河南大学,数学与统计学院,应用数学研究所,开封 475004
刘志广,张丰盘.有色环境噪音对空间异质种群动态同步性的影响.生态学报,2016,36(2): 360-368.
Liu Z G,Zhang F P.Effects of colored environmental noise on the spatial synchrony of heterogeneous population dynamics.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(2): 360-368.
在生态文献中,对空间同步性的解释主要有3种[10]: Moran效应、扩散和游荡的捕食者。在这里主要讨论分析第一种。早在1953年,Moran首先提出了如果两个种群有相同的线性依赖结构,则种群的空间相关性(即同步性)等于环境噪音的空间相关性,并且认为空间相关的环境噪音是导致种群同步性波动的原因[11]。然而,这一工作直到1992年才引起了生态学家的重视,并被称作“Moran定理”,而把不严格满足定理条件的其他情形下环境波动的同步作用称为“Moran效应”[12]。此后,有大量的理论和实验工作来验证“Moran效应”的效用,并且用它来解释在各种各样的生物系统中观察到的同步性现象。
1 模型
式中,α(0≤α<1)是自回归参数,反应环境变化时间序列的时间自相关性,即环境噪音的颜色。当α= 0,时间序列是白色噪音;当0<α<1,时间序列是红色噪音,α值增加表示颜色变红。εt和ωt是均值为0方差为σ的标准白噪音过程。易知Corr(ξt,ζt)= Corr(εt,ωt)。
2 结果
对系统(1)两边运用算子(1-αB)(其中B是后退时间算子: But+1= ut)有:
式中,称DC为空间同步性的统计部分,则种群的空间同步性等于统计部分和环境噪音的空间相关性的乘积。容易知道,如果φ1=ψ1,φ1=ψ1,α= 0,则有Corr(X,Y)= Corr(ξ,ζ),也就是Moran定理。而当φ1=ψ1,φ1= ψ1,0<α<1,则Corr(X,Y)= Corr(ξ,ζ)。也就是说,具有相同结构的两种群,在有色噪音的情况下,Moran定理依然成立。但当两个种群的密度依赖结构不相同时,即具有异质性的种群动态时,空间同步性不再仅依赖于环境噪音的相关性,同时还依赖于两种群的动态参数和环境噪音的颜色值。下面分析DC如何依赖于种群动态参数φ1,φ2,ψ1,ψ2和噪音颜色参数α。因此,在参数空间构造3个新的组合参数:(1)两种群间的欧式距离D,D2=(φ1-ψ1)2+(φ2-ψ2)2;(2)重心B(两种群的平均动态),B =[(φ1+ψ1)/2,(φ2+ψ2)/2];(3)连接两种群间的直线与AR(1)轴的夹角A,cos(A)=(ψ1-φ1)/D。
固定α= 0.2,D = 0.275。如果种群只在AR(1)参数上不同(A = 0),DC呈现出离心的模式(图1a):在参数空间中,随着两种群的重心接近定义AR2过程平稳性的三角形的边缘,两个种群不稳定性的乘积增加[17],但空间同步性降低。如果种群只在AR(2)参数上不同(A =π),具有相似的模式。当种群在AR(1)和AR(2)参数都不同时,观察到一个不同的模式。DC的最高值不再位于(0,0)附近,而是向左转移(0<A<π/2,图1b)或者向右转移(π/2<A<π,图1c)。这些结果与Hugueny得到的结果类似[17],而他采用的是相关的白噪音。也就说,环境噪音时间相关性较小时,A和B对同步性影响的规律基本不变。但是当α值较大时,这些模式也要发生变化,观察不到清晰的模式(这里没有作图)。
图1 两个二阶自回归种群动态的空间同步性的统计部分(DC)值的等高线图形Fig.1 Level plot of the demographic component of spatial synchrony(DC)between populations governed by second order autoregressive dynamics一阶和二阶自回归系数所构成的参数平面上(AR(1)—AR(2))的点表示两种群的平均动态,其它参数值固定,D=0.275
图2 空间同步性的统计部分(DC)值的等高线图,以环境噪音颜α和两种群动态参数的欧式距离D为函数Fig.2 Contour of the demographic component of spatial synchrony,as a function of the environmental noise color and the Euclidean distance between populations in parameter plane
下面让重心B和夹角A固定,从而研究DC与环境噪音颜色α和欧式距离D的关系。图2和3表明随着D的增加,同步性减小。图2a表明如果两个种群仅在一阶自回归系数上有差别(A = 0),随着环境噪音颜色系数的增加,同步性下降。但是如果两个种群仅在二阶自回归系数上有差别(A =π/2),随着噪音颜色的增加,同步性增加(图2b,e)。当种群在AR(1)和AR(2)参数都不同时,当0<A<π/2,观察到的模式与A = 0时类似(图2c,f)。当π/2<A<π,观察到的模式与A =π/2时类似。而当重心的位置发生改变时,环境噪音的颜色对同步性的影响规律也相应的发生了变化(图3)。总之,环境噪音颜色对同步性的影响没有一致性的结论,它依赖于两种群参数间的夹角A和重心B的值。
图3 在参数平面上具有不同的平均种群动态Fig.3 Different average location of populations in parameter plane
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对于有色噪音ξt+1=αξt+1+βεt(其中εt独立同分布)。运用算子(1-αB)(其中B是向后时间算子,即But+1= ut)到方程1,且利用关系式(1-αB)ξt+1=εt,则有:
而B1,B2是AR(3)过程,根据附录A和Corr(ξt,ζt)= Corr(εt,ωt),有:
Effects of colored environmental noise on the spatial synchrony of heterogeneous population dynamics
LIU Zhiguang*,ZHANG Fengpan
Institute of Applied Mathematics,School of Mathematics and Information Sciences,Henan University,Kaifeng 475004,China
Abstract:Spatial synchrony of oscillating populations has been observed in various ecological systems,and identifying its causes has attracted the interest of ecologists.The synchrony of a spatial population has been shown to be detrimental to its persistence because all local populations may go extinct simultaneously.Previous studies have shown that three main hypotheses can explain this phenomenon.First,it may be due to synchronous environmental forcing—the so-called Moran effect or Moran theorem.Second,migration or dispersal of individuals is liable to cause population synchrony,and third,nomadic predators have been proposed as a synchronizing mechanism.In this paper,we focus on the first explanation.
