袁浩然 廖艳芬 汪小憨 王小波
摘 要:我国可燃固体废弃物热处置过程中污染物的排放控制基本停留在过程和末端处理水平,导致固体废弃物焚烧处理为“先生成、后治理和控制”,导致诸多问题。 由于可燃固体废弃物是多尺度跨度大、成份复杂多变的复杂混合物,具有组分复杂多变、含水率高、热值变化幅度大等特点。目前利用较多的可燃固废的直接焚烧处理导致燃烧不充分、效率低、二次污染严重等问题,因此针对可燃固废多形态(固态、液态、气态)高值化转化再利用技术日益受到关注。开展此类研究需要针对我国可燃固废高含水率、组分复杂、尺度变化大、热值多变的特点,研究热化学、机械、干化、不同成分配比调质等源头调质模式,分析预处理工艺的系统节能以及多形态高值化产物的二次污染排放问题,探索低能耗、低排放、高值化转化的方法和途径。 本研究从可燃固废源头多形态(固态、液态、气态)高值化及控污入手,开展可燃固废源头多形态热转化调质、污染物源头富集表征、生物化学法污染物源头控制、各元素交替影响规律等系列研究,以期建立各类形态下高值化产物的净化调质方法,获得可燃固体废弃物多形态高值化产物中污染物的富集表征和交互影响规律,从而探索出可燃固体废弃物的源头控污机制,为近零排放能源化利用提供支撑。
关键词:可燃固废 高值化 预处理 控污
Abstract:Emission control of contaminants during combustible solid waste thermal disposal stays at process and end treatment levels, resulting in solid waste incineration as “early production, later governance and control” issue in our country. Combustible solid waste is a complex mixture of multi-scale, which is usually characterized by variable components, high moisture, high degree of heat value variability and so on. Currently direct incineration of combustible solid waste causes incomplete combustion, low efficiency, secondary pollution and the other issues. Therefore, much research has been being focused on the polymorphic (solid, liquid, gas) high-value conversion and recycling technologies of combustible solid waste. And such research concentrates on characteristics of combustible solid waste, such as high moisture, complex components, high degree of heat value variability and so on. Source-quenched mode research mainly aims at thermal chemical, mechanical, drying, different composition ratio quenching and so on. Energy saving in pretreatment system and secondary pollution emission of multi-form high-value products would be analyzed systematically. And ways and means of low-power, low-emission, high-value conversion must be explored. This project proceeds from the polymorphic (solid, liquid, gas) high-value conversion and pollution control disposal of combustible solid waste. A series of studies will be developed on polymorphic and quenching of combustible solid waste thermal conversion, enrichment characterization of pollutants sources, biochemical control of pollution sources and each element alternating influence rule. Therefore, high-value products quenched purification methods would be established, enrichment characterization of pollutants in enrichment characterization and interact influence rules for combustible solid waste would be obtained, thereby pollution source control mechanisms of combustible solid waste would be explored. And finally the project would provide support for near-zero emission energy utilization.
Key word:Combustible solid waste; high value; pretreatment; pollution control