s。连接拓扑G1的连接权值为:a12=3,a13=1,a14=2,a15=-2,a24=-1,a25=1,a34=-1,a35=1,a45=3,则系统的Laplace矩阵L的特征值为:0,0,0.9050,3.4297,9.6653,假设1和2条件满足。选择控制增益k=1,通信时延选为τ(t)=0.5|sin (t)|,其满足假设3,即通信时延导数小于1。通过用Matlab中的线性矩阵不等式工具箱验证,存在正定矩阵P、Q、R、Z满足线性矩阵不等式组(13)和(14),其Simulink仿真结果如图6所示。选择通信时延:τ(t)=0.5|sin (10t)|,其满足假设 4,即时延导数上限大于1或者未知,其Simulink仿真结果如图7所示,将切换周期改为T=0.1s,其Simulink仿真结果如图8所示。

4 结语



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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61473138, 61104092, 61134007), the National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK20151130).

LI Xiangjun, born in 1989, M. S. candidate. His research interest includes couplegroup consensus control of multiAgent systems.

LIU Chenglin, born in 1981, Ph. D., associate professor. His research interests include decentralized coordinated control of multiAgent systems, nonlinear control.

LIU Fei, born in 1965, Ph. D., professor. His research interests include advanced control, integrated automation industrial process.