Moran's theorem suggests that if two(or more)populations sharing a common linear density-dependence in the renewal process are disturbed with correlated noise,they will become synchronized with a correlation that matches the noise correlation.Four conditions are needed for the Moran theorem to be applicable: linear density-dependence structure,identical density dependence structure,no dynamical coupling,and spatially correlated white environmental noise.However,there is mounting evidence that population dynamics may differ geographically within a given species.Moreover,various climatic variables in nature are known to demonstrate positive temporal autocorrelation.These violate the assumptions that the dynamics of the populations are identical and environmental noise is white.Therefore,the classical Moran theoremneeds to be extended to cope with these situations.
In this paper,we make the assumption that population dynamics can be described by linear and stationary autoregressive processes,and that they are affected by spatially correlated colored environmental noise.The noise color refers to the temporal correlation in the time series data of the environmental noise and is expressed as the degree of(firstorder)autocorrelation for autoregressive noise.The level of synchrony can be measured as the correlation between two populations.We show that(1)the observed spatial synchrony between two populations can be split into two multiplicative components: the demographic component that depends on the values of the autoregressive coefficients and the environmental noise color,and the correlation of the environmental noise.The Moran theorem still holds in spatial synchrony accounted for by the correlated red noise between homogeneous populations described by linear processes.(2)Spatial variability in population dynamics may substantially contribute to the spatial variability of population synchrony.However,it is complex.No obvious connection is found between the values of the autoregressive coefficients and the demographic component of spatial synchrony.(3)The synchronizing potential of correlated red noise has two characteristics: the correlation between red noises can contribute to the spatial synchrony,and the coefficient of noise color can contribute to the spatial synchrony by affecting the density dependent structure of population dynamics.However,we cannot obtain a discernible pattern between the demographic component of spatial synchrony and the environmental noise color.Environmental noise color intensifies or diminishes the Moran effect when population dynamics are spatially heterogeneous,and this effect depends strongly on the values of the three new combined parameters that we consider in this paper.These results should improve our understanding of the mechanism underlying population synchrony.They should also help develop conservation management plans and improve the control of pest species.
Key Words:moran effect; heterogeneous dynamics; colored noise; spatial synchrony; second-order autoregressive process
Corresponding author.E-mail: liuzhiguang@ henu.edu.cn
收稿日期:2013-06-07;网络出版日期: 2015-06-10