

高中生学习·高二版 2016年9期


答 1. it和that都可用来代替物质名词和抽象名词,而one则不能。这时it指同一事物,而that只能指同类事物。

①There is air all around us, though we cant see it.

②His attitude to us is that of a comrade.

③Your question is one of great importance.

句①it指代同一air。句②that指代attitude,His attitude与the attitude of a comrade是同一类的。句③one指代可数名词question。

2. it, that, one都可用于代替可数名词。that和one只是代表上文提到的某一个名词,不一定代表同一事物。其中one表示泛指,意为“a/an+可数名词”;that表示特指,意为“the+名词”;it也表示特指,但它代表上文提到的名词时,是指同一个事物。

①—Do you need my pencil ?

—No, thanks. I have got one myself.

② —Where is my book?

—I have lost it.


3. one前面可有冠词、代词、形容词修饰,后面可有介词短语、定语从句修饰,而it和that前面则不能。one的复数形式为ones.

I dont want a new car. I want a second-hand one.

The book is one about English study.

Our era is one in which a great number of heroes emerge.

—Which book would you like — this one or that one?

—Either one is fine.

Here are two pens. Which one do you prefer ?

—This is very beautiful.

—Yes, at least it is no worse than the one I bought last week.

Modern farms are larger than old-time ones.

In Britain the villages are becoming small towns and the small towns large ones.

4. it和that可用来代替前面整个句子的意思,而one则不能。

I would like to give him a hand. It is my duty.

During the next ten years we both worked night and day. That is why you see this old woman before you now.

5. 在比较状语从句中,一般用that代替不可数名词。若是特指的单数可数名词,用that one;若是特指的复数名词,则用those代替。

The population of China is much larger than that of Japan.

No bread eaten by man is so sweet as that earned by his own labour.

We like this computer better than that one.

The people in this place are more hardworking than those in that place.


答:1. cause:cause sb. to do sth.;force:force sb. to do sth.; oblige:oblige sb. to do sth.(oblige指法律,条约,合同等必须做某事的意思);land:land sb. in ... ( Ill land you safe in Liverpool.)

2. lead: lead sb. to do sth. (What led you to think so? 是什么使你这么想的?)

而lead sb. in doing sth.表示“领导某人/带领某人做某事”。(The Party leads us in carrying out reform and opening up.)

3. drive

drive sb.+adj. 如:The loud noise have driven us mad.

drive sb. to do sth. (The challenges from nature have driven man to long more to know it. 大自然的挑战使人类更想了解它。)

drive sb.+介词短语(The men drove the young man to the wall. 这几个人把这青年人逼得走投无路。)

4. send

send sb. doing sth. (The slightest touch will send us floating away from in the opposite direction in out space.)

send sb.+介词短语(The failure sent him into discouragement.)

而send sb. to do sth.是“派某人做某事”的意思。

5. set;set sb. to do sth.

set sb. doing sth. (The inspiring words by Mr. Smith set all cheering. 史密斯先生鼓舞人心的话使大家都高兴了起来。)

6. place/put/lay sb. in/into ... 使人处于的……地位(The victory in the contest placed our team in a favourable position.)

7. bring

bring sb./sth+介词短语(The well-known doctor brought the dying man back to life./The joke brought the class into laughter./We must bring the disorder under control.)

8. cost

cost sb. sth. 使人遭受……损失;使人赔了……本(The failure in the contest cost us the first place held for 10 years.)


9. interest sb. in ...; excite sb. ...; astonish sb. ...; move sb. ...; amuse sb. ...; surprise sb. ... 等表示心理状态的动词都有使役意义“使人……;令人……”。

no more than 与no more ... than的区别在哪里?

答:1. no more than或not any more than两者的意思均为“只有;仅仅;不过(=only; just)”,前者多用于书面语,后者常用于口语。

Abraham Lincolns whole school education added up to no more than one year. 亚伯拉罕·林肯所受的全部学校教育总共不过一年的时间。

no less than意为“不少于;不下于……之多;多达……”。

In that battle, we wiped out no less than twenty thousand enemies. 在那一次战役中,我们消灭的敌人不下20000人。

2. no more ... than或not ... any more than意思为“和……一样地不……”,表示两者都否定,但说话人往往着重否定前面的一个分句,其作用相当于“neither ... nor”。

Marry is no more diligent than Tom. = Neither Mary nor Tom is diligent. 玛丽和汤姆两个人都不勤奋。


We can no more leave the Party than fish can leave water. 我们不能离开党,正如鱼儿离不开水一样。

no less ... than意为“(至少)和……一样”。

He is no less active than he used to. 他和以前一样活跃。


答:1. much less, still less, far less, let alone等短语常译作“更不用说”,但其含义是“更加不如”,强调对另一件事加以强烈的否定,故常用于否定句中。

I am not interested in her, still less in love with her.

We have not seen him, let alone talked with him.

No other country accepted the proposal, much less acted upon it. (更不用说执行了。)

I do not spoil my books, far less tear them. (更不用说撕毁了。)

2. Much more, still more等短语也常译作“更不用说”,但其含义是“远远超过”,表示的语意程度较前加强,更加肯定另一件事,故常用于肯定句中。

It is difficult to understand his book, much more his lectures.

They are willing to welcome a stranger, still more a friend.

3. to say nothing of, not to speak of, not to mention, without mentioning等短语也译作“更不用说”。但它们用途广泛,既可以用于肯定句,又可以用于否定句,注意其后应接名词或动名词。

He cannot operate the machine, not to speak of repairing it.

The boy has not learned arithmetic, not to mention algebrac(代数).

Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness(失落), to say nothing of financial problems. (更不用说带来财政困难了。)



1. 表示递进:and, and then, also, besides, in addition, moreover, one more, once more, and moreover, whats more,even, what was worse ...

2. 表示转折:but, however, yet, and yet, although, in spite of, in the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise ...

3. 表示结果:so, therefore, thus, as a result, luckily unfortunately, because of, seeing that ...

4. 表示时间:now, then, afterwards, later, soon, before long, after that, shortly after that, soon after that, up till now, just now, just then, five minutes later, so far, to this day ...


1. 表示列举、说明:for example,for instance, such as, that is to say, actually, according to this, believe it or not, to tell you the truth, and so on, in addition ...

2. 表示时间、动作过程或时间顺序:first, firstly, first of all, second, secondly, far, above, below, near, beside, to the right, on one side ...

3. 表示比较、对比:just like, just as, in the same way, on the contrary, on the other hands, more or less, sooner or later, similarly ...

4. 表示强调:above all, after all, at least, at most, indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, without any delay, of course ...

5. 表示结论:finally, at last, in the end, in a word, in general, generally speaking, in short, as you know, in conclusion ...


White Elephant